
Chapter 12

_Rizzio._ Or wrapped in lies is hidden here for her?

By the very G.o.d of the world, I say---- (_With restraint._) But ... no!

_Aloysius._ And "no" until you trust it! For her fate Is not as you suppose.

_Rizzio._ Nor his? Nor he!

This bigot whose religion"s lechery?

This monk to whom licentiousness is G.o.d?

This monster I illimitably loathe?

[_Searching as he speaks._

I say that he is here; that I will find him; That, I have tracked him to you, and ... (_suddenly_) Aha!

[_Discovers Matteo under image._

Aha! from Naples he is gone? from Naples?

[_Drawing Matteo forth._

But leaves his shadow here?

_Matteo_ (_terrified_). Signor! Signor!


_Rizzio._ From Naples he is sped, but at the feet Of the Virgin he adores drops this devotion?

[_Slowly, terribly._

Unpitiable toad--of filth begotten!

Pander who should go down into the Pit And be the go-between of burning l.u.s.ts, Where lurks he?

_Matteo._ Signor! (_chokes_) Signor! I will show.

You shall have all; but let me live, Signor.

I have a father crippled who would starve But for the gold I get....

And she, Signora Porzia"s innocent.

_Rizzio._ And virgin too! with that obliteration You"ll clothe her! Heaven"s Queen, do I not know What Nature and conception are!

_Aloysius_ (_trembling_). Ai, so!

And of them there is no denial here.

That she has given birth, herself has told you, Herself.... The child _was_ hers, but----

_Rizzio._ Born of miracles And of imaginations and of dreams?

Is this Judea And a day divine, Not Italy and unregeneration, Where G.o.d deputes the world to Borgias?

The father of it was he--he and no other!

_Aloysius._ But in her innocence she--

_Rizzio._ Yielded! Yielded!

And clung to him as the harlot moon to earth.

_Aloysius._ No, no!

_Rizzio._ Thro nights and nights!

_Aloysius._ Never; but duped And unaware she took his arms for yours, Believed, tho by yon moon, I know not how, Unless she was entranced, That you had come to meet her in the bower, And----

MARINA _enters suddenly terrified_

_Marina._ Signor! Signor Aloysius! O quick!

O come to her! She has arisen!

_Aloysius._ Risen!

_Marina._ O, in her sleep! and will not to her bed Return, but says with eyes empty of sight That it is time----

_Aloysius._ For what?

_Marina_ (_hesitant, distressed_). To ... meet him in The bower!

_Aloysius_ (_quickly_). I will come to her.

_Rizzio_ (_burningly_). Ah! ah!

[_Starts before him._

And drug her now with opiates to prevent her?

Or waken her and bid her to deny?

Did I not deem it? and will you feign further?

Did I not say that Osio is here?

There in the bower is he, there! and she Has planned to meet him.

_Marina._ Signor! no! no, no!

"Tis you that she would meet!

_Rizzio._ And not this croucher,

[_Of Matteo._

Who is alone and purposeless? not he?

Nor him he pledges craven to reveal?

_Marina._ O, Signor, no!

_Rizzio._ Lies! and a world of lies!

[_His words writhing._

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