
Chapter 13

And now you shall not hold her: she shall come: Shall go into the bower. She shall take him Before your very breath unto her breast.

_Marina._ But, Signor, she is asleep.

_Rizzio._ Go, lead her.

_Marina._ She Knows not what she is doing!

_Rizzio._ She shall learn!

_Marina._ O Signor, no, no, no!

_Rizzio._ I tell you, then,

[_Starting toward house._

That truth is still my star, and that no shrinking Shall stay me, tho all night contains would quench it.

[_Is near door, when Porzia herself like a wraith appears--and at the same time Osio is seen in the entrance to bower.

Before Porzia"s sleep-fixed eyes Rizzio falls back: her somnambulant speech breaks faintly._

_Porzia._ The night is as a spell. No more of physic.

Return unto your couch. The Inquisition?

To take him? from his very nuptials take him?

He is no bigamist, Monsignor Querio.


Yes, Rizzio, at midnight!... Yes.--Ever The arms of Osio round me instead!

This choking shroud of fever that defiles!

[_Moans, trying to throw it off._

But, peace; the child will wake. My little one, My baby!... lift the candle to its face.

[_Again moaning._

O that is Osio, not Rizzio, I see within its eyes! Yet do not kill him, No, Rizzio, do not kill him, tho he is Your brother and has done it: I have borne Too much and they would prison you again.

Or if they did not, still the stars we love Must not turn into ... drops of b.l.o.o.d.y vengeance!-- But, peace to this! (_moves forward_) for it is time to meet him.

_Marina_ (_withholdingly_). Signora!

_Porzia._ Time to meet him in the bower.

[_Is nearing it._

For now he is returned and all the night Is like a spell to draw my soul unto him.

[_With Os...o...b..fore her._

Yes, Rizzio, I come; you see, I ... I ...

[_Is reaching her arms to him when a shudder takes her. Her hand goes up to her brow and her gaze wanly flutters. Then suddenly her trance breaks and she shrinks screaming._

It is not he! not Rizzio! Not he!

Marina! Bianca! Help! not he! help; help!

[_Sinks wildly back to the seat._

_Marina_ (_who runs to her_). Signora, no! not he! not he! but we Are here and he is come and you shall see him.


See, you have dreamed!...

_Aloysius_ (_by her_). And have awakened, Porzia, Awakened from imaginings and terrors; For you are ill....

_Marina._ And knew not what you did!...

But now look round you and all shall be well.

[_She looks and, finding Rizzio, rises again bewildered._

_Marina_ (_who understands_). It now is he, Signora; do not fear.

_Porzia._ Rizzio! Rizzio! Rizzio!

_Rizzio._ Porzia!

[_He sobs._

_Porzia._ O, is it dreams? I pray do not deceive me.

I think that it is he, but O so many My thoughts have been and full of pain to me That truth shall never more, alas, be true, Or trust be ever utter trust again Till peace has come to me as pure as that To earth, from the rainbow"s woven amulet Upon the brow of G.o.d--peace wed to kindness.

And to deceive me now were less than kind!

_Rizzio._ My Porzia! (_Falls weeping at her feet._) Deceit at last is o"er!

And not he, even he, who wrought this wrong And who would forge that rainbow into fetters, Till I could wish The eternal tooth of pain And of remorse should tear him--not he, now,

[_Rising; to Osio._

Shall turn my heart from love unto revenge.

But "pagan" tho I be, I bid him go!

[_Points to gate, and Osio tortured, flings it open--and goes.

Then when Matteo has followed, Rizzio turns tenderly to Porzia. The horror falls from her as he folds her finally to him--while the moon that had clouded, shines on them bright and still._


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