Power and Wealth

Chapter 456 – Li Hong is dead!

Chapter 456 – Li Hong is dead!


Morning. The moment Dong Xuebing arrives at the Investment Promotion Agency, he asked Guo Panwei to notify all the department heads to go for a meeting.

Deputy Chief Sun Shuli, Deputy Chief Lui Dafa, Office Director Luo Haiting, Lin Pingping, and Jiang Hailiang are all present in the small meeting room.

Guo Panwei is seated at the back to record the meeting minutes.

Dong Xuebing looks at them. “All of you should know that the County has approved us to hold an investment fair. Mayor Xie will be the head organizer, and our Investment Promotion Agency will be doing all the preparations and planning. The funds will be in today, and the fair will be held on Labor Day. There’s not much time left, and I hope you all will work hard to make this fair a success. I promised the County Government that we would get at least 150 million RMB worth of investments from this fair. I believe we can achieve this target if we work hard. We must show the County what our Agency is capable of!”

150 million RMB?!

The Investment Promotion Agency will be doing all the planning and preparations?!

Everyone looks at each other and felt stressed.

It is normal for them to feel the pressure, but they will get more authority too. The Investment Promotion Agency is a department overlooked by the County Government. They have no funds, no manpower, and no authority. Anyone with connections will choose to go to the Health Department than the Investment Promotion Agency. But after Dong Xuebing took over the Agency, everything changed. They got the funds, new cars, and authority. Other than Lui Dafa, everyone is looking forward to this investment fair.

The authority to command other departments?! The Investment Promotion Agency has never been so well-regarded before Chief Dong. The investment fairs in the past are all planned by the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor. The County is willing to give them free reins is because they trust in Chief Dong.

After making this announcement, Dong Xuebing said. “I will a.s.sign the tasks now.”

Everyone looks at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing looks at them. “Director Luo, you will prepare the lodging, food, promotion materials, air, and train tickets, coordinate with the County’s guesthouse to get better accommodation for the investors. I will not speak or care about the requirements. You can decide by yourself.” He is giving Luo Haiting lots of authority. She will be deciding which hotel to use, and even the County’s Guesthouse department cannot interfere.

Dong Xuebing has always taken care of his people.

Furthermore, Sister Luo might always be skiving, but she is quite capable when she puts her heart into it.

Jiang Hailiang and Sun Shuli looked at Luo Haiting with weird looks. Since Dong Xuebing arrived at the Investment Promotion Agency, the flirtatious Director Luo has been given more powers. Her status within the Agency is now higher than Sun Shuli.

The most frustrated person is Lui Dafa. He has suppressed Luo Haiting for many years and had almost taken away all of her power. But after he lost the Chief’s position to Dong Xuebing, his powers were all taken away, and Luo Haiting, who only knows how to doll up, has been given more authority. How can he feel balanced?

Luo Haiting felt uncomfortable with so many people looking at her, but she still smiled. “I will complete this task.

Dong Xuebing has been siding with her again and again, and even she feels embarra.s.sed.

Dong Xuebing continued to give out the task to Sun Shuli, Lin Pingping, and the rest. They must plan the site inspection routes for their project. They must also contact the investors to attend this fair. If only three or five investors appear for this fair, it will be too disappointing. He wants to have at least thirty investors, and this task was given to Lin Pingping and Jiang Hailiang. They are the ones who are always interacting with investors and know a lot of people. He looks at Lui Dafa, who had been very quiet in the past two months, and gave him some unimportant tasks.

The meeting ended.

The Investment Promotion Agency suddenly become busy.

Dong Xuebing is also very busy in his office doing all the planning.

One hour…

Three hours…

Five hours…

After working hard for the whole day, it’s time to knock off.

But the investment fair is only a few days away, and Dong Xuebing asked Guo Panwei to notify everyone to stay back. He also did not go back and went to inspect the various offices.

When Dong Xuebing walked past Lui Dafa’s office, he heard shoutings.

“Who asked you to come?”

“Our son is in the hospital, and I cannot get you through your phone! How can I not come over?!”

“Alright! I know!”

It’s Lui Dafa and his wife, Li Hong. They quarreled for a while, and Li Hong stormed out from his office.

Dong Xuebing was along the corridor when she came out.

Li Hong’s face turned pale when she saw Dong Xuebing. She is in this plight because of Dong Xuebing. Her son, Lui Xiaolei, was disfigured by Yu Qianqian, and her photographs of her having an affair with Lui Dacai were sent to the Agency. She doesn’t even know how she survived the past two months. She felt everyone is laughing and looking down at her. Lui Dafa almost divorced her, and their relations.h.i.+p soured. How can she not be angry when she saw Dong Xuebing now?!

“Dong Xuebing!” Li Hong cannot control her anger. “You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

Dong Xuebing’s face changed. “Watch your mouth! This is not a place for you to go crazy!”

“I want to scold you! What can you do?! Huh?! What can you do to me?!”

This is a workplace, and Dong Xuebing does not want to argue or quarrel with a crazy woman. He continued walking away.

Li Hong saw Dong Xuebing ignoring her and continued scolding him loudly.

Dong Xuebing hates Li Hong. She had disfigured Sister Yu, and her face might not recover if she had not gone overseas for skin grafting. This shameless woman even has an affair with her brother-in-law and still dares to create a scene here?! This is too disgraceful! Dong Xuebing didn’t want to speak with her and took out his phone to call the security.

Before Dong Xuebing reaches the end of the corridor, he heard Lui Dafa shouting. “Go home now!”

Lui Dafa has been staying low and tolerating everything in the past two months is not because he had admitted defeat. He is waiting for an opportunity to make a comeback. That’s why he had been avoiding Dong Xuebing. News of his wife’s affair had spread within the Agency, and Li Hong creating a scene now is embarra.s.sing him further. He regrets marrying this woman. If it weren’t for her, he would not be in this situation.

6.30 pm.

Dong Xuebing informed the various departments to ask them to go home, and he drove the Santana out of the Agency. They are a Government Department and not a private company. That’s why he cannot make them stay back too late.

Dong Xuebing is in a bad mood because of Li Hong, and he called Xie Huilan while driving.

“h.e.l.lo, Huilan. Do I have the honor to have dinner with you?”

“Haha… I had just eaten.”

“You have just eaten? With who? Why did you have dinner so early today?”

Xie Huilan smiled. “You will be unhappy if I tell you. So, I am not going to tell you.”

It’s fine if Xie Huilan did not mention anything, but after she said that, Dong Xuebing felt uncomfortable. “Are you doing this on purpose? Ah? Who did you have dinner with? Tell me!”

“Haha… it’s Cheng Keliang.”

Cheng Keliang? The Deputy Mayor who overseas education?! That guy who is going after Sister Xie?! Dong Xuebing is mad. “Huilan, why did you have dinner with him? You should know he is up to no good.”

“We are discussing work, and Xiao Hu is there too.”

Dong Xuebing felt better when he heard Hu Silian is there. “Then you should stay away from him. I can tell he is not a good guy.” He is biased towards his rivals and is very possessive of his women. He is worried Xie Huilan will leave him for other guys. Dong Xuebing is feeling inferior because Cheng Keliang is better looking and more mature than him.

After Cheng Keliang made his moves on Xie Huilan, someone started gossiping. They say Cheng Keliang is the only guy worthy of being with Mayor Xie, and many people felt they make a good couple. Some even start to make ‘long-term investment’ by bootlicking Cheng Keliang. If he manages to date Mayor Xie in the future, they will have strong connections.

Can Dong Xuebing feels good about this?!

This is too frustrating!

“Alright. I know what to do.” Xie Huilan laughed. “I will be leaving for the City Government for a meeting tomorrow and should be there for two days. Stay out of trouble.”

Dong Xuebing agreed unwillingly and hung up. Their marriage is still far away, and they had never revealed their relations.h.i.+p. Sigh… there’s nothing Dong Xuebing can do with another man goes after his fiancée.

Dong Xuebing took a quick dinner and went to bed after he reached home.

He thought about the investment fair and Xie Huilan before falling asleep.

He needs to show some results and get a promotion.

Dong Xuebing kept thinking about this and even dreamed about getting an investment worth a billion!

Dong Xuebing was awakened by a phone call early in the morning. He grabbed his phone impatiently and received a piece of shocking news!

It was Public Security Deputy Team Leader Feng who called. His first sentence is, “Chief Dong, your Investment Promotion Agency Deputy Chief Lui’s wife, Li Hong… is dead!”

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