Power To Resist

Chapter 33

My breathing was labored as High Priestess Dawn hovered over me, her eyes glossy with just as much misery I had. I couldn"t get rid of the burning green eyes in my mind when I sat up, realizing I was laying on the ground.

"I"m going to f.u.c.king kill him." I snarled under my breath when she grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at her.

"I know you want to do this... but Faye comes first. Please understand why she never wanted you to know this. I will handle the man. H-"

"He is mine." I snarl again trying to break out of her hold but it only tightened.

"Faye is my daughter." She confesses, my eyes widened in realization while her eyes clouded in pain. "That f.u.c.ker who did this to her will be mine to kill. If not mine, it will be Faye"s. Go to her. She"s awake now. Do not tell her about our conversation here." High Priestess Dawn stood up and wiped her eyes as I was teleported into the room Faye was in.

Holy s.h.i.t!

I found Faye"s biological parents!

Faye groaned loudly, her hands twitching as she woke up. All the anger I felt for her disappeared when I scrambled off the ground and sat on her side quickly. The information I just learned meant nothing to me other than Faye"s well being.

I had to touch her in some kind of way.

She was mine.

Whether we hated each other or not.

I will be there for her.

"Love? Wake up." I whispered, caressing her cheek and staring down at her face. The memory of her childhood haunting me as my other hand clutched onto her tightly.

I couldn"t even fathom what she"d been through and yet here she is getting past it.

She"s so much stronger than I ever thought.

"Zavier...?" She groans, bringing her hand to her head while her glorious red eyes opened slightly and saw me above her with a worried look.

It took her a moment to recall why it was she was laying down, her mind working to connect the pieces while I allowed her to figure it out. I truly didn"t want her remembering that the man who raped her was mere rooms away.

When she realized what happened, she flung herself out of the bed and grabbed her things quickly. I stood up and noticed that her legs were shaking from standing making me step towards her.

"Don"t." Her voice was sharp and on alert. The look in her eyes seemed ashamed and disgusted with herself causing my heart to drop.

She"s revolted because of what happened.

"It"s okay. No one will hurt you." I promise taking another step towards her but she took an equal one back.

"It"s better to stay away from me for now on. It"s easy since you already hate me enough." Her words cut through my heart as she hurried past me and out of the room. She didn"t even realize that there was a barrier to protect her. The stride to make me hers leaving her body once the man came.

Oh, love.

"Faye. Wait." I chased after her, determined for her not to run into the man I saw in her memories. Before she could round the corner where he was, I s.n.a.t.c.hed her back and pressed her against the wall.

I noticed everything within her shut down before she kneed me in the groin and dropped her things. She hurried away, not even bothering with her things when a flash of her memory came back to my mind.

"Faye!" I grabbed her things from the ground and ran after her, seeing that she burst through the back doors.

"LET GO OF ME!" She screamed before I felt myself lose control of myself.

〰 Faye 〰

The moment my back hit the wall, a memory of my captor slamming me against the wall blinked through my eyes. My heart leaped out of my throat before I kneed Zavier and quickly fled.

All my memories flying through my mind as I ran out of the coven, hearing Zavier call for me to come back as I ran into someone. Their arms linked around me, not allowing me to escape.

"I"ve missed you mate." A dark deadly voice purrs in my ear when I shoved him and tried to escape from him.

"LET GO OF ME!" I thrashed in his grip feeling his hands tighten impossibly, his claws digging into my waist as I felt myself hyperventilating. His crooked smile just as dark as the day I met him.

Before either of us realized what happened, I was torn away from him and thrust behind someone. My hands clutched at the person, rather anyone other than that man touching me.

"I see you touching my f.u.c.king mate again I am going to f.u.c.king kill you." Zavier snarls darkly when I looked up at him like he held the world.

Oh, Zavier.

"You? Her mate? Were you the one who took her virginity? No? I didn"t think so. So mate, come back or your boy toy will get hurt." His words sent a pang of hurt down my stomach, knowing that Zavier thought that I was intimate with this man even if I truly wasn"t.

I was about to say something to the man but Zavier held his hand out, looking beyond furious at the c.o.c.ky man in front of us.
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"I am going to f.u.c.k you up." Zavier sneers before he lunged towards the man and punches him hard. I noticed that the man was about to blast a spell at Zavier when I threw up a shield to Zavier, preventing him from getting hurt.

The two men fought, the man trying to use spells but I dispersed them and stopped him from using any kind of magic on my Zavier. Both of them fighting each other with their brawn while Archmages started to stop the fight.

I realized that Zavier wanted to murder him making me reach out for his arm.

"Zavier! Stop it!" I scream, holding one of his arms as he tried to land another punch but I did my best to prevent that. Seria was helping me but he shoved her away though didn"t lash out at me as I expected him too.

For some odd reason, that made me feel better about what was happening.

"Zavier please let him go! Please!" I yelled again, this time my words cut through his rage when he turned around and looked at me. My eyes were filled with tears while I saw his lip busted making me reach up and hug him tightly. "It"s okay. It is alright." I whisper, brushing my fingers across his cheek.

"Mine." He growled underneath his voice, holding me just as tightly as Archmage Seria and Wyn helped the man off the ground. His face bruised and bleeding from where Zavier hit him several times. The man glared at me, knowing I blocked any of his magic from harming Zavier before he threw their hands away from him and stood on his own.

"You bit-"

He couldn"t even finish his words before someone socked him in the face so hard he hit the ground again. I was beyond shocked since I was still holding Zavier tightly to my chest.

"Don"t say another word. Seria, Wyn, send him to the dungeons. I will want to deal with this racket man later." High Priest Ivan hovered over the man with a ferrous look that even sent fear through my spine. His eyes snapped over to mine while I hid further into Zavier, who was glad to hold me more.

It looked as if he just saw the worst thing in the world, his red eyes looking extremely pain while High Priestess Dawn hurried to his side but he was angry. Really f.u.c.king angry.

Our eyes never broke apart, the glossy red ones snapping something within me when I released a sharp breath and felt my own tears go down my cheeks. All the pain and fury I felt inside of me from what happened so long ago seemed to come pouring out of my chest.

"Son. May I?" Ivan spoke to Zavier softly when Zavier slowly pulled away, Ivan taking the chance to collect me in a tight hold. His presence reminding me of one of a father causing more pain to radiate through me.

We stood there awkwardly, both of us crying for different but both of us seeking comfort from one another.


I sat on the couch with High Priest Ivan, his arms tucked around me while petting my red hair down. Zavier was close by as well, letting my legs rest on his lap as he gave me some comfort.

Both of the men seemed that they needed to be close to me for some reason and I wasn"t going to deny the comfort. I needed it as much as they did.

"Darling. Harold is awake." Dawn spoke softly to her mate when he hands continued to go through my hair, his eyes lifting to her in disappointment. His gentle touch left my hair while he lifted me off where he held onto me and handed me off to Zavier.

"I"ll be back, Faye. I"d like to speak with both you and your mate if that"s fine with you." His hands felt soft but his words stern as I nodded and closed my eyes against the feeling. High Priest Ivan walked off in the direction where I a.s.sume the dungeons were with Dawn close on his tail.

Zavier"s grip on me was tight before he stood up and carried me back to the rooms we resided in before everything happened. I felt the urge to ask him the questions in the back of my mind as he laid me down on the bed and started untying the boots I had on.

"You know... Don"t you." I ask him quietly, not wanting to go into depth when his eyes shifted to look up at me. The darkness in them returning but disappearing quickly seeing how I shivered in fear.

"Yes." He grits out, turning his attention to my shoes once again as I looked away ashamed of the memory.

"You must think of me pitiful now? It explains why you are able to be around me without scowling." I mumble under my breath, knowing he heard me when he looked up at me again. This time he grabbed my hand and forced me to look at him.

The green in his eyes looked to be in so much pain while I reached over with my other hand and caressed his cheek. He leaned into my hand and pressed his lips on my knuckles.

"No. I think you are so much stronger than I ever believed. I wasn"t around you because you lied to me. Not because I hated you. And just because I know about this doesn"t make me hate you. If anything, it makes it harder for me to stay upset at you." Zavier admits, my boot sliding off my foot with ease while he set them down on the ground by the bed.

I just stared at him blankly, unsure of what to say but with him knowing. I felt the need to clean myself in any way.

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