Power To Resist

Chapter 34

"Zavier?" I call him out as he slipped his shirt over his head and tossed it on the ground. He turned to me, his green eyes unreadable when I swallowed. "Could you start a bath for me...? Please?" I didn"t admit that I felt disgusting but I was sure he knew since he scowled and marched into the restroom.

I knew that he had things to say, but I didn"t really want to start talking about anything until he cooled down enough.

Not a second later, he emerges out of the bathroom as the water ran loudly. He came over to me in a kind of rage that made me shift further on the bed away from him. The action making him stare at me for a moment before he released a breath and calmed down.

"May I?" He motioned to me, kind of surprised me that he was even asking now. I slowly nodded and allowed him to pick me off the bed and bring me into the bathroom.

Zavier brought me into the restroom and sat me down on the toilet, starting to undress me making me blush but I don"t stop him as I lifted my arms and let him remove my shirt. I wasn"t sure if it was because I was exhausted or if he needed it, but I felt braver and took my bra off.

He sucked in a sharp breath and averted his eyes. I wasn"t going to say I wasn"t surprised because I truly was.

Zavier was acting so much different than I expected him to.

"It"s my turn now," I said in a smaller voice, unsure if he refused to look at me because he thought of me disgusting but I ignored my self-consciousness and stood up. My hands went straight to his ruffled shirt that had little speckles of blood on it though his bruises were healed. I noticed that his lip was still busted from earlier.

He shifted his eyes down at me, a heated look in his eyes when I unb.u.t.toned his shirt slowly and continued watching him. His eyes never wavered from mine as I softly brushed the shirt off his shoulder causing it to fall to the ground.

There were scars on his chest from the fight with the a.s.sa.s.sins the other day, large gashes across his chest while I leaned in and softly kissed one of the scars. The action sent a shudder through him as I smirked and leaned away, noticing the water of the tube nearly full.
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"Stay," I order and dragged my fingertips across his chest and around his back as I turned off the faucet. To my surprise, he stays completely still and didn"t dare to see what I was planning.

Taking small steps around him, I loved having this kind of control over him. I knew he was letting me have my way since this was the first time I advanced on his, but if this what it felt like to do this.

I wouldn"t mind doing it all the time.

My hands brushed past his abs while tracing the V-shaped muscle that traveled underneath the lining off his jeans. I could practically hear the beating of his heart making me smile up at him.

"You know. Before I knew we were mates, my desire to be with you was literally killing and when I was drugged... I expected our night together to finally get rid of those petty s.e.xual tensions between us." I admit to him, his eyes watching me carefully. "However... I was completely wrong. The more I think of that blurry night, the more the need to be with you builds. You have any idea how many times I imagine myself touching you so intimately?" I question him, grabbing at his jeans and pressing myself against him.

A low groan left his lips when I smiled mischievously, my hands running up his chest and around his neck.

"You"re making a grave mistake." He growls, his voice low and husky while I pushed him slightly and held him at arm"s length.

"Am I now? How would you know? I am the dangerous one here." I remind him and slipped my yoga pants off and kicked them away. His nose flaring, the amount of control making me feel braver. "I believe it is you who is making the mistake. You let me control your well being without worrying I may do something bad. Aren"t you the least concerned that I do something you may not like?" I ask him, slightly curious about why he isn"t worried.

His lips curled upwards as he went to unb.u.t.ton his jeans. The intensity in his eyes just engulfing me.

"Never. I know my woman is dangerous, but this is what continues to draw me closer. This is what I desire. My mate." He growled out the last two words, working his jeans down his legs when I stared at him a little surprised. Before I realized what I did, I shoved him into the bathtub and caused lots of water getting on the ground as his body landed in the tub.

He snarled loudly when I stared down at him with wide eyes and hurried out of the restroom, completely embarra.s.sed that I freaked out like that.

"G.o.d d.a.m.n it, Faye!" He yells from the restroom as I crawled underneath the blankets and tried to hide though I knew him too well. His heavy footfalls came over to where I was hiding before he ripped the blanket from me and found me.

"I"m sorry! I didn"t mean it! I just freaked out!" I shouted, covering my chest when he glared down at me. Small drops of water running down his chest making me feel bad about pushing him.

He released a strangled sigh before pushing me over and crawling into bed with me. His wet hair flopped down on my face making me growl and push him away.

"Gross! Don"t do that, a.s.shole!" I sneer though my words only seemed to make Zavier chuckle and dig his face into my neck. His hands wrapped around my waist and held me close to his chest.

"Stop." He growled when I tried to pull away once again, his grip tightening around making me stop my fight against him. I rested on the pillows and felt him curling up on me as I sighed deeply and turned my head to press a kiss to his cheek.

"I"m sorry I freaked out. I normally never do." I mumble against him.

"Sleep, mate. We will speak once you get some rest." His words made me only realize how tired I was while I smiled and reached my hand up to his now wet locks.

"Okay... Night, Zavier." I yawned, holding my hand there while falling asleep comfortably in his tight hold.

〰 Zavier 〰

I watched her chest rise and fall with gentle breaths, her exposed b.r.e.a.s.t.s against my chest making it hard to keep control. My hand caressed her lower back as I dragged it up her spine then back down.

"Mhmm." She moaned against me, leaning further into me while her eyes fluttered open to reveal her b.l.o.o.d.y red eyes that were strangely attractive. "Good morning." She yawned and stretched against me when I ran my hand through her hair.

"It"s night time, mate," I told her as she pushed off of me, covering her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from me making me frown.

"Right. I"m sorry for laying on you and for pushing you into the tub last night- or this morning." Her cheeks were red from embarra.s.sment, her fl.u.s.tered form reluctantly got off me while reaching over and grabbing one of my shirts from my duffel bag. "Has High Priest Ivan come by?" She asked me when throwing the large shirt over her and turning towards me.

"No. High Priestess Dawn did but I told her to leave since you were asleep. I"ve made sure that you"ve got enough sleep. I know you were exhausted." I told her as she pulled her red hair from the shirt and lays it over her shoulder. A small smile playing on her lips causing the s.e.xual needs I"ve had to hit me hard.

I"ve always ignored them but until now, her gorgeous face has sent me into a frenzy and a need for her to touch me. Ever since seeing that memory, I"ve felt the need to claim what is mine once and for all.

Her smile made me lunge, the thought of her pressed underneath me causing me to feel aroused. Thankfully she couldn"t smell me like I could smell her arousal.

I would never tell her I could smell her.

She"d run for the hills.

"Thanks. I"m still tired, but I"d like to go see Harold." Her voice was small as I snarled at the name brushing past her lips, feeling myself grab ahold of her arm.

"No. You aren"t seeing that man." I pulled her flushed against me while I held her close. I didn"t want another man"s name leaving her lips unless it was her father.

And I had a feeling Ivan was going to come and spill the beans once he"s done with the f.u.c.ker, Harold. It was my turn after him.

"You can be there with me, Zavier. Please. I need to figure out why he is here. I need to know if the league is coming." She pleaded, her eyes full of worry and concern not for herself but for the others. "Please?" Her hand ran up my thigh making me hiss and clamp her hand down.

The minx.

She"s truly dangerous.

"Fine. But you will watch me interrogate him. You will not be in the same room as him. That"s final." I said, pushing her hand away from my aching self and hurrying to stand up.

"Thank you, Zavier! I know you hate the idea but if we"re going to find anything out, you need to trust me this once. After that, you can go back to being a Neanderthal." She waved her tiny hand in my face, jumping off the bed and pulling her luscious red hair into a tight ponytail.

I couldn"t help but stare at her with a heated gaze.

She was just so... perfect.

Yet infuriating all at the same time.

"I am not a Neanderthal." I refute when she laughed to herself and reached for a pair of her pants.

"Of course, dear. Now come. I"d like to get this over with." Her strange eagerness causes me to frown at while standing up and peer at her. Her red eyes flashed lightly but the sight makes my heart clench.

There"s no way she"s going to see this man even if she begs me to.

〰 Faye 〰

I stared blankly as Zavier stood around Harold with a deadly look but he held it back. I knew he didn"t want me to see his bad side and it was truly sweet of him to do this.

It was as if he was afraid of what I would think of him, but I knew better than to judge anyone for losing control.

h.e.l.l. Look at me for instance. I was the one person who"d never see him anything other than who he was.

But I don"t think he"s fully grasped who I was before so it was pointless to try and convince him otherwise.

I murdered and tortured people that were left in worse conditions than this man. It was nice for both, Zavier and High Priest Ivan, to try and prevent me from seeing such a horror.

But I"ve seen more than anyone could even fathom and it amuses me to see them distract me from the man being tortured in there when all of us knows I can get the answers I want.

Ivan stood beside me, completely tense and his fists were bloodied at his sides. It seems like he was trying to hide the fact that he harmed Harold, but I didn"t blame him.

We knew he deserved every bit of pain in his way.

"Why are y-"

"I will only speak with my mate. I know she"s nearby." Harold croaked out, his voice still persistence but everything within him completely weak. I stared at the man, itching to show him who was truly my mate but Zavier beat me to the punch.


Zavier slammed his fist into the man"s face, a ferrous look crossing his eyes at the mention of me being his mate. I knew we"d needed to speak about this, but for now. I was basking in the feelings of being wanted.

It was different and exciting all at once.

"You should leave this to us, honey. It"s going to only get worse." Ivan spoke to me, his voice raw still when I looked over at him with a blank stare that seemed to hurt him.


"You"re right." I nod but the relief in his face didn"t last. "I will go and make it worse." I agree, knowing that wasn"t what he meant and pushed through the door when another sickening punch landed in Harold"s jaw.

His face snapped to his left while her nose started to bleed more, the bone clearly broke but it didn"t look like it would get any better. I knew that with my pent up anger that I"d torture him so much worse than what either of the men were doing.

Zavier spun around and saw me, his eyes widening as I grabbed the collar on his neck and dragged him out of the room. I knew he"d be furious, but I didn"t want anyone disturbing us.

Not while I was in the zone.

In a flash, I set up a strong barrier to prevent anyone from entering and turned back to the man. He was grinning even though a steady flow of blood ran down his busted lip. The sight oddly pleasing me.

"I knew you"d come and-"

My hand was around his throat, not a second more, preventing him from saying another word when I leaned down and glared into his eyes. His green ones seemed to haunt me but ironic enough, Zavier"s green eyes brought me calmness.

He was going to wish that I was calm but everything within me quivered to attack and inflict pain on him. It was like if I didn"t harm him, I"d lose my mind.

"I"m only going to ask you one question, whether you answer or not. I don"t care." My hand tightened when he gasped from breath. His eyes were wide with shock as I narrowed my eyes into his. "Why are you here?" My hand lessened on the pressure around his throat letting him get a breath of air.

"I am here for you, my mate. You know very well why I am. We both know there"s no way around it." He purrs, referring to the League and I knew very well that his words really meant that if I left they"d be okay. Narrowing my eyes, I shoved him away and summoned a few tools.

"I will teach you true manners and by the time I am finished with you. You will be screaming for me to leave. More or less, you"ll be a woman." I shrug, glancing up at the wall that was disguised. I knew they were watching me and that my eyes were glowing brightly but I didn"t care.

I will appeal to my old ways in order to get my revenge for all the things this man has done.

I will show no mercy even if he begs me too.

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