Power To Resist

Chapter 38

〰 Faye 〰

I glared up at him, not wanting my feelings to affect the fact that he lied about marrying another woman. He was staring back at me, slightly confused but a frown stained his lips.

"What do you want to talk about Faye?" He questions me, the softness irritating me when I crossed my arms across my chest.

"You lied to me about getting married. And "

"Oh no. Hold up you are angry at me about lying about my engagement? You lied about who you"ve been for the last three years!" He snarls at me as I narrowed my eyes and stabbed a finger in his chest.

"I wasn"t claiming to be with another man, was I?! I was at least loyal! Faye and Xenon! I lied because I didn"t want to be labeled as a f.u.c.king killer! You-"

"Oh don"t start with me! The whole a.s.sa.s.sin thing? You need to lay off that excuse already! The pack already accepted Ajax and he was your partner! What makes you think we wouldn"t accept you either! Don"t be like that. You"re utterly ridiculous sometimes." He spats in my face, grabbing my stabbing finger and throwing it away from his chest.

"You"re an a.s.shole too! Don"t think you aren"t! Do you have any idea how much it hurt when I found out that you were getting married?! I felt like my heart shattered in half!" I yell in his face, going back to stabbing his chest with my nail.

"How do you think I felt when you up and left?! Your scent was constantly around the pack house every morning as if you were there the whole time. My pack called you their Luna and there was nothing I could do! The only way to drag you from your hiding place was to fake an engagement! I-"

"Oh don"t put the blame on me! You"ve never trusted me at any point in your life. I"ve always been either the weak little Faye or the tough and emotionless Xenon! You could never come to me with an issue!" I snap at him as he narrowed his eyes, coming up with a comeback.

"You"re d.a.m.n right I didn"t trust you. Because you hid everything from me! I didn"t know anything about you or who the h.e.l.l you were! I couldn"t have a trained killer murdering those who caused me problems either! So what did you expect m-"

"Oh, I thought you said we weren"t using the a.s.sa.s.sin"s excuse anymore! Such a hypocrite as always. You know, I thought after having s.e.x with you I wouldn"t have any feelings for you! But that"s all a lie because you never told me we were mate!" I yell at him with hopelessly when he gripped my wrist.

"Then what are we d.a.m.n it? You want to reject me?! You want me to die because you are angry at me?! What is it you want?!" He shouts at me, the grip around my wrist tightening as I tried prying his hand away from mine.

"Let me go, a.s.shole!" I tried shoving him with my other hand but he merely grabbed that hand and forced me against the wall beside us. His dark emerald eyes staring down at me.

"Why can"t you just let this go?! I"ve already forgiven you for lying to me for three who years and you can"t forgive me for not telling you were are mates?! I don"t understand you! I was trying to keep you in my life, not scare you away the moment meeting you!" He says seriously, his voice and body intense and causing me to grow tense around him.

"Do you even know me?" I question him. "All my life. I"ve only wanted a family and for someone to be with me. You knew this coming to the coven! I wanted to find my biological parents in hopes of figuring out what happened! I was afraid of Ajax having a mate because that meant I didn"t have him in my life! We are mates and I truly wanted one because I was alone! How could you blame me for never telling me when you knew I was desperate for a family and for someone to call my own." My voice cracked at the end, the anger I felt before fading away when I sniffed.

He stared down at me, the hard look in his eyes softening but still angry while I tried prying my hands from his.

"Let me g-"

I was caught off by his lips on mine and his hand releasing mine and going to my waist. His hands were tight around my waist as his claws dug into me, ignoring my wound.

I closed my eyes, losing myself and reaching up to pull him closer to me. Our kisses rough with the anger and need for connection before he pulled us off the wall and dragged us to the bed. My nails ran through his scalp when his lips left mine and trailed down my jaw.

"I swear to G.o.d Zavier. I"m going to f.u.c.king murder you if stop kissing me." I snarled angrily, a low growl leaving him as he nipped at the skin in between my shoulder and neck.

"So much for sweet talk, Love." I felt his lips curl on my neck while he softly sucked on the skin and grabbed my hands, pressing them on the bed beside my head. "I"m going to bite you now. You"re mine no one else"s." He growls again. His words caused me to shiver and try fighting back against his hands.

"Let my hands go." I breathed, trying to keep myself from falling apart in his arms when he chuckled and licked at my neck.

"Nope. You"re mine now." His canines ran over the sensitive skin making me release a low whimper before he bites down on the skin. All my senses skyrocketing.


We both laid in bed, the sheets were strewn around us while our breathing came out in short spurts. I stared up at the ceiling as I tried collecting myself from the mindblowing makeup s.e.x I"ve ever had.

Well. It was the first for the makeup s.e.x at that.

"Holy s.h.i.t." I murmur under my breath knowing he heard me.

"That was... rough." He grinned as I smacked his chest and left my hand there.

"I"ve never felt anything like that," I admit with a large smile on my lips making him bring my hand up to his face and nuzzle it.

"You don"t remember our first time together?" He questions a little upset when I shook my head and turned my body towards him.

"I was drugged up. I don"t remember anything from that night. But tonight felt so much different." I admit and curled up on his side. The hand on his chest traced his muscles while I stared up at him with a sleepy look. "My neck hurts a little though, but its expected that wolves are rougher than anything else in this G.o.d d.a.m.n world," I note making him laugh and wrap an arm around my waist and pull me closer.

"d.a.m.n right, Love. But I marked your lovely neck so everyone knows that you are mine now." He presses his lips on the mark causing a nerve of arousal through my body. I ran my hand through his hair and held his head there for a few moments.

The sparks that came off him made me need him more even though we just made love. I felt like I couldn"t get enough of him anymore and the longer we aren"t doing anything, the longer I felt empty.

"Again, Love? I didn"t expect you to want it again so soon." He teases making my cheeks burn in embarra.s.sment of being caught.

"Sh-Shut up." I stutter, feeling his tongue flick out and lick the mark causing a groan to leave me.

"What was that? I couldn"t hear you." He pressed his lips on the mark making it hard to say anything, no less stay quiet. He crawled back on me as I gripped at the shoulders.

I knew that this was going to be a long night.

But hopefully, this was the first few steps into a real relationship with him.

〰 Nava 〰

I sat against the wall, sharpening my knife while staring out in the vast darkness of the night. Small creaks and thumps in the coven making it hard to think straight.

I can"t believe Daniel forced me to come.

I wasn"t sure whether to hate his guts or just ignore his presence for now.

It was him that let me into the pack after all.

"Why are you always alone every time I see you?" A mage questions me causing me to glance up and see the blue-eyed man. The worry and unsettling look he was giving me made my stomach churn.

Ignore it.

"What do you want," I answer with a question of my own, sharpening my knife more aggressive now.

He simply stared down at me, his blue eyes staring at me as if he couldn"t get enough of it before I stood up and glared up at him. My hand twitched with the need to slap and push his hair out of his face at the same time.

G.o.d d.a.m.n it.

I hate witches.

"I noticed you were alone. That"s all." He said defensively when I narrowed my eyes and slipped my knives into my slits.

"Stay away from me," I growled out while walking away from him, my long brown hair smacking him in the chest. The feeling making him huff and follow behind closely.

"Why are you ignoring me? You d.a.m.n well you know we " Before he finished what he was saying and shoved him against the wall with one of my freshly sharpened knives against his throat.

"We are nothing, witch. Watch your place because I can kill you within seconds." I snarl, shoving him more against the wall before turning away again but keeping my knife in my hand.

Persistent much?

He cursed something under his breath while I walked up to the gate and slipped through the bars. The need to track and hunt something overriding all my thoughts and feelings.

There"s bound to be a.s.sa.s.sins somewhere around here.

I heard the witch behind me snarl out loud and slipped through the gates as well when I knelt down to the ground and searched for traces of a.s.sa.s.sins. Their scent lingered around here so I knew that they were around here.

"My name"s Levi. What"s your name?" The witch introduced, holding his hand out to me when I scoffed and moved away from it.

"Shut it. I am doing work. If you want to bother someone go find a plant to talk to you." I wave him away and sniffed at the air. They were here a few hours ago, had they seen us come here?

Why didn"t they attack us if they did?

What were they planning?

Unsheathing another knife, I thrust it in the witch"s arms when he didn"t walk away and looked around us.

"If you chose to stay. You follow my orders." I told him, my muscles growing a little tense. The witch frowned but nodded, handing the knife back to me as he tried using magic but I stopped him. "You won"t be using that horrid power if you come," I warn him with a snarl making his eyebrows go up in shock.

"You"re afraid of magic?" He questions when I narrowed my eyes and brushed my hair over my shoulder.

"You follow my rules or go into the safety of your home." I avoided the question and pushed the knife into his chest again. My feet found it was hard to remain standing still before I glanced up at the branch and lifted myself.

It was always better to follow scent if there was one.

There was more coverage in the trees too.

The witch groaned before hauling themselves up the tree as I leaped from tree to tree, following the strong scent of death and misery. The witch did his best to keep up and I reluctantly stopped and showed him how to use his strength to make better and swifter movements.

Of course, I knew this was no job for a normal wolf, but a witch?

Witches are almost as weak as human, Luna being the exception.

She was strong because of her upbringing but that didn"t mean I liked her any more than the witch following me.

They were all evil with the devil inside of them giving them powers.

"What"s our next plan?" A voice asks cutting through the silence making me stop and hold a hand out to the witch. He was panting silently when I made eye connection with him and pointed to my ear.

His blue eyes seemed to understand my silent language as he nodded and quietly got to the branch I was on. I motioned for him to stay here while I hooked my legs on the branch and fell over and looked out into the forest.

There were three men standing around a tiny fire, all three looking exhausted and tired as I tilted my head to see if there were any visible weapons but saw none.


This must be some kind of trap.

I allowed myself to fall to the ground silently, my hands pushing my body up before I fell face flat. The witch was about to follow suit but I held my hand and shook my head.

He frowned deeply while I let my hand down and set my knives and removed my clothes, tucking them to the side before shifting. The hair p.r.i.c.kling at my snout as I used my wolf senses to creep on the a.s.sa.s.sins.

"There"s nothing we can do other than wait for his orders." One of the a.s.sa.s.sins said as I slipped into a bush nearby and tilted my head to see their camp.

The three a.s.sa.s.sins sat in a circle around the fire that didn"t do much but give light. Though it wasn"t cold outside, I knew that it"d be chilly for anyone other than a wolf shifter.

We"re naturally warm.

I couldn"t see their faces since their backs were to me, but their muscles and shoulders were tense. They seemed too uncomfortable in the situation making me sniff at the air to see what they were.

One was a dreadful witch.

One was a vampire.

One was a wolf.

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Before I realized what happened, the man shifted into the wolf and dove for the witch in the trees. I revealed myself from my hiding spot and lunged at the wolf before it could touch the witch.

My canines biting down in their throat before I tore it out and spat it out on the ground. A flame came towards me as I jumped out of the way.

I barked at the witch to go when a zap of electricity came straight towards me making me close my eyes to brace myself. "Clipeum!" The witch above me yelled, the electricity being thrown back to the witch and vampire that still lived.

My eyes narrowed at the witch now standing beside me, the muscles in his arms standing out when I growled at him and dove for the a.s.sa.s.sins. The vampire saw me before I got to them and sped over to me, knocking me against the ground.


I kicked him off me with my hind legs and stretched out of his hold, getting behind him. I lunged forward and ran my nails down his back and bit into his shoulder as hard as I could.

A long ear piercing scream left his lips as I tightened my hold on his shoulder. His blood coated my brown fur when I felt something piercing my back making me growl and release his shoulder.

The vampire flung away, clutching onto his shoulder while I turned and noticed a few more a.s.sa.s.sins coming towards us. One of them held a gun that was pointed towards me, the little feather at the end telling me it was a tranquilizer.

Wolf"s bane.

My whole world started tumbling down as the poison entered in my system causing me to fall on the ground and release a long growl at the witch who was still fighting off the a.s.sa.s.sin.

"d.a.m.n it! Let her go!" The witch yells angrily, throwing another spell at the witch before he was. .h.i.t with a tranquilizer dart as well. His movement slowing down until he fell on the ground as well.

A low snarl left my lips while an a.s.sa.s.sin stood over me with a dark grin.

"Now we have a plan." He crackled with laughter, my eyes still staring at the witch who was on the ground and shouting our curses of pain. My eyes grew heavy when I felt myself pa.s.sing out.

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