Power To Resist

Chapter 39

〰 Faye 〰

I rested my head against Zavier"s chest as he slept, both of us tired from our endless lovemaking. My body felt sore but I didn"t mind it since I was finally content with both of us.

My finger traced the scar on his torso, reminding me of the dark times that we got over. It made me happy that we were finally putting things in the past but at the same time sad since I had caused so much grief over everything.

It felt nice to finally let things go.

"Again, Love?" He murmurs more to himself making me shiver and shake my head.

"N-No. I was just thinking about us. I didn"t mean to wake you up." I pressed my lips on his chest before pulling away from his warmth. He growled at the loss and reached for me but I was quick enough to escape.

"No." He whined out loud when I giggled and patted his head.

"I want to take a shower before starting my day. Get some more sleep, babe." He narrowed his eyes at me as I smirked and removed my hand from his head, walking over to the bathroom. I heard him growl again, probably because I gave him a show as I walked to the bathroom.

The thought of him being needy again made me laugh but I locked the bathroom after entering.

I really needed to start my day.

Pulling my hair over my shoulder, I turned the shower on and let the warm water glade over my sore shoulder causing me to hum in approval. The doork.n.o.b jiggled making me laugh and peak my head out of the shower curtain.

"Seriously?!" He yells from outside when I chuckled and peeked my head back into the shower, letting the water run over my face.

I knew him to well to know that he"d try to interrupt my shower but I really did need to do some things today. h.e.l.l, if it was him in the shower I"d interrupt again.

The thought of being with him in the shower made me stumble and hit my back against the smooth shower tiles. I knew that it was bad to be thinking of such things since he could scent when I was aroused but I didn"t really care at the moment.

"Do you want me to come in there, Love? Want me to release the stress-"

"St-Stop it! I"m trying to take a shower and you are making it hard!" I yell embarra.s.sed when his laugh sounded.

"Either I come in there now or you get it after the shower. Either way, you"ll want to take a shower again." He told me seriously while I felt my cheek burning up at his words.

He really is shameless.

"Go do something!" I shout not wanting to make a choice as something clanked on the ground. My eyes peeked out of the shower and noticed that the door was open.

Before I realized what happened, Zavier pressed against me from behind and kissed my mate mark. I groaned and wrapped my hands around his head, feeling the water hit his head.

"You"re terrible," I mumble while he chuckled and tilted my head towards him.

"I love you, mate." His lips. .h.i.t mine before I could say anything, my eyes closing automatically.

So much for taking a shower.


It took another two hours to finally leave our bedroom, Zavier with a very ecstatic smile when I rolled my eyes with my own smile. Both of us acting like teenagers that were trying to get away with something we did.

But I knew everyone would know what we had done if they see my mate mark.

Which was probably why he was so happy.

I was wearing a shirt that flashed my newly mate mark out for the world and I knew he was excited to tell every one of the news.

"Oh ho ho. Look at this. Never thought that I"d see the day you both mated." Daniel teases making my cheeks flush red when Zavier beamed at his father.

"I never thought so either but she let me take her last night h"

"Stop it!" I screeched, shoving my hands over his mouth as both men laughed loudly at my shyness.

I am going to murder him later!

"Relax, Faye. Us wolves are very open about mating so don"t feel embarra.s.sed." Daniel a.s.sures me but the grin on his lips told me otherwise.

"You both are the worst," I mumble, Zavier licking at my palm making me yelp.

"Relax, Love. Dad"s only teasing you." He informs me pressing his lips on the crown of my head. "Go get something to eat. I"ve gotta go do something with him." Zavier nods to his father when Daniel agreed and handed his mate his coffee cup.

"Yeah. No need to feel too embarra.s.sed. Oh. And if you see Nava could you tell her I need to see her? I haven"t seen her all day." Daniel asks me as I nodded and thought back to the dark and mysterious woman.

"You think she is okay? It nearly three in the afternoon now." I comment as Daniel laughs and nods.

"The girl can handle herself. There"s no need to worry yourself over her. She"s probably hiding. She doesn"t like witches at all." He tells me, patting my shoulder before he and Zavier left me alone.

I sighed, the unsettling feeling about Nava not being around isn"t making me any less worried. Though I understood her need to escape from this place, it sometimes is a little overwhelming.

"So you mated with my son?" Zavier"s mouth questions, eyeing me while I blushed and nodded happily.

"Yes. We are very happy and hope we can stay that way." I told her and glanced over at her with a small smile. "Nothing can break us apart either," I inform her as she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I wasn"t planning to damage your relationship with him. He seems very happy now... but." She stood up and narrowed her eyes at me. "If you hurt my baby I won"t hesitate to murder you." Her words made me laugh as I nodded.

"I can a.s.sure you I will not hurt him," I promise her when she nodded and grabbed the two coffee cups.

"Good." That was all she said as she walked away from me. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, thinking about this Nava girl and starting my search for her.

〰 Nava 〰

My mind turned into a blur when I forced my eyes open and noticed that I was tied up to the wall. The wall behind me felt wet with water, the rough stone digging into my back while I strained my eyes against the shadow in front of me.

d.a.m.n it.

The witch was slumped against the bounds against the wall, his blue-eyes shut and a bed of sweat ran across his head. Wolf"s bane was deadly to wolves but against witches?

It was as if that was cancer to them.

"Witch," I growled, my voice scratchy and my body thrumming with misery with every movement I made.

The witch made no move, his head hanging low but not low enough to see that there was a blood mark on his head. The wound looking painful and gravely infected when I cursed and looked up at the bounds, trying to tug at them.

I gasped in pain but didn"t stop trying to free myself, guilt eating up at me for getting the witch involved with my nightly hunts. My hands were irritated with the rope around my wrists, leaving an indent where the rope burned me.

"I wouldn"t do that, wolf." A dark and sinister voice tell me making me snap my attention to the shady man standing in front of the bars of our cell. His mask covered what he looked like though the dark smile was easy pointed out.

My claws lengthened as I stood on my toes and sliced at the rope around my wrists. I fell to the ground, my body still burning in pain from the poison in my system. My body was exposed and naked for anyone to see but lucky for me that I wasn"t modest like every woman in society.

I didn"t care if you could see my scars or muscles.

I wasn"t trying to be feminine so I didn"t care if I wasn"t attractive to anyone.

Though this was not to place to argue with myself.

"Back off, a.s.sa.s.sin." I snarl, just as dark when stumbling over to the witch and cutting off his bonds. I caught him before he could hit the ground and followed him down to the ground.

He seemed so weak and it hurt to see the bruise on his head.

Stop Nava.

This wasn"t the time to indulge in self-guilt right now.

"Even with the amount of wolf"s bane we gave you, you are still able to fight back? You remind me of Xenon, your Luna." The a.s.sa.s.sin tells me, hinting that he knew my Luna making me snarl angrily.

Even if I didn"t like who she was, that didn"t change the fact that she wasn"t my Luna and it was my duty to protect her name at all costs.

"Not saying anything are you?" He questions, prompting me to say something else but I refused to give him that satisfaction. "Stubborn as well. Alright. I will be back for you, Ms. Nava." He purs before leaving me alone and walking down a hallway.

I waited for a few moments until I couldn"t hear him around while looking down at the witch who was stirring awake. His head rested in my lap as I glanced around the cell and collected the torn rope, curious to what I could make with this.

"Y-Your name is Nava." Was the first thing he said when opening his eyes, his attention caught by my b.r.e.a.s.t.s making me roll my eyes and rest him on the ground.

"Is that all you care about? We"ve been captured and you are gawking at my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. There are bigger things to worry about." I stood up and glanced out of the cell, trying to find a way out of here.

If there are males here, it"d be easy to attract them to my body but I"d have the scars and masculine features against me. So I"d have to do dirty talk, which I have no idea how to do.
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I sighed, aggravated while turning back to noticing a window. My muscles burned with horrid pain as I pushed the pain away and walked over to the window.

Gripping the bars at the window, I hauled myself up and peered outside to see we were in what seemed to be an underground building. The window giving us some fresh air while the sun peaking in.

"Here." The witch mumbles catching my attention as I turned and noticed him holding out his shirt to me. His weak muscles being revealed to me making me chuckle.

"I don"t need a shirt. Your shirt wouldn"t fit me anyway." I told him with a small smirk when looking down at the rope in my hands then tested the bars at the window. "I may have found you a way out though," I mutter to myself and wrapped the rope around one of the bars.

Using my remaining strength, I pulled at the bar as it flung out of the window and hit the concrete ground.

"What are you doing?" He questions when I remind myself he doesn"t have werewolf hearing like I do.

"I"m getting you a way out," I told him in a hushed whisper and turned to the next bar, tearing it out of the wall.

"What about you? I"m not leaving with y-"

"You wound is infected, you need treatment. Plus, I wouldn"t be able to fit through the window. I"m too muscular and big breasted." I told him seriously and tore another few bars out. My muscles burning in pain as I released a heavy pant, the poison causing my body to lean against the wall.

"But you are poisoned as well. You aren"t d-"

"I"m not asking you to worry about me. You will leave and I will keep them company until you get home. I still smell the faint scent of the coven so we"re not that far. Keep to the trees as I taught you." I told him and returned to prying out the bars, the last one clanking against the ground.

"I can"t leave you here." He mumbles, distraught while I turned to him and walked over to him.

"To bad. You are." I knelt down in front of him as he pushed the shirt in my hands, averting his eyes away from me.

I sighed, throwing the shirt over my head and surprised when there was plenty of room for my rounded globes. He glanced over at me, his blue eyes watering making me growl and help him off the ground.

"Don"t start that. Save your strength for the walk." Our movements were slow while we got to the wall where to window was. I grabbed at his legs and helped him out of the cell, the window barely big enough for him to squeeze through when he turned around and stared down at me.

"I"ll be as fast as I can be." He promises as I nodded and heard loud shouting behind me. His blue eyes widened before I pushed him away and motioned him to leave.

"Go now. I"ll distract them." I promise back before slipping the shirt off and shifting even through the antagonizing pain.

"I will be back." He says before disappearing from the window. I kept my eyes on the cage, awaiting them to come.

I am going to murder every f.u.c.king person here once I get the chance.

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