Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1561: Clash with Sivan

Chapter 1561: Clash with Sivan

Gail panted as he ran across the wall and leapt into the air before punching out.

A large fist conjured with pure spiritual energy blasted through the air as it punched a grand elder who is already running away.

Since he was already walking to the different side, he managed to use the barrier he created at the point of impact to crash into the ground and escape vital damage.

Gail wanted to follow up and finish him off. But that didn"t happen. He couldn"t do that no matter what. Because another grand elder tried to attack from the side and it is a woman that is causing the most trouble to him in this whole scenario.

Most of her attacks are stealthy. There are no signs of it whatsoever no matter how much he tried and he could only see them at the last minute.

They are attacks of the earth element and he is trying to shake off the nodes at the edge of the city which Gail is taking so much effort to save with all he got.

Things have been like this for over an hour.

Sonic cat is also dealing with the same situation on the other side. All of the grand elders are on perfect sync. One person attacks an open spot on the wall and another person attacks Gail or sonic cat at the same time.

They have to dodge their attack and also block the attack against the city. Before they could pursue the attacker, another attack will be launched by a different persona and they have to move around and block those attacks.

It is like a never-ending process.

But the more time pa.s.sed, the more nervous the grand elders are getting.

Because their plan is to just make Gail and the cat exhausted and let other peak stage cultivators come and take their place.

But no matter how much they tried, they are unable to do that. Gail and Sonic cat almost acted like they have unlimited energy.

Not a single attack went past them and not a single moment where they left faltered.

They were also not injured at all.

This made the grand elders scared s.h.i.tless.

While the peak stage cultivators are keeping the situation at this stalemate, the regular soldiers are fighting like crazy.

This time the energy beams from the sphere are at full power and they are also more consistent than ever.

They are attacking the soldiers constantly and Sam didn"t shy away while using all kinds of poison weapons. Grenades, poison spheres through the spear cannons, poison vials and ranged attacks from the wall.

Along with that, the cursed undead creatures, and the cursed liquid attacks, Sam managed to keep this one hour in check with just those things and he has also been very generous with the white crystal shards he used.

He managed to convert at least a hundred soldiers into complete white crystals and then he exploded and broke those white crystals so that they will attack other people around.

But now, most of the undead creatures are gone. Sam even used liquid energy cells trapped inside the remaining ones and exploded in traps making the soldiers suffer severe losses.

Sivan was actually surprised by how generous Sam is with his attacks.

It is almost like he doesn"t care anymore.

He has two speculations as he thought about this. One of them is that Sam doesn"t care anymore and is going all out with a proper plan and the second one is that the Gaja clan knows that they are f.u.c.ked and they are just using up everything they have in their hands.

Either way, it is bad news for him.

Whether the Gaja clan is losing and they are dumping everything or they have the plan, Sivan is going to suffer some severe consequences.

"What is your next plan? My soldiers are dying here?" Sivan asked Avlyn.

"We don"t need to care much about the soldiers. You can play that battle as you like. We only need to care about the peak stage cultivators for now. Alright, but you better inform me, when you want to fight the peak stage cultivators.

I don"t want to use up all of my soldiers."

"Of course, we don"t want those pain in the when we are launching an attack either. They are just going to be in our way."

"But there is one problem. What if they escape in this situation?"

"We already blocked off all of the exits of the s.p.a.ce gates from the Gaja clan. Even the other sides of those wormholes are blocked. We also managed to clear a bunch of stray realms from the memories of the people we killed.

I would say there are not many exit points for the Gaja clan. Anyway, we already made some arrangements to know if they are escaping."

"Whatever. As long as you have everything under your control. So, when do you want me to bring my soldiers back? I think Sam is about to send the soldiers of Gaja clan again. My side even though has more numbers is also suffering more losses."

"Fifteen minutes more and tell your grand elders to use everything they have. Tell them to not bother to store even a tiny bit of energy. They can exhaust themselves completely."

"That will put them in danger."

"Then use your escape transference tokens. The ones that you linked up to the camp here."

Sivan frowned upon hearing this. He didn"t even speak.

Avlyn just continued.

"One of my colleagues just looked at a buried pillar under the campgrounds right in your tent. I mean, it is pretty stealthy. Whatever technique you used to make it blend in and appear as the soil is really great, but the spatial fluctuations, you didn"t mask properly.

So, use those tokens and send the Peak stage cultivators away. I am pretty sure you don"t have any other uses for them.

And don"t worry, I will not call you out on the fact that With all the righteous bulls.h.i.t you spewed about yourself not wanting your soldiers to die and all that s.h.i.t, you kept an escape plan out just for you.

It is not weird at all."

Avlyn cut the call immediately.

Sam soon sent all of the soldiers from within the Gaja clan. Surprisingly, he didn"t keep anyone else in the city.

He went all out without leaving any spares. This is almost like a final showdown.

Sam also jumped down the wall and joined the battle. Of course, he currently stationed himself at the edge of the wall with the cannon aimed at the enemies as he sniped and provided cover for many people more efficiently.

But he is also ready to get into a hand to hand combat if needed.

Sivan who saw this was very tempted to go against Sam and fight it out with him.

As he was hesitating, he looked at his own self now. He loved the current body he is in. He is not crippled. It has myriad elemental energies. He is immune to poison and is dexterous, agile, strong and tall. A perfect warrior body.

He has treasures like a coat made of Golden crow feathers and the hoverboard under his feet that made him fly all over like wind.

Along with all of that, all the things that he gained because of the knowledge inside his current head.

He really didn"t want to lose it out and looking at Sam still standing there with that crippled body with the same unwavering confidence and strength made him feel like a failure.

"Are you guys sure that this is going to be the final attack?"

He once again contacted Avlyn just to confirm.

"Yes. I am pretty sure. Because once Gail and that stupid cat are exhausted, it will be pretty hard for any of them to step up with the Divine blood tokens we have at our hands. We can directly barge in to the city and deal with them."

"Okay, then I will also settle my business by then."

As soon as he said that, harbinger dashed through the crowd and made its way towards Sam.

Wind blades circled around the board as they aimed at Sam who is standing there with his cannon shooting a bunch of soldiers.

He noticed Sivan coming toward him, but he didn"t bother too much with them.

He even gave a pa.s.sing glance and went back to dealing with the soldiers.

Sivan got angry and swung the wind blades at Sam, but to his surprise, just when they were about to be released, the harbinger acted on its own as it diverted the wind blades to the ball.

Sam smirked at this. He looked at Sivan"s confusion and aimed the cannon at him.

The harbinger saved him before he could react.

Sivan once again started attacking Sam with the wind blades from the harbinger, but they are diverted.

Sam shook his head and said.

"Don"t bother you dumb f.u.c.k. Harbinger won"t let you attack me. It is just you and me now. You can just store it away so that I can use it later."

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