After staying with his family for one whole month, he decided to return back to the Academy.

"System, do you have anything of use for me?" Alexis asked his system.

[Affirmative Host, I contain a lot of information about this world!]

The system spoke, Alexis sighed in relief and then decided to ask a few questions.

"How trustworthy is Florestine?"

[Very trustworthy! With a high score in her loyalty towards you, at 92/100, she is the most loyal person you know. If you want her to keep your secrets and plans to yourself, you may order her to do so, this order would have to be carried throughout her life, until the day she dies, as she is an Ancilla, she has also given her life to you, Host...]

Alexis nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"System... do you have a map and indicators?"

[Affirmative host, I do have a map of the world and indications on several important places]

"I want a map with green indications on people who have suffered under a Mage or related incidents, make sure they are healthy!" Alexis requested.

[That will take some time Host, I need to update myself if you request such a thing...]

"Hmm... how long will it take?" He asked.

[Two years, Host]

"Alright then... start updating the system"

[Host, you are the only Host in my entire career that hasn"t called me "Useless" or "No good System", I will try my best to fasten the process!]

The system said enthusiastically and in a joyful voice.

Alexis wouldn"t necessarily call it useless considering it had a lot of information, but he would have preferred something with more functions, like a store where he can buy items...

"!! System, what type of System are you?" He asked it urgently.

[What do you mean, Host?]

"You said you can"t help me, but if you update yourself, you can miraculously do things that help me?" He asked with a puzzled expression.

[Host, You have a letter from the Administrator]

The system informed him.

"You didn"t even answer my question... anyway, open it!"

[Dear Mortal,

this is the Administrator, regarding the system binded to you, I need to inform you that it has many features that need to be unlocked, you are the first person to use it, make sure the system is updated regularly, it may take a long time but you don"t need to worry about that right?

Best regards, The Administrator]

"Now I know why the Administrator easily gave me the Immortality perk..." Alexis mused in an irritated expression.

"...system, the reason why n.o.body called you "Useless" or "No good System" was because n.o.bODY used you!" Alexis said.

[*Gasp!* does that mean... that I consider myself useless?]

"What?! I don"t know, don"t ask me... but anyway I have to keep updating you or something so that you develop into a system to become helpful to me..." Alexis said.

[I see... I"m glad to be of your help Host! I will not fail you!]

The system responded with new vigour and a determined tone in it"s voice.


"What the h.e.l.l is going on?!" Alexis asked himself.

He was currently looking at Florestine who insisted on helping in bathing him, normally he would have either rejected or just let her in...

But this time, he felt his heart beat faster, seeing her remove her clothes.

"Is it my hormones! G.o.dd.a.m.nit... I can"t believe time pa.s.sed that fast!" He thought, his face had a slight red hue to it as he avoided looking at Florestine.

The sound of her clothes being removed seemed to make matters worse for him.

"AH!!! GET OUT!" He shouted, his voice was deeper and cracked a little. Alexis entered the cold water, he couldn"t handle it anymore while Florestine who saw him was embarra.s.sed and quickly ran away...

"Take your clothes and leave..." he said as she covered herself with her hands and slowly kneeled down to her clothes.

"What"s the matter Florestine? Why are you covering yourself up, I"ve seen your body countless times already..." he said with a smirk.

"Y-Your highness, p-please don"t talk about

t-that!" She mumbled, her face was turning beet red.

"Heh, hurry up and go now" Alexis said and turned around.

Once he heard the door was shut closed, he came back out of the water, shivering a bit.

"I can"t accept this..." Alexis muttered, he wanted to work and complete finishing up the design on his bolt action rifle, but ever since he turned thirteen, his mind wandered off elsewhere...

"I"m better than some teenager in heat!" He stated and proceeded to bath himself.

Once he came out, he went to his room with a towel tied around his waist.

Alexis now stood at five feet four inches, and he was sure he would be growing taller within the next couple of years...

He was now as tall as Florestine...

"Why am I thinking about Florestine?!" He shouted inwardly and opened the door to his room.

Seeing that no one was inside his room, he quickly changed into his Academic uniform and sat on the edge of his bed to put on his leather boots...

Alexis was now in the Level 9 cla.s.s alongside with Sophia and her annoying friend Isabella, he noticed that they seemed to get quite grumpy for one whole week, he shrugged and shook his head off of such minor things.

Putting on his leather boots, Alexis walked upto the mirror and checked himself out and picked up a few problems with his outfit which he managed to change. He then slid the overcoat and b.u.t.toned it up.

"Y-Your highness, the carriage is prepared!" He heard Florestine"s voice from behind the door.

Alexis then opened the door and saw Florestine looking down.

"Have you taken a bath?" He asked her, she shook her head gently as Alexis sighed.

"Stay at the Manor today, I"ll go alone..." he decided and pat her head, Florestine was shocked.

"I can"t do that!" She refused and looked at Alexis.

"Think of it as a break, you may do whatever you like, perhaps... even clean the entire Manor?" He asked her, Florestine"s eyes gleamed with excitement hearing those words.

"Clean the entire house?!" She shouted inside her head.

"Very well, your highness!" She shouted excitedly as Alexis had a tiny smile, she was already holding onto a broom.

"I still can"t believe that you are nearly thirty years old... you act like you are nine!" He said as Florestine who heard it gripped the broom so hard that it broke.

"Hmm... might need to check up on your broom there, anyway I"ll be going now..." Alexis said, ignoring Florestine who was covered in an black ominous aura that leaked out her body.

"H-Have a nice day, Your highness!" She said turning to him with a smile that said rage.

Alexis nodded and left, once she was sure he had left the Manor she released her frustration and anger.

"Mmmmm that stupid prince!" She shouted and stepped on the broom countless times until it broke into many pieces...

The four guards who were outside, playing poker heard her and giggled at each other with perverted expressions.

"Forbidden love!" One of them said.

"The Prince and his "personal" maid!" Another one said and giggled.

"Her young lover!" The group of four then laughed out loud and went back to having serious arguments about the game of Poker they were playing...


Alexis was seated in cla.s.s, waiting for the teacher to come.

The boys were glaring at him... Why? Because he was seated inbetween the two beauties of the Academy!

They seemed to enjoy his presence, Including Isabella who after a few months of suspicion realised that he had no intention of doing anything to the two, other than brood...

"Alexis... w-what do you think of me?" Sophia asked Alexis who pretended to sleep as if he heard nothing, she was blushing and looked very attractive to everyone, her hair was long, it reached upto her rear, and it was dark purple...

She pouted seeing him act this way, completely ignoring her for the last three years but was sure she had made some progress with him.

Sophia pinched his waist as Alexis groaned in annoyance, it didn"t hurt him but he was still annoyed!

"What do you want from me, Party girl?" He asked her with a bored expression, these two girls brought him so much trouble just by sitting next to him!

"P-P-Party girl?!" Sophia said in shock, three years of sitting together... three years of friendly bonding time... and he still had the GALL to call her "Party girl" like she was some harlot?!

"Call me Sophia or I will hug you infront of everyone!" She said with a smirk.

"How about I leave the two of you and sit somewhere else?" Alexis asked them, adding in his own option regarding the situation at hand.

"What?! NO!" Isabella shouted and glared at Sophia who glared back...

"You two don"t let me stay in peace, just by sitting next to you two brings me all the trouble from the h.o.r.n.y boys at the back... so, Give me one good reason as to why I should stay with you?" Alexis had enough of these two girls messing with his Academic life.

"..." they looked down in shame, especially Sophia who tried to threaten him.

"I... I"m your fiancee!" Sophia declared with a flushed face as Alexis who was waiting for a reason, broke a piece off of the table he was seated and holding onto.

"...what?" Alexis was shocked, he felt immense anger.

"WHAT?!" The cla.s.sroom shouted, Isabella looked too shocked.

Alexis stood up, packed his shoulder bag, he then turned to her, looking straight into her beautiful sapphire blue eyes.

"No" he simply said and walked out, he would need to have a long conversation with Aurelius who had selfishly decided on matters that do not require his interventions...

"...Did he reject me?" Sophia asked herself, she was too shocked and in pain... During the three years they were together, she came to have feelings for him and informed her father who had a talk with the Emperor...

If Alexis heard it, he would slap her...

He couldn"t handle these kids anymore, these hormonal teens...

Alexis entered the carriage, the coachman was surprised at how early he arrived but then he saw the Prince"s face and realised that something happened.

"Where are we headed to, Your highness?" The coachman asked him seriously.

"Take me to Father..." he replied with a frown.

"Very well, your highness!" The coachman said and ordered the Golden striped horses to move.


"Gentlemen, tomorrow I will be leaving for the ceasefire meeting between the Empire of Satellia and the Republic of Namu. I hope you all know what to do, Generals?" Aurelius asked the ten middle aged men wearing militaristic clothing.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"they shouted in unison, immediately after they said so, Alexis barged in with a very cold face.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!" The Generals kneeled seeing him.

Aurelius who saw this sighed, they had already accepted Alexis as the Emperor... they didn"t even kneel with that much vigour infront of him anymore...

"Alexis, Why aren"t you in the Academy?" Aurelius asked his son who had a frown, he saw his son sigh loudly and turn to him.

"Father, ...why is the daughter of Duke Aero declaring herself as my fiancee?" Alexis asked his father with cold eyes and stared at him.

Aurelius couldn"t help but gulp, it was so weird... even last time when they talked about the secret weapon he felt unnerved when talking to his own son who at the time was only ten years old...

"I-It was just an agreement, if you don"t like her you can cancel it..." Aurelius said, trying to appease Alexis" anger down!

"Hn... Very well, I"m going the Imperial Academy next year anyways..." Alexis mumbled and looked at Aurelius again.

"Do not intervene into my personal matters!" Alexis warned, his eyes became cold instantly, his father could only nod his head with a apologetic smile.

"I"m sorry" Aurelius apologised as Alexis walked out...

The Generals were watching the drama at play and were awed by the firmness and voice of authority Alexis had when he spoke.

They didn"t necessarily like Aurelius as he never did anything for the Military, don"t get them wrong, they didn"t hate the Emperor but his lack of ambition worried them...

If they were to go to war, they would be able to do what they were taught to do! Earning medals, winning wars and battles, being glorified in history books and finally dying as a legend...

But Aurelius was a peace loving person! They just couldn"t accept him... but Alexis was a different story, something about him made their blood boil in excitement hence why they knew his son was the total opposite...

This made their hearts beat rapidly, maybe this time they could finally take over the continent for once and for all?

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