"Father, I will be leaving the residence... we will meet in two weeks time at the Kritten heights." Alexis informed Aurelius who was holding onto Irene who had a content smile on her face, Annalise was drinking tea but suddenly looked at Alexis.

"You what?!" She shouted and looked at Alexis tearfully, Alexis sighed and gave a very vague answer to her...

He then looked at Aurelius who had a serious look on his face, he noticed a few greying hairs and shook his head.

"I hope the necessary preparations are already made, Father?" He asked Aurelius who looked at him and nodded.

"What are the two of you talking about?" Annalise asked with an annoyed expression.

"Don"t worry mother, It is something that does not require your presence..." Alexis said with an apologetic smile and got up as Annalise turned to Aurelius who nodded at his words.

"It"s a secret..." Aurelius said apologetically as Alexis walked out of his room...

"Tell me or else..." Annalise said playfully as Aurelius shook his head and sighed tiredly which worried her.

"What is going on?" She asked him and got closer to him.

"Annalise, I really cannot tell you... please don"t ask me!" Aurelius said as she nodded slowly.

"...Is it that bad?" She asked him worriedly as Aurelius nodded and smiled when he looked at Irene.

"But atleast I have you!" He said and hugged Irene.

Annalise stayed quiet, she was worried... why was her son involved in something so bad that it had to be kept a secret?

"I can only hope that he is safe..." she thought.


"Florestine, get ready to leave." He said, she nodded but didn"t dare look at him for the stunt she had pulled not so long ago...

"Y-yes, your highness!" She stuttered and quickly held onto him.


The two of them were engulfed in a bright flash of light, once the flash flickered away, Alexis and Florestine were nowhere to be found, the guards who saw the scene unfold, looked shocked.



The two of them appeared in the middle of a slum...

Florestine frowned slightly when the smell of the place entered her nose.

Since Alexis and Florestine appeared out of nowhere, the inhabitants were shocked and scared, a few thugs living in the area avoided them.

"Hm... looks just like a slum..." Alexis commented, it looked like a slum from the otherworldly, Florestine who didn"t know what he talked about sweatdropped.

"Alright System, work your magic..." He told his system.


[Host, you will now see a map of the slum, the yellow dot is you, the green dots are the ones you are looking for!]

The system said enthusiastically as Alexis blinked his eyes.

There was indeed a green map infront him... he grabbed Florestine"s hand instinctively and walked to the green dots shown in the map.

"H-He is holding m-my hand!" Florestine screamed inside while she blushed outwardly.

"Why am I holding her hand?" Alexis asked himself.

"Her hand is very soft... what am I thinking?!" He shook his head off of such minor thoughts and continued walking towards the nearest green dot.

The path was narrow and had countless numbers of small houses with many people packed inside, to top it off there were rats that were the size of cats...

Alexis saw Florestine look a bit pale and hurried over to the green dot, they entered through smaller lanes while the inhabitants of the slum were staring at the two of them in awe.

The duo stopped infront of a very small shanty, it seemed as if would fall apart even with the slightest gust of wind, he felt the presence inside and walked in without any courtesy...

The person inside heard the footsteps and walked out to the entrance with an iron pole in his hand.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! I said I will pay you all tomorrow!" He shouted and came out of the darkness, the people he saw were not the thugs he was supposed to pay... but a couple of angels! The man was very handsome while the woman looked like a G.o.ddess...

"...Who are you people?" He asked them warily and gripped his iron pole tightly.

"A kid?" Alexis thought...

"Tell me... are you perhaps alone, maybe because of a Mage?" Alexis asked him mysteriously...

"W-Wha! What do you want from me?!" The boy asked, he was around ten years of age...

"Answer my question, kid" Alexis said calmly.

"W-Why does it matter to you anyways?!" The kid asked in a sad tone, tears flowed down his eyes as he glared the duo, he would still have nightmares and flashbacks of that fateful day...

Alexus turned to Florestine who was now shorter than him by four inches, the kid was crying and Alexis had no idea on what to do next...

Florestine smiled gently at Alexis and kneeled down to the kid"s height and gently spoke to him.

After a few minutes, Alexis could finally talk to the boy, he promised him that the world will be a better place if he worked for him...

"Child, what is your name?" Florestine asked the kid who smiled genuinely.

"My name is Marcus Rogue!" He said with pride as Alexis had a small smirk, he would mold the kid into his right hand man...

But for now, he needed to find more people!


Alexis fell on his king sized bed tiredly, a while ago he had bought a couple of mansions, the money was from selling the genius inventions to the public, they were mostly household items such as vegetable peelers, soap and various other upgraded versions of items of what people used to have...

All of these happened while he was in the Academy, he ordered Florestine to start a business that would help him fund his private army!

He was now very rich, the money was kept with Florestine who would purchase the mansions on his behalf and also buy the raw materials required for the rifle, atleast now the people he had gathered had a place to stay...

He then remembered what the system told him about Marcus, apparently the kid looked at him as he were a G.o.d which made him chuckle.

"He has the second highest loyalty... with a rate of 88/100" he mused and proceeded to take a nap...

"Florestine would wake me up anyways..." he thought and closed his eyes.

Alexis was already very tired after travelling and working nonstop for one whole week, he didn"t let Florestine do much of his work as she was sent out to buy the houses and also manage the business...

Soon after he closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

The door to his room opened ever so slightly until it was halfway opened silently as a figure sneaked in.

A few hours later, Alexis woke up with a yawn, he then tried to stretch his arms but he couldn"t seem to get his arm out...

It was as if something was holding it in place.

"...Holding?" Alexis thought and looked down, Flroestine was on his bed and had kept his arm inbetween her chest...

"W-What!?" He panicked and slowly took his arm out of chest.

He blushed feeling her big soft and supple bust, Alexis quickly took his hand away and left the room, leaving Florestine in his bed... still sleeping.

She woke up a few minutes after he was done and immediately blushed, she wanted to scold herself for crossing the line...

"He"s probably angry at me..." She thought sadly, but would she give up? Never! She has been working under Alexis nearly half of her entire lifetime...

She knew him the best and she knew that underneath his cold exterior was someone who cared...

Alexis wouldn"t admit to this and he would even laugh mockingly at her but she knows more about him than he does about himself...

"But he is still my highness!" She told herself with a smile.

Florestine then got up and fixed the bed, she quietly came out and started doing her regular ch.o.r.es which she loved to do...

"How was your sleep?" Alexus asked her, she turned to Alexis who was leaning on the door with his eyes closed and a smirk on his face.

"I-I-I" She stuttered as Alexis chuckled in amus.e.m.e.nt and walked upto her, he pa.s.sed her and grabbed a gla.s.s and eventually filled it up with water.

"Why are you so scared of me?" He asked her while keeping his mouth on the edge of the gla.s.s, his eyes had a glint of mischief...

"I"m not scared of you... idiot..." She mumbled to herself with a pout and glared at him with teary eyes.

"You do realise that I can hear everything right?" Alexis asked her with the same smirk, he drank the water and placed it on the table.

He then walked upto her, Florestine blushed and looked down seeing him come closer to her, Alexis stopped right infront of her.

"W-What is he g-going to do??" She panicked while her face was turning beat red.

Alexis then cupped her chin and made her look straight into his eyes, she avoided his gaze and rolled her emerald green eyes away from his own red eyes...

"Hmm... why do you avoid me?" Alexis asked her curiously, he didn"t know what he was doing but something told him that he did the right thing.

"Or are you just shy infront me?" He whispered into her ear as her eyes became glazed and her breathing became ragged.

"...My body is moving on it"s own!" He panicked inwardly as he pecked her soft and smooth red lips lightly...

"You..You... AHH!!" Florestine screamed in embarra.s.sment, slapped him the face and ran away.

Alexis stood in the same spot he was...

"...What am I doing?" He facepalmed and shook his head...

He then went back to his room while rubbing his reddened cheek that had the imprint of her palm, and tweaked with the blueprint, Florestine stared at his back as he walked into his room.

"His Highness..." She thought sadly...

Alexis had finally gotten the mechanism... now he had to give it to the Science foundation... if Magnus comes, his group of scientists and Alexis would perfect the bolt action rifle...

Very soon, he would be able to equip his secret army with the rifle and later on make certain additions such as scopes, smokeless gunpowder and suppressors effectively turning a few of them into a.s.sa.s.sination squads...

This would help him in the long run... for now he would work hard and once he had finished his Quest, Alexis would disappear from the known world and live the rest of his immortal life care freely in a mansion hidden from society... or atleast that was his plan...

"...why did I pick Immortality?" He asked himself and sighed.

"Soon I"ll be alone if this keeps on going... heh, maybe I got too attached to a few people..." He thought and walked over the window and stared at the starry night sky...

"I hope the system will be able to help me then..." He nodded his head and put off the oil lamps.

Alexis then heard someone knock on his door.

"Come in..." Alexis ordered as Florestine came into his room wearing a nightgown, her hair was somewhat wet, droplets of water trailed down her neck as her dark blue hair glistened in the light...

"What do you want Florestine?" He asked his maid who was looking down.

"I would like to sleep with your highness tonight..." She said in a barely audible voice, Alexis" eyes widened but he overcame his shock...

"...Do as you please..." He sighed and said without looking at her and got into the bed and covered himself up with the thick quilt.

He sensed Florestine get in and closed eyes...

"what are you doing?" He asked her sleepily while his eyes were closed, Alexis felt her hands wrap around him.

"...I would like to stay like this with your highness, I"m only going to get older... while you will become a young man, just thinking about it makes me sad... please let me stay like this..." She begged him, her voice quivering in sadness...

"...Florestine, would you like to live longer then?" He asked her.

"...Don"t give me hope, your highness... even if I do live longer what about you and everyone else? But if your highness too will also be able to live longer, then I would, for as long as I get to stay with your highness forever..." She whispered and hugged him tighter as if Alexis would go from her grasp, He sighed.

"System, is it... possible?" Alexis asked his partner.

[Host, if I had updated only once, it would have been impossible, but now there is an option like that! However keep in mind that only one person can become immortal just like you! It may increase once you update the system but that will take ten years...]

"Very well... proceed with it..." Alexis sighed.

[Very well Host... To turn her into an Immortal, you need give her a kiss]

"What...?" Alexis asked the system.

[That is the only requirement Host, You may not notice it but you have feelings for your maid and vice versa, kissing her would bind her to you thereby making her an pseudo-immortal...]

The system explained as Alexis blushed.

"...Fine" He replied with an irritated expression and turned to Florestine.

"Your highne- mhm!!" Her eyes were wide open, Alexis kissed her, this wasn"t the simple peck she received a while ago, this was more intense and infinitely better, according to her...

He tightly held her hands in place and got on top of her, his body weight pressed on her as they battled for dominance with their lips, her legs wrapped around his waist instinctively. ..

She wriggled and moaned under him as Alexis released her and breathed heavily, he then wiped his mouth and went to sleep.


The system shouted inside his head, Alexis covered himself up with the quilt.

"Shut up, is she an immortal now?" He asked the system.

[Host... she was already an immortal when you were talking to me!]

"WHAT!?" Alexis shouted at him.

[I helped Host with your romantic relationship, aren"t you going to thank me?]

The system asked him, Alexis trembled in anger.

"ARGH! THAT STUPID SYSTEM!" He shouted as Florestine who was in daze yelped...

"Sorry..." Alexis apologised to Florestine who then sighed and hugged him.

"What are you doing?" He asked her.

"Is that how you stop yourself from being embarra.s.sed?" Florestine asked Alexis who went quiet, she then giggled and closed her eyes...

"...What am I going to do now?" Alexis asked himself.

[How about dating, Host?]

The system suggested as Alexis" eyebrow twitched.

"You... shut up" he said and went to sleep...

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