"AHHH!! MY ARM!! MY ARM!!" A Lunar soldier shouted as he rolled on the darkened soil smearing it with his blood as he wriggled in pain, he shouted incoherently just like the other hundreds of soldiers screaming in pain...

Right after he was killed, several tens of Axis soldiers charged the position of the Lunar base only to be blown into smithereens by artillery sh.e.l.ls.

Once the first sh.e.l.l exploded, ten more sh.e.l.ls followed forcing the Axis soldiers to retreat, what was once a prosperous city was now a battlefield with no building in sight, just rubble and gory dead bodies...

"We are retreating!" The Lunar commander ordered as the soldiers helped their allies and comrades alike and marched away back to their base.


The Axis Army Supreme Commander was not in a good mood, he had just gotten information that the enemy forces are advancing fast, their allied Axis-Nations destroyed by the superior Allied forces...

Their wave attacks proved to be useless under the enemies rapid firing weaponry and the only result was just more casualties...

The war had started not too long ago, five months to be exact, with both sides losing more and more soldiers but the enemy seems to be winning every battle.

But atleast it was his front that was losing, the Central Frontier(Republican side) and the Eastern Frontier(Satellian side) both had garnered much more positive results...

While the Empire is pushing back the forces from the west, it is being pushed back from the central and eastern regions.

But as long as the Kingdom isn"t defeated, they have a big chance at winning this horrible war, the Empire is doomed to fall under the pressure from three sides...

"And then we can usher the world into an era of peace..." He sighed and went back to ordering his officers many of whom were already in the field unlike him.


"SIR! EMERGENCY REPORT FROM COMMS!" A Lunar soldier shouted and intruded into the tent hurriedly as he gathered the attention of the Generals that were discussing their war plans...

"Speak!" Ordered the Generals as the soldier saluted and opened his mouth.

"Satellian forces are preparing to attack the fort! Three Satellian armies are already marching, the enemy armies are estimated to be around two hundred thousand, four hundred thousand and one hundred thousand!" The soldier reported as the Generals frowned.

"That"s seven hundred thousand troops... almost twice our numbers!" A General paled.

"Prepare the artillery! You are given permission to use our secret weapon..." the voice of the Head General reverberated in the room, there was pin drop silence...

The soldier quickly masked his shock and saluted, he then left to inform the rest.

"Is it alright to use them this early?" An old General asked the Head who sighed.

"Every soldier is important... we are currently outnumbered by our enemies therefore we need to close the gap and kill every single one of them, even if it means using top secret weaponry..." The Head General declares decisively as the others nodded and left the room...


"Alexis, I left the throne to you for a few months and you have already started a war..." Aurelius frowned as he sat on his throne while his son was seated on the table much to his annoyance...

"It"s a talent!" Alexis shrugged and glanced at his father"s face that turned red in anger and snickered.

"You better win this war otherwise it"s not just you that will die..." Aurelius said solemnly as Alexis waved his hand calming him down.

"Don"t worry, we won"t lose... I"ll make sure of it... I"m planning on going to the Eastern Frontier in two days!" He stated and left the room.

"I missed this chair..." Aurelius said and leaned on it blissfully...


"The Empire has twenty million active personnel and another fifty four million fit for service, if the situation is so bad, I will have to take in child soldiers into the military..." He sighed.

So far, the situation has been alright... the Empire and her allies have been holding onto their positions as the winning side, but it could change any moment and Alexis was worried about that.

He made love with Florestine the previous night and was now preparing himself to go into the battlefield once again, this time however, he had an army of one million soldiers!

They gathered at a forest not far from the capital and marched towards the Fort they had taken over from the Satellians a while back...

He glanced at the soldiers and groaned...

"These guys are new to the war... hopefully they will do good when fighting!" He sighed and turned to the iron machines that were roaring and moving about through the muddy ground...

"Hmm... the tanks look quite old fashioned but they atleast are faring much better than those of world war one..." he noted.

"Deuts-... Lunar Quality..." He chuckled as the Generals looked at him weirdly but quickly took serious faces hoping he wouldn"t see them.

After a week of gruelling marches, the soldiers finally reached the vicinity of the Fort...

Alexis frowned, the walls were either damaged or destroyed, to top it off there were war cries and gunshots that echoed from the inside.

He quickly entered through the unguarded gate only to find thousands of dead bodies sprawled and piled over one another, they looked pale and stunk of burnt rotten flesh...

"These bodies are atleast two days old!" He deduced and reached the officers tent only to gag at the gore inside.

Three Lunar Generals, stripped naked and torn apart finger by finger and then limb by limb, their eyes were pulled out of their sockets and inside them were maggots that were devouring the rotten flesh.

The Generals had been tied onto three wooden chairs, they sat on puddles of dried and darkened blood, inbetween their legs were three rods that had been forcefully punctured through the groin, their faces manifesting just how painful their deaths were...

"They were probably tortured to death by the enemies..." Alexis thought as he covered his nose with his hand and activated a fire magic spell, burning the dead Generals in it"s wake...

By the time his army came, the three dead bodies were burnt to ash, the rookie soldiers paled and vomited immediately seeing the carnage first hand.

The veterans twitched ever so slightly and closed their eyes to pay respects, not for the enemies, but for their kin...

"I found three Generals, they were tortured to death... probably forced to give information..." Alexis walked out of the tent and informed his Generals that fumed in anger.

They may not have known each other but these dead soldiers were family! All Lunarians belong to one race of people with blue hair akin to how Satellians had red, Namuians with black and Ritzburgs" blonde...

It was simply humiliating for them...

"The Fort is very big, I can"t afford to spread my forces too thin..." He told himself and turned to the Generals.

"We are going over to the battle!" Alexis stated as the Generals saluted and ran back to their subordinates, after gathering all the troops, they cautiously marched towards the battle, the screams and gunshots seemed to get louder and louder as several of his men trembled while holding onto their semi automatic rifles...

They came across a barrier which Alexis kicked down, this gave them a view of what was going on...

The last of the Lunar troops that were left to defend the Fort fighting against the Satellian forces!

Alexis" Generals charged at the enemy almost immediately as their soldiers followed behind them shouting, many in fear, some in excitement.

Alexis himself laughed maniacally and took his sabre and jumped into the middle of the Satellain troops, slashing his sword as his enemies fell down one by one.

Most were left alive but with a limb less, they screamed in pain only to be killed by his rookie soldiers that plunged their bayonets into the hearts of their enemies!

The tired, demoralised Lunar army cheered seeing the reinforcements and fired the last of their weapons hoping to get more kills...

"This feels so good!" Alexis exclaimed inside his head as he grabbed the throat of one Satellian soldier and smashed his head into the floor crushing it into paste, the ones surrounding him screeched in fear as he broke their limbs, hearing the crunch in breaking bones gave him an exhilarating feeling!

"HAHAHA!! COME YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.dS!" His voice echoed all over the battlefield as more and more Satellians poured outside from the buildings that were once theirs...

The battle was fought for nearly two days, Alexis in the middle of it all dancing around with his broken sabre.

He struck his sword at the rifle of one soldier which resulted in his sabre breaking into shards of sharp metal, Alexis realised that it had reached it"s limit and proceeded to brawl with his enemies.

"M-monster! Everyone attack him!" A Satellian officer shouted at his men who backed away in fright when Alexis raised an eyebrow.

"If you won"t come, I will..." Alexis smiled and vanished from their sight.

The officer looked around only to suddenly feel agonising pain all over his face as he flew ten metres away and struck a wall that stopped him.

Alexis then ran towards the closest soldier as his hand turned blue, his coated his hand with his highly potent mana that acted as a blade as he shoved his hand staright through the soldier"s chest.

Gun crackled as he quickly pulled out his arm and shielded himself under the dead soldier that was suddenly shot multiple times.

"...inferno!" Alexis muttered in a hushed voice as a magic circle formed under his unoccupied arm, the magic circle spiraled under him and vividly set itself ablaze in orange and blueish flames.

The dead body smoked due to the intense heat the fire had been producing and had shrivelled up as if it were mummified remains of a dead body!

Alexis then activated the spell and thrusted his hand at the Satellian soldiers, all this happened in a split second, the soldiers were too slow.

Before they could utter even a single word, the entire army was engulfed in terrifying h.e.l.lish flames that transformed what remained of them, into particles of ash...

"That took out a lot from me..." Alexis thought and grinned malevolently seeing the effects of his powerful fire spell.

"Holy..." A lunar soldier commented absentmindedly and fell down losing his consciousness...

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