"This looks like the humiliation of 1558..." A General said while he observed the clouds of dust far away into the horizon...

"That was when the Crimson prince was still eighteen years was it not?" A former rebel leader asked the General that laughed.

"Yeah... that young man was the reason why our Empire collapsed..." The General answered and walked back to his post.


The Imperial forces had pushed through the thick defensive line of the Satellians and broken into the lands of the Capital...

The battle had taken fifty three tanks from his army and the lives of three million soldiers!

Due to the strong defensive line, the army was delayed for two months until Alexis himself was notified by the Generals of the North that they too had been delayed...

But since his artillery unit was mostly intact, they had managed to utterly decimate the defenders hoping they would never be able to fight back!

Alexis who was in a bad mood had ordered the immediate execution of all survivors which resulted in more deaths.

The next few days were like a breeze as they pushed further into Salaten...


Charlotte was hugging onto the curvaceous frame of Amelia who was sobbing on her shoulder.

"Amelia... it"s not your fault..." Charlotte comforted her lover who looked up tearily.

"It is my fault... if I didn"t start this rebellion, there wouldn"t have been this much death! I"m the cause of it all! I was the catalyst that triggered him into starting this war..." Amelia sniffled and covered her face with a handkerchief.

The couple heard several knocks on their door as Charlotte went back to open it.

"Speak!" She ordered the soldier that had a solemn expression.

"Madam Charlotte, the Allied forces have broken through our defensive line and are currently on their way towards Salaten..." The man informed her as she nodded slowly in shock and motioned the man to leave.

"What is it?" She heard Amelia"s voice behind her and turned back in panic.

"...it"s noth-"

"Tell me... I"m your leader!" Amelia ordered her sternly as Charlotte sighed and leaned on the wall and slowly sat on the floor.

"They broke through the defence..." She mumbled.

"...I-I see..." Amelia stuttered in shock and took out a pistol from a drawer, hoping to end it all...

"Woah! What are you doing?!" Charlotte shouted at her making Amelia drop the pistol in her hand in shock.

Thankfully nothing happened as Amelia fell down and cried once again...


"Tsk! Order the retreat..." Alexis said while looking over his tank, the Capital city of Satellia had been fortified by the military forcing his troops to suffer ma.s.sive losses.

They had been attacking this city for a month now!

Alexis went back to the base that was out of range from Satellian fire.

Late into the night as he slept on his bed with Sophia who had arrived a couple of weeks ago, he suddenly woke up from his slumber and put his clothes on.

This action woke Sophia who looked at him in confusion.

"What"s wrong?" She asked him while covering her nude figure with the soft blanket.

"I felt something... like... it was weird..." He sighed as Sophia looked at him worried and put her uniform on aswell.

Immediately as they both got ready and opened the door, a soldier came towards them running.

"Your highnesses, we found two children who suddenly warped in the middle of a training ground!" The soldier said and gasped for air.

"Warped?" Sophia asked questioningly.

"Yes your highness, the s.p.a.ce warped and they suddenly appeared out of thin air! There was also a big disturbance in the mana field..." The soldier explained as the couple looked at each other meaningfully and followed the soldier.


"c.r.a.p! c.r.a.p! c.r.a.p! That old geezer! I"m going to kill him when we go back..." A red haired boy said in a hushed voice he seemed terrified while he took secret glances at the soldiers surrounding them, next to him was a red haired girl who huffed angrily and whacked the boy in the head.

"Shut the h.e.l.l up will you?!" She chided and glared at the boy who yelped and covered his head in pain.

This made a few soldiers snicker while the rest could only sweatdrop at the comical scene.

"What is going on here?" The crowding heard a melodious feminine voice, this made the soldiers stand straighter and shout in unison.


The red haired boy"s eyes bulged as he turned to his partner in shock, awe and excitement?

"Empress they say..." The soldiers heard another voice and shivered.

"WE GREET HIS HIGHNESS, CROWN PRINCE ALEXIS!" They shouted once again in unison.

"At ease... bring these two children to my quarters!" Alexis said while observing the two red heads.

"Anc-!!" The boy"s mouth was covered by the girl"s hands.

"Ahaha... please do not mind this fool"s words, your highnesses!" The girl smiled wryly and blushed when she saw Alexis.

The walk back to his tent was awkward as Sophia kept an eye on them, turned to Alexis and looked at him weirdly.

"Dear... are they possibly your love children with some harlot?" She asked him with a darkened expression.

"HEY! MY MOM IS NOT SOME HARLOT!" The boy shouted angrily and glared at her.

"You idiot! What are you saying!!" The girl reprimanded the boy while Alexis sighed and shook his head.

He then entered the tent and took a seat, staring both children who squirmed under his gaze...

"So... who are you two? You both have features of the Imperial family of my Empire... but there are no reported children that have left the family!" He said as his eyes narrowed.

The boy almost soiled himself but was nudged by his sister who had a serious look on her face, she already had a beautiful face at a young age and would definitely grow up to become a renowned beauty.

"Your highness, before we answer your question... can you kindly tell us what year we are in?" The girl asked with a gentle smile.

"*sigh* it seems like I was right all along..." Alexis mumbled.

"But for your information, it is 1566. Sophia, please leave us..." He smiled at Sophia who left begrudgingly with a pout on her cold face.

"So... how is the future like?" He smiled at the shocked faces of the two children.

"Wh-what are you saying?!" Both shouted incoherently as he chuckled at their behaviour.

"Fine, I won"t ask anything... but you came at a very bad time!" He told them with a tired sigh.

"Umm... if possible, can you tell us what is going on?" The girl asked him curiously as Alexis stretched his body and opened his mouth to speak.

"We are in the middle of a war..." He told them with a snicker.

"Cheh! Just hurry up and tell us!" The boy said in annoyance as Alexis shook his head in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"We are currently invading Salaten." Alexis replied.

"HOLY s.h.i.t?! THE BATTLE OF SALATEN, SERIOUSLY??" The boy shouted excitedly, his eyes turned into stars as he looked at Alexis with adoration.

"Which part? Which part?" The boy jumped around and gazed at him eagerly awaiting his answer.

"Part? Hmm... well, we broke through the defenses and have been besieging Salaten for a month..." The older man informed as the girl frowned.

"That means the Great War wil-" She covered the boy"s mouth again and bonked him on the head.

"I presume you don"t want to disrupt the future?" Alexis asked the girl who nodded with a sigh as the boy understood why she did so.

"Well... how long will you be staying here for?" He asked the sibling duo.

"For a day I guess... and then we would like to see other places!" The girl said while thinking.

Alexis winced at that.

"Little girl, I would not recommend sightseeing... the only thing you will see out of this base is death!" He warned them as the boy clenched his fists.

"I"m not scared!" He shouted, Alexis shrugged and forced the two of them to follow him.

"Who are those blindfolded people?" The girl asked Alexis who turned to the boy.

The said boy widened his eyes, they turned red... ofcourse he did not expect to see this...

"The S.E.P.O.W, also known as Systematic Execution of Prisoners Of War... stop this! This is a war crime!" The boy pleaded him.

"It"s not a war crime if laws aren"t enacted." Alexis replied to the boy that gulped in fear.

"Is this the truth of the Great war? Indiscriminate murder and unjustified crimes..." The boy then turned to his sister whose face turned green in disgust.



The two children closes their eyes instinctively as the final order was announced.


The rifles crackled as all prisoners fell down dead, small puddles of blood forming under them, adding more red to the already maroon soil...

"It"s over for now, let"s go back before the next batch comes..." He sighed and looked the two children worriedly, they nodded silently, shaken out of their wits.

"...how many are executed per day?" The boy asked him.

"Ten thousand" Alexis answered and motioned Sophia to get in.

"Ten thousand... that"s more than what was written on the books!" The boy noted.

"I just remembered, your names... you haven"t given me your names!" The older redhead exclaimed trying to defuse the tense atmosphere...

"Call me Bell, and her, Mell!" The boy said with a smile as Alexis nodded.

"Now then, tell us for how long you will be staying in this timeline..." He crossed his arms and looked at them sternly.

"Sixty hours!" The two replied.

Sophia gasped in shock and turned to Alexis with her widened eyes.

This made the sibling duo chuckle.

"You two brats! Why are you laughing?" She asked them while rolling her eyes.

"Because, in our timeline you were a wrinkly old woman and looked cranky all the time!" Bell laughed at her as Alexis snickered.

He quickly held onto Sophia who threatened to teach the two kids a lesson.

"Sophia, calm down..." He whispered into her ear as she blushed and nodded while looking down.

"They said that Empress Sophia was forced to marry the Emperor... but judging by your actions that doesnt seem to be the case!" Mell informed the couple that shrugged.

"Mell, do we have children?" Sophia asked them with a fond smile and pointed at herself and Alexis who sighed.

"I can"t tell you that!" Mell stated with a wry smile making Sophia pout and glare at the boy who called a wrinkly old woman.

"Hmm... well, I"ll call Marcus who will give you two a nice room and food for the two days you are staying..." Alexis informed his descendants.

"Marcus?!" They screamed inside their heads.

"What"s up? Something wrong?" Sophia asked them warily.

"N-No it"s nothing!" They shook their heads and walked away following Alexis in a beeline.


The next day, Alexis ordered an offensive on the city that was mostly in ruins...

The walls, or what was left of the walls were still defended by the Satellians that were surrounded from all sides.

With no supplies of food, water and ammunition for soldiers and civilians alike, many died.

But they did not want to surrender as they would be killed anyway...


Voices of Generals from the Allied forces boomed from the surroundings as they echoed over to the inhabitants of the city...

Many were unnerved by the words of the enemy and urged the soldiers to surrender but it was too late!

"Attack!" Alexis ordered, his troops charging at the city while the tanks themselves killing countless numbers of soldiers that were still defending...

The Imperial forces fired their weapons indiscriminately killing most of the soldiers that tried running away, thankfully the civilians were spared of death and forced to flee from the area.

"STOP! WE SURRENDER!" Alexis heard Amelia"s distressed voice and smiled.

After a few hours of negotiations, the First Satellian Republic capitulated and it"s ruler, Premier Amelia arrested and kept a prisoner of war...

With the Kingdom as the remaining country to fight back, many of the Axis nations surrendered unconditionally forcing the Kingdom to be pushed back further into it"s own territory.


"Master, flee with your lover and child!" Alexis told his grand uncle who had voiced his complaints over the invasion of the Kingdom.

"I don"t think they will leave... besides, my child is the King of Ritzburg!" The old man sighed, he was visibly aging...

"We will arrest him for a while and release him once the Kingdom is taken..." Alexis said as his master sighed once more and nodded.


The Kingdom was infiltrated by five hundred Nox operatives, they were tasked with a.s.sa.s.sinating all officials and their direct families...

King Rivel was woken from his slumber as he managed to escape a death strike on his head.

"So the Empire has sent it"s forces to a.s.sa.s.sinate me..." He mumbled and saw his wife shaken in terror.

"Sir Rivel Lunar, you will be arrested as a prisoner of war and will be released once the Kingdom capitulated... The Crown prince wishes you corporate with us!" The Nox operative"s emotionless voice resounded in the room.

Before he could say anything against the operative, The masked man raised his hands.

"We mean no harm, your family will be kept safe until your release after which you may live with your parents and Queen..." The man explained while waiting for an answer from the man who glanced at his wife.

"Why should I trust you?" Rivel asked with narrowed eyes.

"You shouldn"t, we will kill your children if you do not surrender yourself..." The man said coldly and opened the door revealing his two children that were held captive with knives on their necks.

"NOOO!!!" The Queen wailed as Rivel roared angrily and gave himself up to the Imperial forces.

"I swear to the G.o.ds, if there is something as little as a scratch on any of them, I will kill you!" His empty threats made Marcus scoff.

"We are not lowly enough to kill children." Marcus muttered.

"Your actions in my allied nations proved otherwise..." The king growled.

"That was a misunderstanding, the letters were forged by your own allies to give us a bad reputation..." Marcus lied.

"Enough, let"s go!" He told his soldiers as they disappeared from the room leaving two children and a distraught Queen...

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