Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1132: A Bully

Chapter 1132: A Bully

"That"s right. Please sign mine too."

The students asked for her signature. They treated her as a famous artist who came to their university. They even asked her for a picture.

Of course, Yu Qi could not reject that because it was nothing much. The onlookers became curious about Yu Qi. The students told them about Yu Qi"s ident.i.ty. They were dumbfounded when knowing her ident.i.ty. They thought she was an actress or something like that. But turned out she was just a doctor.

"Doctor Tang, you say you want to meet someone here. Who do you mean? Is that one of our lecturers?" Jue Xi asked.

"Oh, no. She is my cousin. She is a student here. I tried to call her but she was not answering." Yu Qi explained.

"Maybe she is still in the cla.s.s."

"Probably." Yu Qi said.

"What is her name?"

"What course that she take?"

"Yeah. You can tell us. We probably know."

Before she had time to answer the question, her body had been hugged by someone.

"Sister Yu Qi." It was Dian Qi Qi.

Everyone in the university knew Dian Qi Qi due to her drastic dressing up. The lecturer did not say anything because of her result.

"Qi Qi."

"Sister Yu Qi, what are you doing here?" Dian Qi Qi asked.

"Coming to meet you." Yu Qi smiled.

"I am so happy." Dian Qi Qi jumped.

Everyone seemed speechless to see Dian Qi Qi act like that. It was because they knew Dian Qi Qi as a cold person. She never liked to smile at others. They thought she was a gloomy person.

But they never thought Dian Qi Qi would act like this in front of the person that they admired.

"Doctor Tang, what is your relations.h.i.+p with her?" A student asked.

"She is my relative. My family." It was Dian Qi Qi who answered that, not Yu Qi and at the top of it, she was proud to say that.

"Sister Yu Qi, let"s go. My cla.s.s is finished for today." Dian Qi Qi said.

"Hmm... I want to visit great-grandpa." Yu Qi said.

"Oh... okay... Let"s go. Oh, wait. Let me inform my mother first that I am going to Great grandpa"s." Dian Qi Qi took out her phone and call her mother.

Just two minutes, Dian Qi Qi ended the phone. "Let"s go, Sister Yu Qi. Great-Grandpa would be happy to see you."

They did not know that there were some people who stared at them with different thoughts.


"I saw the doctor at my university earlier." Mu Kuang He said to his mother after returning home.

"Huh? What doctor?" Su Yu Qing asked her son.

"The one who treated Second Sister." Mu Kuang He said.

"What? She is here? Is she going to visit Rong Xie?" Su Yu Qing asked.

"I think no. She came to see someone at my university and left. I don"t know where she going." Mu Kuang He said.

"I want her to see your sister. She is still staying inside the room. She did not want to leave the room at all. I hope that Doctor can help her." Su Yu Qing placed her hope on Yu Qi.

"Mum, she is not a psychiatrist." Mu Kuang He reminded Su Yu Qing.

Su Yu Qing started to hit Mu Kuang He.

"How dare you say something like that? Your sister is not a crazy person." Su Yu Qing hit Mu Kuang He again.

"If she doesn"t come out of her room, she definitely has a mental illness. Her body is recovered but she still does not want to come out." Mu Kuang He said.

Mu Kuang He did not fond of his second sister. When they were younger, his second sister liked to bully him. s.n.a.t.c.hing his favourite toy, hiding his homework until the teacher was angry at him, eating his favourite dessert, telling their mother that he was the one who broke their mother"s favourite vase but she was the one who did it. There were a lot of them. It could not be counted by hands.

When his second sister have a strange illness, he was secretly happy about that. It must be the work of someone who hated his second sister so much.

His second sister liked to bully the girls that she thought were more beautiful than her. She could not stand that. She bullied many girls.

He remembered that a girl. She was indeed beautiful. More way better than his second sister. She was in the same grade as his second sister. As always, his second sister started to bully the girl.

The methods that his second sister used were very extreme. In the end, the girl was ruined. The school life that was supposed to be happy turned out to be a living h.e.l.l for the girl. Since she could not stand the bully, she took her own life.

However, there was no single news regarding the poor girl. The girl was from a poor family. She got into the elite school because of the scholars.h.i.+p. She was very clever. She was studying hard to improve her life and her family life.

But because of his second sister"s jealousy, the girl"s good life was ruined. Even so, his second sister did not feel any remote as to what she had done.

Mu Kuang He felt that it was karma. His second sister should be thankful that she was still alive. Just her appearance ruined. But he felt that could be fixed using nowadays technologies.

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