Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1133: Little Ray

Chapter 1133: Little Ray

"Great-Grandpa, look who"s coming." Dian Qi Qi shouted at the training room.

Grandpa Ray told them that Great-Grandpa Dian was in the training room. Since Dian Qi Qi"s voice was super loud, everyone turned in their direction. That was including Great-Grandpa Dian too.

"Yu Qi!" Great-Grandpa Dian was delighted to see Yu Qi.

"Great-Grandpa, how are you?" Yu Qi greeted Great-Grandpa Dian.

"Of course, I am fine. After your treatment, I feel I can live another hundred years." Great-Grandpa Dian laughed.

It was the truth though. Before Yu Qi"s treatment, he felt his time would arrive soon. He just could wait for his death. Since he already lived long, he accepted his death.

After knowing the truth that someone that he treated like a brother poisoned him, he was devastated. However, he met Yu Qi that turned out to be his great-granddaughter, he felt the world had forsaken him.

"It seemed there are a lot of people here." Yu Qi commented.

The last time she met with Long Hui, there were fewer people there.

"Oh, everyone is our family disciple. Everyone, let me introduce you. This is my other great-granddaughter, Tang Yu Qi." Great-Grandpa Dian said to the people.

The people did the deep bow to Yu Qi. "Nice to meet you, Young Miss Tang Yu Qi."???e?e?????l.c??

Yu Qi was blinking several times. She did not expect to be greeted like that.

"Nice to meet you." Yu Qi replied.

"They are going to join the compet.i.tion too." Great-Grandpa Dian said.

"I see." Yu Qi nodded.

"Let"s talk inside. Everyone, practice what I taught earlier. Henry, you take over." Great-Grandpa Dian ordered.

"Yes, Old Master." Everyone said including Henry.

Henry was the one who was suspicious of Yu Qi. However, after knowing that Yu Qi was the great-granddaughter of Great-Grandpa Dian, he treated Yu Qi with ultimate respect.

The three of them went to the room. Grandpa Ray appeared with the tea and some refreshment. Yu Qi could not help to feel impressed with Grandpa Ray. She wondered where to get someone like Grandpa Ray.

"Yu Qi, why do you looking at Ray like that?" Great-Grandpa Dian noticed the stare.

"Grandpa Ray is impressive. He knew what to do without you telling him." Yu Qi said.

"Thank you, Young Miss Yu Qi. It is because I stay by Old Master for a long time." Grandpa Ray smiled.

"That"s right. Little Ray is very impressive." Great-Grandpa Dian chuckled.

"Old Master, you can"t call me like that in front of Young Misses." Grandpa Ray said.

Yu Qi and Dian Qi Qi were laughing as well as Great-Grandpa Dian.

"By the way, your fiancee does not come with you?" Great-Grandpa Dian asked.

"He did come. But due to her work, he needs to leave." Yu Qi explained.

"Oh, really? I thought if he comes, I can spar with him. He is a good seed." Great-Grandpa Dian could not help to feel disappointed.

Great-Grandpa Dian really liked Long Hui. Not only he was strong but he had a n.o.ble occupation. Great-Grandpa Dian really respected the occupation like a soldier.

"Great-Grandpa, do you know when the exact date of the compet.i.tion?" Yu Qi asked.

She did come here because of that matter. She needed to know that to fit into her schedule. After that, she just needed to hope that nothing was more important than the compet.i.tion on that day. Otherwise, she needed to skip the compet.i.tion.

"Ray, when is the date?" Great-Grandpa Dian asked.

"It is 23rd June." Grandpa Ray answered after checking his phone.

"I see. I will clear my schedule for one week." Yu Qi recorded that.

Yu Qi said one week because according to Dian Shu Xian, the longest compet.i.tion had been held in the past was one week.

"It is about right." Great-Grandpa Dian also agreed with that. "How about Hui er? Is he interested to join too?"

"Yes, he is also interested to join." Yu Qi said.

"I can not wait to fight with you, Sister Yu Qi." Dian Qi Qi said with excitement.

"I will not hold back." Yu Qi raised her eyebrows.

"Of course. I am also going to fight with my whole." Dian Qi Qi said. Then, she moved to another topic. "By the way, how is the twin?"

Yu Qi remembered when Dian Qi Qi visited her house last time, Dian Qi Qi liked to go and see the twins. She liked to touch the soft cheek of the twins.

And also the twin seemed to be happy whenever Dian Qi Qi came and looked at them. They would make any sounds.

Su Xiao offered Dian Qi Qi to carry one of the twins. But Dian Qi Qi refused. She was afraid that she could not touch her strength and accidentally hurt the twin. She was satisfied just touching their soft cheek.

"They are fine. They just successfully managed to turn around." Yu Qi said.

Su Xiao was very happy to tell them that the twin managed to turn around. She record the moment and showed the video to others.

The most surprising thing, the twin managed to turn around at the same time. As expected by twin.

"Really? They must be cute." Dian Qi Qi said.

"I have the video here. Want to watch?" Yu Qi asked.

"Of course." Dian Qi Qi nodded.

Great-Grandpa Dian also wanted to watch the video. He had heard about the twin when Dian Qi Qi returned from her trip to Binhai Nation.

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