Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1290: Buying The Stone

Chapter 1290: Buying The Stone

As promised, Long Hui woke Yu Qi up right after they touch down. He knew that Yu Qi had a schedule to rush to.

The weather in Cotiang City was not bad. Just nice. Not too hot. It was perfect to have a date. They rented a car

However, they would go to the Stone District first to buy the material. Since it was still earlier in the morning and the stores were just opened, there were not many people around.

Yu Qi entered the first store. The shopkeeper welcomed them.

"May I help you, my guests?" The shopkeeper asked.

"I want to see buy some stones. Can I look around?" Yu Qi asked.

"Sure... Sure... Just take a look. If you need my help, just call me over." The shopkeeper nodded and left the couple on their own.

Without waiting any longer, Yu Qi began to look at the stones and scanned each one of the stones.

There were a lot of stones that had jade inside them. Yu Qi asked for a cart to pick up the stones.

The shopkeeper was dumbfounded when Yu Qi asked for the cart. Then he could see that Yu Qi picked up the stones like she picked up the bag of chips.

"Young lady, you should pick the stone very carefully. Not like that." A middle-aged man commented when seeing Yu Qi being like that.

"Yeah. Otherwise, you will end up with worthless stones." Another one commented. This time, it was a young man.

Yu Qi turned to the two men. The young man"s eyes flashed when seeing a beautiful woman.

"If you want, I can help you choose the stones." The young man offered his help.

"It"s okay. Thank you for your offer but I don"t need it." Yu Qi rejected it.

Long Hui got closer to Yu Qi. Then the young man glared at Long Hui.

"Master Tiang, Mr. Mong, welcome... welcome..." The shopkeeper welcomed the guests.

It seemed these two men were the regular here judging from the shopkeeper"s reaction.

"I will try to buy some stones here." Master Tiang said.

"Sure... sure... Be my guest." The shopkeeper said.

Yu Qi and Long Hui did not care much about them. And started to pick up the stones again.

Master Tiang looked at the couple again and shook his head. It seemed that the couple did not listen to him. Well, not like he cares about them.

However, the man who was called Mr. Mong still wanted to disturb the couple. He approached the couple.

"Miss, if you pick the stones like that, you will have a loss. I can help you." Mr. Mong said again to get Yu Qi"s attention.

"As we said before, we don"t need your help. Please leave us alone." This time, it was Long Hui who rejected him.

"I just want to help the lady." Mr. Mong did not give up.

"Mister, I already tell you that we don"t need your help." Yu Qi was displeased when this man seemed to be unable to understand what they wanted. Her tone showed her emotion.

Yu Qi picked about 5 stones again. Then she said to Long Hui. "Let"s go. I think it is enough."

She already collected all of the stones that she wanted. All of them had high-cla.s.s jade. She only left the low-cla.s.s jade.

She told the shopkeeper that she wanted to purchase all of the stones that she picked up. Long Hui wanted to pay. But Yu Qi firmly rejected him saying that it was for their HuiQi Jade Store. She already had budgeted for purchasing materials.

Since it was the case, Long Hui stopped offering to pay.

"Are you sure you want to purchase these stones?" The shopkeeper was surprised.

"Yes." Yu Qi nodded. "Is there something wrong with it?"

"No... no... it is okay." The shopkeeper shook his head.

He was just so surprised seeing the couple bought such an amount of stones. It could be estimated at 1 million or more than that.

The shopkeeper quickly processed the purchase. As he estimated earlier, the price exceed 1 million. It was 2.5 million.

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Yu Qi took out her card. "Swipe this card."

Mr. Mong took at the card. It was a platinum card. Even though he was a rich man, he could not own the platinum card. It seemed this young lady was from a super rich family. He was eager to be her friend.

The shopkeeper swiped the card. The payment was successful.

"Do you want to cut open the stone, Miss?" The shopkeeper asked.

"No. I will cut them open myself." Yu Qi said.

"I see. I understand." The shopkeeper nodded.

"By the way, can you keep the stone for us? We need to go something else first. We will collect the stones later." Long Hui said.

"Sure... Sure... I will keep the stones safe first." The shopkeeper did not mind doing so because they were his big customer. He asked the men to store the stones in the bas.e.m.e.nt first.

Yu Qi and Long Hui left the store and went to another stone. They noticed that Mr. Mong followed them too. It a.s.sumed a pest wanted to disturb their time alone.

In the next store, its shopkeeper only welcome Mr. Mong and ignored Yu Qi and Long Hui perfectly.

"Mr Mong, welcome... welcome... it is an honor to have you coming to our store." The shopkeeper welcomed Mr. Mong greatly.

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