Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1291: Not The Same Level As Her

Chapter 1291: Not The Same Level As Her

"What can I help you today, Mr Mong?" The shopkeeper was seriously fawning on Mr Mong.

"I will look around to see the stones. I will buy some if I find some that I want." Mr Mong smiled as he glanced at Yu Qi. He wanted to show Yu Qi he was a significant influencer in this industry.

However, Yu Qi and Long Hui did not even look at him once. He stood there proudly like an idiot. His lips were twitching. He did not give up.

Yu Qi started scanning the stones. This store did not have much high-cla.s.s jade, unlike the previous store. Since it was the case, Yu Qi picked the stones which had high-cla.s.s jade.

"Miss, you should not pick up the stones carelessly." Mr Mong said again disturbing the couple.

"Can you please leave us alone? Don"t make me repeat my words." Yu Qi glared at Mr Mong.

"How could you be so rude to Mr Mong? Don"t you know who he is? He is the owner of Pavillion Jade." The shopkeeper backed up Mr Mong. "You should be honoured if Mr Mong wants to help you pick the stones."

Yu Qi and Long Hui looked at the two clowns. "Let"s go to another store."

Yu Qi gave up buying the stones from this store. Long Hui nodded and followed Yu Qi too. Mr Mong wanted to follow them too but Long Hui suddenly turned around. He approached Mr Mong and whispered in the low voice.

"If you try to follow us again, I will definitely break your leg. I am not joking." He then stepped away from him, glaring at Mr Mong while releasing the murderous aura.

Mr Mong felt his legs become weak and fell to the ground with a scared expression on his face. The shopkeeper also felt scared when seeing Long Hui right now.

Seeing the falling Mr Mong, Long Hui smirked, Long Hui finally left the store. Yu Qi was waiting for him outside.

"Have you feeling good scaring them like that?" Yu Qi asked.

"Humph... Who tells him to disturb us?" Long Hui did not feel embarra.s.sed at all.

They continued to buy the stones again. They bought a large number of stones making people curious about them. They just bought the stones without cutting them.

When Yu Qi and Long Hui entered the last store, someone pointed at her.

"I know this young woman. Is she the owner of the HuiQi Jade Store that is currently popular among the rich people?"

That made people look at Yu Qi with surprise. The person who pointed out Yu Qi"s ident.i.ty approached Yu Qi.

"You are Miss Tang from FINN City, am I right?" He asked.

Yu Qi did not think she should hide it. So, she admitted it. "Yes."

"So, I meet the legend now. I have been there when you cut open the rare jade a few months ago." The person seemed like he met his idol.

"I see." Yu Qi just smiled.

"So, you come to buy the material?" The person asked.

"Yeah. I am planning to open the second branch. So, I come to this city since I heard they also have a large stone supply." Yu Qi explained.

"Oh, congratulation." The person was surprised to hear about the opening of the second branch of HuiQi Jade. It was not long since the first branch but now she was about to open the second one.

Mr Mong who was also already inside the store looked at Yu Qi in horror. He knew about HuiQi Jade. It was a high-cla.s.s brand store. Everything that was sold from HuiQi Jade was worth millions.

He did not know what Yu Qi think about him when he told her about Pavillion Jade. Even though he also sold jade, his store was not at the same level as HuiQi Jade.

"Oh, I am sorry. You must want to buy the stones. I am probably disturbing you. Please, continue your purchase." The person stepped back.

Yu Qi nodded and smiled. She then walked about the stones on the display. Everyone paid attention to Yu Qi. They wanted to know how she chose the stone. Who knew they probably could follow her method?

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However, when she just glanced at the stones once and picked the stones. She did not do anything special.

"You really think she picks up the stone which has a jade inside? I think she just pretending." A woman said to her friend.

Her friend frowned. "What are you saying about? Just shut up!"

Of course, Yu Qi heard the conversation. She turned to the woman. "Do you have anything to say to me?"

"I just say my opinion." The woman said.

Yu Qi glanced at the woman while her eyes flashed a mysterious glint in her eyes. She went to the counter to make the payment. The shopkeeper came to process her purchase. After settling the payment she took one of the stones that she picked up.

"I want to cut this stone, please." Yu Qi cut the stone.

"Sure. We will do it right away." The shopkeeper said.

The cutting area was empty. So, Yu Qi"s stone could be cut right now. People were curious when what jade Yu Qi would get. So, they stayed and watched.

"It"s blue jade. The rarest color of jade." The cutter shouted. It was his first time cutting stone and got the blue jade.

People were very shocked, especially the woman who questioned Yu Qi earlier.

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