Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 861 - 861: Using Her Full Strength

Chapter 861 - 861: Using Her Full Strength

Yu Qi entered her s.p.a.ce for a moment.

"Master." Three little cuties came and greeted her.

"s.h.i.+no, I need your help." Yu Qi asked.

"Okay." Without any explanation from Yu Qi, s.h.i.+no agreed.

Yu Qi grabbed s.h.i.+no and got out. s.h.i.+no was curious about this.

"What can I help you,? Master?" s.h.i.+no asked.

"s.h.i.+no, do you remember my boyfriend?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yes, Master." s.h.i.+no nodded.

"I want you to go to him and watch him." Yu Qi said.

"Okay." s.h.i.+no nodded. He quickly disappeared.

Yu Qi sat on the seat, fasten her seatbelt. She wanted to use the new skill that she knew.


"I can see from s.h.i.+no"s eye." Yu Qi exclaimed.


"I see it myself. Oh, it is the point of view from s.h.i.+no"s eyes." Yu Qi nodded.

"Master," Aoi called her.

"Oh, sorry." Yu Qi was immersed in this skill.

"As I tell you, I can see through s.h.i.+no"s view." Yu Qi stated again.

"It must be s.h.i.+no"s unique skill." Bo Ya a.s.sumed.

"What do you mean, Bo Ya?" Yu Qi asked.

"Blood contract can activate the skill of the beast." Bo Ya explained.

"Then, what is my skill?" Aoi asked.

"It should be smell tracking. Remember that when Master asked you to find that man, you could still find him even though he was far away from you,? right?" Bo Ya asked.

"Yeah. I remember it." Aoi nodded.

"That is your unique skill and s.h.i.+no"s unique skill to share his view to Master. Allowing Master to see things from his perspective." Bo Ya explained.

Clap... Clap... Clap...

Yu Qi,? Aoi and s.h.i.+no were clapping together.

"What is it?" Bo Ya asked.

"Bo Ya is so smart." Yu Qi patted his head.

"Yeah. Bo Ya is very smart." Aoi nodded.

"Bo Ya,? you are so great," s.h.i.+no added.

Bo Ya became embarra.s.sing when they suddenly praising him. His face became red. Yu Qi saw it and lifted him up.

"Bo Ya, you are so cute." Yu Qi hugged Bo Ya.

"It is not fair. I want Master to hug me too." Aoi protested.

"Okay... Okay... Come... I will hug you. s.h.i.+no, you too." Yu Qi was smiling as she watched her three little cuties.


s.h.i.+no started using his skill allowing his master to see from his eyes. Yu Qi could see that s.h.i.+no entered the c.o.c.kpit room. Then she saw Long Hui worked together with the pilot.

"Sir, the fuel tank is leaking." The first pilot said as he saw the tank was emptying so quickly.

Long Hui frowned as he heard another problem arose.

"How long will it last longer?" Long Hui asked.

"Probably in twenty minutes." The first pilot answered.

"Increase the speed. We need to get above the ocean quickly." Long Hui ordered.

"Yes,? sir." The first pilot nodded. He understood that.

They were quickly trying to get the plane as low as they could to decrease the impact. But still, they were at a high alt.i.tude when the engine suddenly died.

"Everyone,? prepare for the impact." The first pilot announced it.

The falling was very fast. Even Yu Qi could feel the gravity.


The plane fell into the ocean. It was a big impact. Luckily Yu Qi fastened her seatbelt, otherwise, it would be terrible.

Yu Qi opened her seatbelt and stood up. She quickly ran to the c.o.c.kpit. She wanted to check Long Hui.

Well,? Long Hui was thinking the same too. He was relieved that his beloved Qi Qi did not seem to be injured or anything.

"s.h.i.+no, come to me." Yu Qi called s.h.i.+no.

s.h.i.+no ran to Yu Qi. She quickly put him back into her s.p.a.ce.

"Let"s get out from the plane. It would be dangerous if the plane sink." Long Hui said.

"Everyone, please wear the life jackets." Yu Qi said.

She did not want them to drown after escaping the plane. The crew quickly brought the life jackets to everyone.

The first pilot tried to open the door using the automatic b.u.t.ton but it would not work anymore. The window also could not be used to escape since it was too small. The other men tried to kick the door open but still not working.

"Step aside." Yu Qi suddenly said.

Everyone was wondering what this girl wanted to do. However,? everyone stepped aside as they saw Long Hui behind the girl.

Yu Qi thought it was the best time to utilize her full strength. She never thought that she would be using her full strength here.

She approached the door. She took a deep breath. She opened her eyes. Then she opened her eyes sharp. With that, she kicked the door.

The door straight unplugged from its place. It even had shaped in the middle of it.

Everyone was shocked seeing this. How strong was this girl that she could unplug the door from its place just like that? The men were looking more shocked since they had already tried to kick the door and still the door did not move.

"Everyone,? let"s go out." Yu Qi"s voice made everyone realized that they were still in a dangerous situation.

The water already flew in. They swan to get out of the plane. Everyone swam to the surface. They were very lucky to get out of the plane safely.

***This novel is a contracted work with . If you do not read this novel on , it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. For those who read my novel on another website besides , can you consider reading it on the original website? As your support to me. Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help..

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