Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 863 - 863: Still Alive

Chapter 863 - 863: Still Alive

"I heard that yesterday a high ranking officer had come to our military compound."


"It is Colonel Long."

"What? That "Colonel Long"?"


"How do you know?"

"I heard from Captain Si Hong. There was an accident yesterday, a plane landed in the sea. Colonel Long was in that plane."

"What? That meant someone plotted to kill our "Colonel Long"?"

"I don"t know about it. However, he was not alone."


"He was together with his girlfriend."

"The rumour is true? He does have a girlfriend!"

"Yeah, I also heard that they are going to get engaged with each other."

"Sigh... Our Colonel Long..."


The friend elbowed her friend to make her shut up her mouth. Her friend turned to her making to scold her but she was silent when she looked at the cafe door.

They could see Long Hui walking into the cafe with a woman. They were shocked when they saw Long Hui and to be honest, they also were shocked when they saw the woman. She was a beautiful woman.

"Is that our Colonel Long"s girlfriend?"

"It seems so."

"No wonder Colonel Long who has been cold to other women will be caught by her."

Both Yu Qi and Long Hui walked to get their breakfast.

"What do you want to eat?" Yu Qi asked while looking at the food which was being served.

She did not expect that Long Hui would answer like this.

"You." Long Hui answered while grinning.

Yu Qi stopped for a minute and looked at Long Hui. "Don"t play around and choose the menu."

Like an obedient child, Long Hui said, "Yes, Mrs Long." While grinning.

After choosing the food, they sat at the empty table. They ate peacefully, sometimes, Long Hui would tease Yu Qi.

"What do you think about yesterday"s incident?" Yu Qi began to speak with a serious tone.

"Someone is aiming for me or you." Long Hui gave his opinion. "The timing of the engine tt o explode, it is mostly done by the timer explosion. It is almost impossible to say the engine has a problem at the beginning."

"Why? It has the probability to happen." Yu Qi asked.

"It is but the engineer will not let the private plane fly if he detects some problem in the engine since this private plane is usually used for important people." Long Hui said.

"Oh, important people? Like who?" Yu Qi wondered.

"Like our president." Long Hui said.

Yu Qi was stunned as she blinked her eyes several times. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Long Hui nodded. "But don"t worry. This plane is not the one where we had made love before. That is a different plane."


Yu Qi was speechless as Long Hui reminded her about their lovemaking when she went to Fanghai Nation with him previously.

Then, at the same time, their phones were ringing.

On Yu Qi"s phone, it showed Lin Ming Shu"s name who was calling her. Meanwhile, on Long Hui"s phone,? it showed Liang Mo Han"s name.

"They probably have seen the news. Let"s answer them." Long Hui said.

"Okay." Yu Qi nodded.

Yu Qi then answered the call.

Lin Ming Shu: "h.e.l.lo. Is this Yu Qi?"

Yu Qi: "Yes, Sister Ming Shu."

Lin Ming Shu: "Are you okay? Is Hui okay? My husband has gotten the news saying a plane fell in the sea and recognized that it was the plane which the two of you had used."

Yu Qi: "We are okay. We and others had managed to get out before the plane sank into the bottom of the sea."

Lin Ming Shu: "Thank G.o.ddess,? you are safe."

Yu Qi smiled.

Yu Qi: "Thank you, Sister Ming Shu. We are okay."

Lin Ming Shu: "What happened? How did it suddenly fell in the sea?"

Yu Qi: "Well, we still don"t know about this. They are still investigated that."

Lin Ming Shu: "Never mind about that. The most important thing is that both of you have survived."

Yu Qi: "Yeah."

Lin Ming Shu: "Since I already know that you are okay,? I will call you again later."

Yu Qi: "Okay. Bye Sister Ming Shu."

Meanwhile, on Long Hui"s...

Liang Mo Han: "Is this Second Brother?"

Long Hui: "What do you want?"

Liang Mo Han: "I know. The second Brother will not die yet."

Long Hui: "..."

Liang Mo Han: "What has happened?"

Long Hui: " It is clear that someone wants to kill us."

Liang Mo Han: "Is that person crazy?"

Long Hui: "Probably. I have already begun the investigation."

Liang Mo Han: "Okay. I will try to dig some information."

Long Hui: "Okay."

Liang Mo Han: "By the way, Second Brother, can you send a message in our group chat telling you are okay?"

Long Hui: "Why bother? First Brother will know since his wife has already called Qi Qi. Fifth Brother will know when he will use his skill. As for Fourth Brother, he will eventually know about it."

Liang Mo Han: "..."

Long Hui: "Then,? bye."

Long Huu immediately ended the call without waiting for a response from Liang Mo Han.

"Done?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yeah." Long Hui nodded. "He just wants to confirm that I am still alive."

"Same as Sister Ming Shu. First Brother recognized the plane and became worried. So, she called." Yu Qi said.

"Hmm... Let"s return to FINN city using the road." Long Hui said.

"Rental car?" Yu Qi asked.

"No. A military car." Long Hui said.

"Okay." Yu Qi nodded. She did not mind.

"We will depart at 12 o"clock. You can rest before that." Long Hui told Yu Qi.

"No. I will follow you. You want to investigate the incident, right?" Yu Qi smiled. Of course, she would not let it go.

Long Hui sighed. Having an intelligent girlfriend might be stressful since she wanted to come along too. She would not take a "no" for an answer.

"Okay." Long Hui could only agree with her.

***This novel is a contracted work with . If you do not read this novel on , it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. For those who read my novel on another website besides , can you consider reading it on the original website? As your support to me. Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help...

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