Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1346: Unpredictable

Chapter 1346: Unpredictable

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Xiaobei, what is this? What are we doing here?” Xiangyu asked.

Inside the house, there were a couple of black cabinets that looked like fridges with translucent casings that revealed its contents: wires, motherboards and computer parts.

“This is a supercomputer,” Chen Xiaobei said. “I’ve come here to play Go with the members of Red Envelope!”

Yin Wuqiu and Zaar looked at each other. They thought that Chen Xiaobei was going to use the computer to look up some information but he told them that he was going to play Go instead?! That was uncalled for! What about catching Hou Sailei?

“You’re going to play Go with the members of the Red Envelope Group?!” Only Xiangyu understood what Chen Xiaobei meant. “These friends of yours are not simply commoners. Are you sure that these computers can win against them?”

“Of course, I’m sure!” Chen Xiaobei smiled. “Just recently, a computer program beat the world champion of Go. With the help of this program, I’ll be able to win for sure!”

“Program? What program?” Xiangyu asked.

“I know the answer!” Zaar said smugly. “AlphaGo!”

“What go?”

“AlphaGo. It’s an Artificial Intelligence program that is designed specifically for playing professional Go!” Chen Xiaobei explained. “Since last year, AlphaGo had defeated the 9-dan ranked World Go champion professional Go player, Park Sik s.h.i.+! Early this year, AlphaGo had gone on to compete against more than 10 top ranked Go players. It won 60 games in a row, and lost none! In May, during the China Go Summit, AlphaGo played 3 games against the world’s No.1 ranked player Ke Jie. It took the winning t.i.tle with a 3 – 0 win.”

Xiangyu was stunned. “No way! Who knew that artificial intelligence could be that powerful?!”

Chen Xiaobei chucked. “With all the modernization taking place, we might lose some of the older things, but these new fangled things could also bring us new surprises!”

What Chen Xiaobei was implying was that even though the ancient chess techniques were lost, the new AlphaGo could produce the best moves and countermoves all in real-time.

It can accurately counter each move and eventually win the game, covertly connected to the player’s mind!

“Mr. Chen! I’ve turned on the computers for you. The program is running! You can begin anytime!” Zaar smiled, gesturing to the supercomputer.

“Vey wise!” Chen Xiaobei smiled back.

Soon, the compet.i.tion began.

Chen Xiaobei’s first opponent was the Qing Dynasty’s Go grandmaster, Huang Longs.h.i.+.

The Three Realms Intranet’s unique Special Ability was probably activated, because Chen Xiaobei could see the square game board in his mind.

Chen Xiaobei played the black stones while Huang Longs.h.i.+ played the whites.

Huang Longs.h.i.+: G.o.d Chen! Go ahead and make the first move! I’ll allow you 3 handicap stones. And at the end of the game, if you need more points, I’ll give you 10 komi!

Chen Xiaobei: Alright then! I’ll just start then!

When it came to Go, Chen Xiaobei was only a dabbler. He had a vague idea about the rules of the game: one stone at one intersection or points. At the end of the game, the person who could enclose the most points or, in other words, conquer a larger territory, wins!

Sometimes, even a single stone on the wrong intersection could affect the outcome of the entire game. Huang Longs.h.i.+ gave Chen Xiaobei 3 handicap stones and even 10 komi because he saw Chen Xiaobei as an amateur.

Surprisingly, Chen Xiaobei did not feel offended by it. In fact, he wanted to laugh.

He placed 2 black stones on the board at random.

Huang Longs.h.i.+: Hahaha! G.o.d Chen, are you trying to humor me? Traditionally, when you play a handicap game, the handicap stones are placed on the star points! Look at where you’ve placed your stones. Do you even know what you’re doing?

Chen Xiaobei: Oh, is there such a rule? Could I move them now?

Shen Gongpao: No! You cannot undo your moves! You’ll just have to go with it! You’re not allowed to change it!

Star points were pretty significant in Go. Chen Xiaobei’s inept placement of his handicap stones meant that he had given up the star points. It was no wonder Shen Gongpao would not let Chen Xiaobei take back his stones.

Chen Xiaobei: Whatever. Let’s continue then!

Huang Longs.h.i.+: G.o.d Chen! You don’t how to play Go at all, don’t you? Since you’ve given up your territory, I could kill you midgame!

Shen Gongpao: Quickly finish the game! Then I can get my hands on Chen Xiaobei’s black saber! ?

Wei Xiaobao: Yes! Yes! Yes! Hurry up and crush G.o.d Chen! Then we can beat Monkey King! We’re all betting that G.o.d Chen will lose!

Huang Longs.h.i.+: Don’t worry, everyone! G.o.d Chen will definitely lose! ?

Chen Xiaobei: ?

The battle had officially begun.

Chen Xiaobei was playing two games at once: on the computer against AlphaGo using Huang Longs.h.i.+’s moves; and in his mind against Huang Longs.h.i.+, using AlphaGo’s countermoves.

At the beginning, since it was pretty straightforward, and because Huang Longs.h.i.+ underestimated Chen Xiaobei, the game moved on pretty quickly.

But as time pa.s.sed, Huang Longs.h.i.+ was gradually placing his stones down at a slower pace. It took him what seemed like a decade to lay down each stone.

Chen Xiaobei who was on the other side, only had to follow AlphaGo’s moves. He did not even need to think at all and was still very quick at placing the stones.

Those who were well-versed with the game could see that Chen Xiaobei had already gained the upper hand.

Finally, at the mid point of the game, Chen Xiaobei put down a black stone and slaughtered Hang Longs.h.i.+’s Dragon. Even though half of the board was still empty, Huang Longs.h.i.+ was unable to make another move.

Huang Longs.h.i.+: I retire.

Shen Gongpao: What?! Are you kidding? The board is still empty! You can still continue! ?

Huang Longs.h.i.+: My Dragon has been surrounded. With G.o.d Chen’s skills, even if I continue, the end result would be the same. It’s useless. I’d better not waste time.

Wei Xiaobao: Huang Longs.h.i.+! Don’t you dare! If you lose, all 8 of my wives will beat me to death! I’ve placed too much on this bet! ?

Huang Longs.h.i.+: I’ve also placed a bet. But I’ve lost, and that’s that. G.o.d Chen’s moves are impossible to predict. I’d rather concede.

Shen Gongpao: What? Impossible to predict? Didn’t you say that Chen Xiaobei knows nothing about Go? You even gave him 3 handicap stones and 10 komi! Are you kidding me?! ?

Huang Longs.h.i.+: Still water runs deep! G.o.d Chen is a master at Go! At first, I thought he was just messing around, but the reality is that I fell into his trap! A legend once said that ‘great wisdom may often appear first as foolishness’!

Shen Gongpao: You… You… Argh, I’m so p.i.s.sed at you!

Monkey King: Hahaha! I knew that Brother Xiaobei could do it! Those who placed their bets just now, I’ll be keeping all your treasures! Are you going to bet on the second round? I’m still going to bet on Xiaobei winning!

Audience: No! We’re not betting anymore! G.o.d Chen is too good! No one is going to place any more bets!

Shen Gongpao: Next round, Chen Xiaobei versus Fan Xipin! ?

Wei Xiaobao: Fan Xipin is a little more skilled than Huang Longs.h.i.+. Perhaps he could beat G.o.d Chen! Everyone, place your bets once more! Who knows, you might just be able to breakeven!

Monkey King: Come on then! I welcome all who wishes to bet! Xiaobei will surely win! You will all lose!

Chen Xiaobei laughed while looking at his phone.

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