The Night Before the Story Begins

The moon is concealed in a pitch black sky. Rain is beating down hard as a man and a horse gallop into the night.

Although the rain was splattering his face, he didn’t seem to notice in his haste to reach his destination. His horse also seems oblivious of the poor conditions as it perseveres forward.

The man is impatient. In only one, maybe two hours, something awful is going to happen and he needs to do everything in his power to prevent it.

The horse’s hooves ring out loudly in the silent darkness. He must reach his destination before the horse tires and becomes useless.

Suddenly street lights and magic are brightening his path and he knows that he has finally found his destination.

Having arrived, his despair begins to dissipate as a light of hope begins welling within him.

T/N: Well… that was cryptic and somewhat anti-climatic. I have no idea what big disaster is about to occur, but I am intrigued. I hope no one is too discouraged by this first chapter! I really have no idea what to expect, but this web novel seems to be fairly popular in j.a.pan, so I am looking forward to seeing what happens.

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