Jiro was waiting for Sarutobi sensei to arrive. This time, the lesson between them would be one-on-one. Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru were also invited to come if they wanted to, but if wasn"t necessary for them to come. Jiro would finally be learning about summoning as well as get an animal clan for him to sign a contract with. He was antic.i.p.ating having additional help in battle, but Jiro was also wary about forming a summoning contract because he might have to change his battling style to adapt for fighting with a companion.

Sarutobi sensei arrived without any trace of his usual anbu which came as a surprise to Jiro. The anbu while skilled, were not able to escape the view of his eyes. The lack of them suggested that something important was going on behind the scenes. Jiro was tempted to investigate into what might be happening, but he knew that he would probably be spending much more time with Fugaku, Duy, and Teuchi. Jiro"s eyes suddenly sharpened as he gazed at Sarutobi sensei. He knew for sure that something important was happening as Sarutobi generally did not teach with a shadow clone.

When Sarutobi came to the training grounds, he noticed that Jiro was curious about the lack of anbu, but he did not comment on it. Sarutobi quickly got into position and sat underneath a tree while Jiro sat opposite of him.

"I do not have much time so I will let you choose the animal clan you want to summon first."

"I wish to summon the eagle clan."

Sarutobi merely nodded before giving some warnings about summoning such as p.i.s.sing off your summon.

"I already sent my clones to get Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru. They will observe and make sure that you don"t screw up in summoning. They will hopefully have some advice to give to you."

Jiro watched as the Sarutobi clone quickly dispersed into a cloud of smoke. Jiro stared down at the eagle clan summon scroll deep in thought. He initially wanted to get a summon that would help in battles much more directly like a lion or bear, but he was reluctant to change his fighting style that was just starting to adapt towards fighting like a ninja. Jiro most certainly knew that he did not want to have a summon that would be garrulous or one that was part of a tribe. An eagle was seen as something that was proud and solitary so he chose the eagle. He figured that all animal clans were probably part of a tribe so that was unavoidable, but having a reticent partner would be nice.

Tsunade was the first to arrive. She looked somewhat exhausted and her chakra levels indicated that she had used quite a bit. Her hair was also all over the place and her normally clean garbs were wrinkled. Her eyes were normally vivacious, but she looked like a Nara and heavy bags were present under her eyes. She waved a tired h.e.l.lo to Jiro, too tired to hug him like usual. Jiro knew that she had been working on medical jutsu after she had heard that they were going to Suna for the Chunin exam courtesy of his tendency to people watch.

Then Jiraiya and Orochimaru arrived. Both looked slightly annoyed at being forced to come out to help Jiro, but they had a faint glimmer in their eye. Both also noticed the very tired appearance of Tsunade however, they had very different reactions. Orochimaru just asked if she was alright. Jiraiya, on the other hand, was about to ask what she could have been doing during the night for her to have those bags under her eyes.

Jiro came to the rescue for Tsunade and revealed that she had been working on medical jutsu because she heard that the Chunin exams were going to be in Suna. Jiraiya stuttered slightly while forming an apology to Tsunade. Orochimaru muttered his thanks. Tsunade looked at Jiro grateful, but shocked that he knew why she was so tired.

Just in case his fellow apprentices did not know the situation, Jiro clarified it stating that Sarutobi sensei wanted them to give him advice as well as supervise him in case something goes wrong with the summoning jutsu.

Jiro relaxed back as his older companions gave him advice on summoning. Jiraiya stated that he wouldn"t be of much help because he just summoned and came to the home of the toads. Tsunade cleared her throat and began to speak in a rather quiet voice.

" When summoning your chosen animal be respectful because they will be your companion in battle and otherwise. Make sure to be prepared because you might have to face a test before being deemed ready to be a summoner. Lastly, you might get some features of your summon if you have a really high affinity for the animal you chose. Orochimaru has his snake like eyes and he is a summoner of the snakes."

Orochimaru began to speak right after Tsunade finished.

"Sometimes the clan might require you to make additional sacrifices if you want to summon a bigger animal from the clan. Manda, the largest of the snakes requires a sacrifice of one hundred humans if you want to summon him. This advice is for later on in summoning, it might not help much for now. What animal are you summoning?"

Jiro answered with eagle which resulted in all three of his teammates slightly cringing. Noticing his inquisitive look, they clarified that the eagle clan was a very hard clan to contact or form a successful contract with. They also stated that eagles are a natural predator to their summons which made the situation slightly awkward.

Jiro bit his thumb drawing a bit of blood, then formed the necessary hand seals before slamming his palm on the summon scroll. A poof sound echoed as Jiro was taken to the realm of the eagles. Jiraiya and the others looked on in slight amazement as the eagles generally did not accept a summoning from any person.

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