Jiro handed over the solidified honey that he had gotten in the eagle realm over to Fugaku, Teuchi, and Duy early in the morning after the tournament. He had finally remembered to give that to them. Sadly, the three recipients did not receive a proper explanation as to what it did. All Jiro had said was to melt a tiny bit of it into water and drink the concoction after draining all of their chakra before going to bed.

Jiro for once was having a hard time choosing between two issues. He had a girl that seemed to have talent in Genjutsu as well as the talent to continue forward. On a whim, Jiro pointed out some ways she could improve and she was already making great progress. He could stay in the village to help teach her as well as watch as Kana became the Supreme Queen of the Forest of Death.

On the other hand, Jiro really wanted to go to Uzushiogakure in order to learn from the best about sealing which could really help out in making new jutsus. The two choices continued to battle within his mind as he contemplated which one he would have less regret in pursuing. After deciding, Jiro got up and began to walk towards the residence of the Kurama clan where the girl was learning more about Genjutsu.

As he arrived, Jiro walked in silently to observe how she was doing. She was hunched over a desk while drawing on a scroll. Jiro walked over closer to see what she was drawing, but she noticed his presence.

"Jiro. Uhm... should I add a sama to your name, or call you teacher?"

"Just call me Jiro."

When the girl had gotten up to greet him, Jiro had an epiphany. The girl was a teen. She was just a lot shorter than a normal teen would be. Her smaller frame meant that her chakra reserves would most likely be smaller than he would like. Her age also indicated that she might have less potential than he was expecting.

Nevertheless, Jiro"s discomfort with this new revelation failed to break the mask over his face. Jiro decided to spend the rest of his morning until it became afternoon here. He would answer the questions that the teen would have about Genjutsu as well as the questions of some of the Kurama clan members. He owed them to some extent as they allowed the girl to learn from them.

Jiro mentally sighed as he suddenly realized that he never realized the name of his soon to be student in Genjutsu.

"You... No, I mean the short girl. What"s your name?"


Jiro didn"t even look remotely embarra.s.sed as he finally learned the name of his student. Looking at the other Kurama clan members, Jiro figured that he should probably also learn their names if he was going to spend more time here.

While Jiro was busy teaching more about Genjutsu as well as how to use it. Jiraiya had suddenly received a calling from the toads. He quickly puffed away to the realm of the toads in order to hear what they requested of him.

"Travel the vast road and mature tadpole. You are to be the guide for the chosen one."

The time he spent with the toad sage was exceedingly short, but Jiraiya generally got the gist of their message. At some point in time, the "chosen one" was going to become known to him and Jiraiya would be the one to teach the so called "chosen one" that would stop the ninja villages from warring with one another.

In order to be a good teacher, Jiraiya would have to go out and experience life as a wandering person until he was called. However, there was one big problem. Jiraiya had just gotten into a relationship with Tsunade and he was unwilling to just leave right after he had just gotten into an intimate relationship with her.

Even worse, the toads told him that the world was at sake so he would have to travel. Not for everyone"s sake, but for the sake of those he cared for. The toad summoner just let a sigh ooze out of his mouth as he continued towards the Hokage"s office.


Jiro had not finished teaching his student about some different variations of Genjutsu by having her experience some of them. The first Genjutsu that Homura was put under was one where she was forcibly tossed into her mental s.p.a.ce. Jiro had spent about a minute waiting for her to figure out how to exit her mental s.p.a.ce.

Homura looked slightly displeased at being thrown into her own mental s.p.a.ce with no warning, but she was fine. Jiro then put her under a Genjutsu where her vision"s frame of sight was ever so slightly reduced making it harder to view things in her periphery of sight. Homura didn"t realize that she was under a Genjutsu at first, but she easily expelled it once she noticed.

Jiro was serious as he continued to let her experience each variation of Genjtusu that he thought of. Soon, Homura was leaning on the chair and taking deep breathes. Physically, she was sound, but mentally, she was about to fall unconscious.

Jiro wanted to let her experience the most important Genjutsu in his opinion, multilayered ones. Unfortunately, she was too tired mentally to resist if more Genjutsu were thrown at her. Jiro continued to wait patiently as Homura slowly took deep breathes to slow her heart rate from some of the frightening Genjutsu she suffered under.

A new presence made itself known on Jiro"s mental radar while he waited for Homura. Jiro looked up to see an anbu with a scroll that was stamped by the Hokage. Getting the gist of the message, Jiro got up and followed the anbu out. Before leaving, Jiro requested for the Kurama clan to let Homura rest for about another thirty minutes before going into more exercises with her.

As Jiro skipped from rooftop to rooftop, he enjoyed the feeling of wind on his skin for some time before dropping down from the roof to a window by the Hokage"s office. Jiro entered the room to be faced with Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and several other ninja making the room seem slightly crammed.

An anbu was in the corner of the room playing some relaxing music from an instrument while Jiro joined the crowd in waiting for the message that Sarutobi was going to give. The message given was short, but it was very informative. Basically, movement from ninjas that didn"t seem to be from Uzushiogakure was spotted near Uzushiogakure.

Sarutobi seemed to be set on letting some ninja go out into the field to investigate which village would have their ninja moving about near the border of their allies, but the village elders barged into the scene. The ninja in the room all slowly exited in various ways while waiting for the argument between the Hokage and village elders to cease.

The argument ended and Sarutobi dismissed everyone after giving his apologies for making them come for no purpose. The village elders seemed to have convinced Sarutobi that the intervention would be unnecessary. Jiro and his team stayed after they were ordered to. As the ninja and village elders were exiting, the anbu made some trouble for the elders that were exiting.

The songbird mask anbu used a very well known juvenile prank. He created the sound of a loud fart from each of the elders as they were exiting. The words "kick me" also appeared on the backs of the elders, courtesy of the anbu controlling light. Other animal masked ninja followed the advice of the words while the ninja who were exiting seemed to be amused or indifferent to their gestures.

Sarutobi seemed to be looking sternly against the actions of the anbu, but a raised lip at the corner of this mouth gave away how he was feeling. When the room was empty except for some anbu and the teacher and former apprentices, Sarutobi nodded at Jiraiya. Jiraiya stepped forward to face his teammates before he began to explain his quest. After he finished explaining, Orochimaru asked the question on Jiro"s mind.

"Jiraiya, why are you telling us this? I can understand why you might want to tell Tsunade, but why are you not keeping this to yourself?"

The somewhat tense moment was broken by Jiraiya as he suddenly lunged forward to grab onto the leg of Orochimaru. He was sobbing and acting like he was suffering from a tragedy.

"I don"t want to be some teacher to a chosen hero or go on some journey to learn all by myself. Orochimaru come with me. Please."

All Jiraiya received for his efforts was a kick to his face. Orochimaru was frantically trying to get Jiraiya to stop grabbing his leg while everyone else was watching. Tsunade quickly rushed forward and split the two apart. Jiraiya continued to beg for any of them to accompany him. He even put himself into a dogeza.

"Please don"t make me go on this journey by myself. "

Naturally, his efforts were awarded with a pitiful tune that slowly seeped out of the corner of the room. The songbird mask anbu was playing his instrument once again. Everyone had varying degrees of troubled faces. From Jiro"s "I don"t care face" to Orochimaru"s "I"m not going with you face". Jiraiya turned back to his Sensei and girlfriend with the most pitiful face he could muster.

Finally, Sarutobi relented.

"Alright Jiraiya you can go with an anbu trainee."

Jiraiya"s face was unnaturally stiff as he agreed. Everyone could notice that he wasn"t satisfied with the arrangement. Jiro left the office as Jiraiya began his round two of negotiations in hopes of changing his travel companion.

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