Jiro sat on top of the house he was currently occupying. His friends were able to rent this house out instead of living inside a hotel. Jiro started to control his chakra and began to make it move around as well as make it manifest as just chakra right on top of his skin. Then, he began to change the nature of the chakra. It began neutral before becoming fire, wind, water, earth, and lightning attributed.

Jiro had never used earth and lightning attribute chakra as much, but he was determined to master the elemental transformations with ease. His goal was to seamlessly switch between all the mentioned elements of chakra. When his chakra reserves finally fell to their bottom, Jiro stopped trying his transformations. He checked on Kana who was adjusting well to the new village and atmosphere before he went into the house to sleep.

He noticed that next to each of his friend"s futons, there was an empty cup. A slight smile crossed his face as the distinct smell of the honey entered his nose. Jiro also went to bed with thoughts on how to make his friends prepared for the soon to happen war.


Jiro got up and pulled the blanket off of him. As he started to dress in preparation for training, Fugaku and Duy joined him in dressing while Teuchi went to make something first before getting ready. A hearty meal was presented at the table and the boys finished it off with pleasure. A healthy amount of supplies were packed into several scrolls which the boys packed into their various pockets.

Duy and Fugaku set some rudimentary traps in the house, but the boys brought all their valuables with them anyways. Although they would still use the house, all valuables were always ready to be used.

Jiro took off from the village with his friends close behind him. The village disappeared behind layers of trees, but Jiro was looking for a better place to train. An hour pa.s.sed with them not finding any suitable place so Jiro got to work. He formed a wind blade in his hand that he was preparing to use. Everyone else took notice of it and got ready to jump when needed.

One sweep of his hand and many trees were cut from their position. The falling trees were stored into the extra storage scrolls leaving a squarish training ground that was about fifty feet in each direction. Kana casually landed on one of the trees that was still standing, but it broke. The boys let out some laughter as Kana squawked in surprise, but they quickly stopped when they noticed Jiro"s serious look.

"Is there some problem?"

Jiro replied that there wasn"t a problem. However, he was preoccupied with scanning all the standing trees with an intense glare. He had intended to cut only a select number of trees. Some of the standing trees did not have a scratch while others had deep grooves cut into them like the one Kana landed on. A frown occupied Jiro"s face as he noticed the lack of control he had.

The other boys quickly noticed what Jiro was frowning about.

"You should work on your control."

"Indeed, it would be very useful for your control to be more polished."

"It"s going to be difficult getting the kind of control that your looking for."

Each opinion agreed that Jiro should work on control and he was planning on it. Everyone walked to each of their own working areas for training and even Kana flew up into the air before recalling herself into the realm of the Eagle summons in order to get her own training.

Jiro looked at the trees standing before him and mentally calculated how many he wanted to chop in exactly one blow. A blade of wind was then released into the trees. With his sharingan active, Jiro could easily spot that he used too much strength. Other trees were cut into and some were only standing by a thread.

Disappointed, but not stopping, Jiro continued to this before he finally rotated to a new exercise because he was starting to run low on chakra. He deactivated his sharingan before walking over to Fugaku who was resting.

"Let"s train with the kunai and shurikens."

Fugaku got up and both twins lined up back to back before taking several steps forward and facing each other. After, they turned around and formed the seal of confrontation. They then threw shurkiens and kunai at each other while avoiding the ones being thrown by the other. Jiro threw a kunai before he threw several shurikens to accompany it. The projectiles arced towards Fugaku who readied the kunai in his hands. The sounds of metal crashing against metal rang out as Fugaku cut down the shurikens and kunai with his own kunai.

The twins grinned at each other before they started their own fight. Twin sharingans stared the other down before Fugaku shot a fireball towards Jiro. Jiro threw several shurikens through the fireball while ducking to avoid the fireball. As he heard the sounds of metal clashing, Jiro shot his own laser at the sounds. It only hit a shadow clone which dissipated.

Jiro carefully scanned his surroundings while looking for Fugaku who had hidden himself. He spotted a sandal partially hidden behind a tree so he threw a kunai in that direction while waiting. He missed. Jiro kept in mind that the training ground was too quiet. As he sneaked a quick glance in the direction of where Duy and Teuchi were, two bodies suddenly charged from behind him.

Jiro quickly turned to be faced with two Teuchis. The sound of the wind rushing was what alerted Jiro. A greenish aura quickly engulfed Jiro who suddenly vanished before appearing several feet to the left of Duy"s foot. Duy quickly followed up with several kicks and punches which were much faster than the before.

Jiro followed Duy"s momentum and exchanged blows with him before he launched a fireball that exploded into a giant cloud of smoke. In the darkness of the cloud, Duy was helpless before Jiro"s a.s.sault. A final kick later, Duy was sent flying up and into another tree. Jiro spotted Teuchi and moved to incapacitate him, but Fugaku formed a Genjutsu over Jiro.

Jiro quickly broke out, but Teuchi was right in front of him with a kunai in hand. Jiro slightly relaxed, but Teuchi turned into Fugaku and the kunai fight was much more draining than he expected. As he exchanged blows with kunai in close quarters, Fugaku seemed to be much faster than earlier. Jiro jumped back to create distance and lure Fugaku, but Fugaku suddenly collapsed onto the floor while Teuchi suddenly appeared behind Jiro with a kunai in hand.

Jiro was expecting Teuchi to also be erupting with some sort of strength exceeding expectation so he was ready for when Teuchi took action. A minute later, the kunai was gone from Teuchi"s hand and he was thrown on top of Fugaku.

The temporary training ground was completely destroyed from their spar. Several trees were full of kunai as well as shurikens. Countless shredded leaves were on the floor and the lingering smell of the smoke was still present. As the adrenaline of the fight began to wear off, Jiro smelled the faint burning smell of the smoke mixed with the organic scent of shredded leaves.

Jiro began to walk around to pick up the kunai and shurikens to see which ones were salvagable for another use and everyone else began to pick up the other destroyed parts of trees to put toss away. After cleaning up, the boys all laid on their back while staring at the sun which was starting to rise up.

"How was it? Fighting with limited light."

A tired Duy anwered Jiro"s question.

"It was much harder than I expected. The details of the environment which are important begin to just blend together and disappear."

Fugaku let out some grunt of agreement and Teuchi was simply quiet.

Jiro let out a bark of laughter and got up. The boys also got up with various sounds to accompany their exhaustion. Jiro summoned Kana and she appeared in an instant. Her feathers showed some signs of having been damaged and it looked like some newer ones had showed up because the old ones had been destroyed.

Kana looked at the disheveled appearance of the boys before letting out a squawk of laughter. Her laughter started a chain reaction of laughter. Fugaku was grinning while Duy was laughing out loud with a bellow. Jiro was chuckling along with them and Teuchi was smiling.

Everyone climbed onto the back of Kana who looked slightly disgruntled by them before they took off to begin their journey back to the village. While going back, the sun which had begun to rise looked beautiful as the boys rode on the back of Kana. Its rays of warmth lit up the faces of the boys as they all enjoyed each others company.

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