Jiro got out of the shower and doused himself in fire for a quick moment to let the flames evaporate the water. After dressing up, he walked into the living room to witness his friends crowded around a table with scrolls held in their hand. They were loudly discussing the topic of creating jutsus.

"Creating a jutsu is not easy-"

"We have the genius who created his own jutsu right with us. How would we not be able to create a jutsu?"

"I don"t think we"re ready to try and create our own jutsu. We need more improvement in our basics before we can think of taking on more difficult tasks."

Jiro interrupted their conversation with a terrible truth, "You guys need more improvement before you can think about creating your own jutsu. The best kind of jutsu are Taijutus and Genjutsu. Ninjutsu is usually the coolest looking, but they are not the most important at your stages of strength."

As the boys except Fugaku deflated, Jiro walked over to join them at the table.

"It"s easy to train your body and strength as well as basic technique. Constant repet.i.tion keeps up your skills and strength. You guys are fine on that account. By the way, when you reach near full completion of my body refining technique, your skin should change color temporarily. I say this because, you guys don"t need more training in basic skills and such. You all need more fighting experience. Let"s go outside again."

The boys walked out of the village again and traveled into the forest. Jiro began to sprint towards the clearing where they had trained earlier in the morning. Kana followed the boys while flying and they soon arrived at their destination. Although the kunai and shuriken pieces had been picked up, pieces of tree trunks and some debris still littered the floor.

Jiro kicked a few pieces away before walking into the middle of the clearing. The sun had risen, but the trees surrounding the clearing provided some shade. A cool breeze blew through the clearing and the refreshing smell of nature reached the noses of the boys. Duy closed his eyes to enjoy the breeze while Fugaku and Teuchi were breathing heavily and trying to catch their breathe.

As they were recovering, Jiro suddenly lunged at them. Duy who had his eyes closed was not able to see Jiro or notice the hostile intent coming towards him. Jiro sighed a little under his breathe before he unleashed a heavy amount of killing intent. Duy"s eyes instantly flashed open before he suddenly realized that he was incapable of moving.

He was temporarily immobilized by the killing intent. Duy was about to open the first gate, but Jiro suddenly sped up while a green glow surrounded him. Jiro punched Duy"s stomach. Saliva and all the air in Duy"s lungs lurched out while his legs started to lose strength. He was trying to stay strong, but another punch slammed into his side throwing Duy to the ground completely annihilated.

All this had happened before Fugaku and Teuchi had a chance to try and rescue Duy from his predicament. The duo readied themselves, but the killing intent had dulled their mental fort.i.tude and body"s strength. Jiro didn"t bother to use his wind release chakra mode. He leisurely walked towards Teuchi and Fugaku as branches and other debris were crunching underneath his feet.

His twin and friend were too distracted by the blatant killing intent filling the air that they couldn"t notice a simple Genjutsu was put onto them by Jiro while he was approaching them. Two shadow clones popped up to fight the boys while Jiro found a comfortable position on a tree to observe them to the best of his ability.

Jiro started to sprint towards them and Fugaku got ready to fight. He suddenly noticed that Teuchi had been separated from him at some point and was facing a shadow clone of Jiro. Fugaku finally activated his sharingan and realized that he was facing a shadow clone as well. He tried to scan the area to find the real Jiro, but the shadow clone suddenly poked towards his eyes.

The clone spoke, reminding Fugaku of one of the most important lessons for an Uchiha. "As an Uchiha, always keep your eyes safe."

Fugaku smacked the hand away, but a leg suddenly sweeped towards him. Frustratingly, Fugaku could see where the leg was going to hit, but his body was refusing to respond with its normal reaction time. He could only move his arms up to block his face as a leg collided with him. The sudden rush of pain seemed to give his body the strength to act normally.

The clone watched as Fugaku stumbled backwards after blocking the kick. It also noticed that Fugaku"s sluggishness from the killing intent was beginning to disappear. It rushed forward intending to keep Fugaku off balance the whole fight.


Teuchi was desperately dodging kick after kick coming from Jiro. He wasn"t sure if it was a clone or not, but it still hurt to get hit. He also noticed that his sluggishness from Jiro"s earlier killing intent was beginning to wear off which let him respond much more appropriately to his attacks. Teuchi got ready to open the first gate. It seemed as if Jiro was wanting him to do that, but he had no choice.

The fight in the morning was already tiring. He got some time to rest after that, but the sprint from the village to the clearing was tiring and especially draining on his stamina. As soon as Teuchi opened the first gate, an influx of chakra immediately got rid of his earlier fatigue. Teuchi, now fired up from opening the first gate began to counter attack.

As soon as a leg came towards his ribs, Teuchi kicked up his own knee to kick the leg up while ducking to ensure that the leg would not hit his head. He felt the wind sweep over his head indicating that the leg pa.s.sed by. Teuchi put down the leg he had lifted earlier in order to launch a reverse side kick towards Jiro while he was off balance.

The leg hit nothing. Teuchi couldn"t see Jiro in his field of vision, but his leg was suddenly kicked from the ankle. He watched, helpless, as he began to fall towards the floor because his leg had been kicked out from underneath him.

Teuchi hit the ground with a crunch as the branches underneath him all broke.


Fugaku saw from the corner of his eye that Jiro had knocked Teuchi to the ground. While Teuchi was on the floor, the clone lifted up its leg one last time before landing a brutal axe kick on the polar plexis of Teuchi. His friend immediately turned to the side as vomit began to erupt from his mouth.

Fugaku immediately knew for sure that Jiro would beat him just as much so he began to concentrate. The fight between Fugaku and the clone was a series of backs and forths with no-one landing a good blow, but Fugaku began to feel the burn. His legs were burning. His arms felt heavy and weighed down his whole self.

He was taking in breathe after breathe, but it felt like there still wasn"t enough air in his system. Thinking that he was going to collapse immediately, Fugaku made a last ditch effort to attack Jiro. He kicked up the ground to launch dirt into the air before punching with his right hand. His left hand quickly grapsed a kunai from his pouch before Fugaku threw the kunai straight through the dirt cloud towards the clump of chakra that was the shadow clone.

Unfortunately, Fugaku heard a harsh sound like that of steel clashing against steel. As he began to collapse from the lack of stamina, Fugaku lamented that his attack was unsuccessful. Just before he hit the ground, Fugaku was held up. The clone was holding the back of his jacket. Fugaku groaned as the clone delivered a vicious blow to the ribs that would be sure to leave a bruise. The blow being enough to send Fugaku into the world of unconsciousness.


Fugaku woke up to the cold water splashing against his head. He carefully got up after spending a couple of seconds to reorient himself with the situation. He looked around to see that Teuchi was carefully stirring a giant pot that was full of broth.

The smell of food, good food, got Fugaku moving and he lightly sat on a piece of wood that was placed as a stool. He also noticed that Duy was up and about exercising by lifting tree trunks. Finally, Jiro was sitting on a stool while writing on a scroll. Even though the fight was over, the lingering effects of Jiro"s killing intent was still present. The forest was silent.

Everyone was concentrated on doing their own thing currently so Fugaku did the same. He grabbed a couple kunai and shurikens and began to throw them at a tree once more. Before throwing, Fugaku pictured where he wanted to hit and then he fired away. Thr rhythmic thumps as Fugaku threw his ranged weapons echoed through the clearing.

When Teuchi announced that he finished making lunch the boys all got a spoon and grabbed the bowls to pour themseles some. Jiro and Duy were sitting rather normally on the stool, but Teuchi and Fugaku were sitting in a manner to prevent aggravating their bruises. The broth was finished quickly and everyone turned to Jiro, eager to receive their evaluation and learn how to improve.

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