Jiro sighed as he watched his shin.o.bi cut down the k.u.mo nin. He was sick of their persistence that seemed to be fueled by nothing but sheer stupidity. They had been discovered countless times each time they tried to pa.s.s and none were able to leave alive. Any that got close to escaping were immediately cut down by Jiro or Kana.

At this point, the news of the war had spread and was officially declared. Jiro continued to exchange messages with Homura and his fifteenth birthday had pa.s.sed. He once started with four bracelets, one on each limb, but it was increased to three per limb now. Jiro also created an area that when under the effect of a seal would artificially create a stronger gravitational pull to supplement his training.

As he glanced to his right, a brown haired teen with a bright and hopeful smile was also training hard in the area with increased gravity. He was sparring with Shinji. The duo were exchanging blows as well as kicks with one another. So far, none had landed a decisive hit, but Shinji was able to use his Sharingan to his advantage by keeping Nawaki from getting into a position to throw a good blow.

Shinji was always targeting Nawaki"s legs and lower body to throw his center of gravity off and thus keep him from being balanced enough to throw a good punch or kick. Despite being suppressed, Nawaki continued to persevere and the shin.o.bi who were watching them train noticed it. A few cheers went about as Nawaki suddenly pivoted using his imbalance to create momentum then land a solid side kick on Shinji"s chest.

"Hey Nawaki, your sister Tsunade sent you to me in order for me to watch you, but how long do you think you"ll stay here?"

"Probably with you the whole time. I want to be Hokage. I think it"s best if I can go to the war in Amegakure at the frontlines and experience how it"s like, but big sis Tsunade wanted me to be stay with you instead."

The conversation distracted Nawaki which allowed Shinji to make a comeback by landing a solid blow to Nawaki"s chin with a vicious hook. The blow sent Nawaki reeling back and out of the makeshift arena in which gravity was enhanced thus making him the winner. A few shin.o.bi heckled Jiro for interrupting the match with his conversation.

"Hey captain, that"s a dirty move, distracting Nawaki in order to let Shinji make a comeback."

"You can start complaining when you get good enough to join them or myself in training."

A few chuckles went around, but everyone got back to training while one of the few medic nin present checked on Nawaki. The silence of training continued for a few more hours until one of the shin.o.bi on watch set the alarm for not a hunt, but a battle.

"Jiro-sama a large concentration of Chakra in a single man is headed our way. I suspect that it is the Third Raikage. There seem to be no signs of the Jinchuriki Jiro-sama."

Jiro chuckled as he put away the formation set up to increase gravity into a scroll of storage.

"Excellent. I"ll give them a warm welcome."

The ground burst open and dust flew around everywhere as Jiro jumped into the air. When the dust finally settled, no-one was present in the clearing. The shin.o.bi were already gone and setting up ambushes in areas near the already set traps while another line was created further back to search for any who might be lucky enough to pa.s.s.

Kana also grinned in a ferocious manner as she got ready to hunt once more for any stragglers.


The Raikage was leading the k.u.mo nin suddenly stopped. He looked up into the air and urgently shouted orders as his dark face darkened further with a serious glare.

"Everyone, back away from me and get prepared to fight."

Lightning suddenly began to sprout around the Raikage with crackling bolts crawling over his body until a lightning armor formed within an instant. At this moment, Jiro finally began to fall from the air and he swung the katana with a ferocious grin on his face. His red eyes were glowing eerily as the Mangekyo Sharingan were prepared.

The resulting clash launched a storm of wind that pushed away all but the most experienced brought with the Raikage.

The Raikage examined Jiro while he was under the katana. Even though the katana hadn"t managed to break through his defense, the sheer weight of the katana and Jiro with all those bracelets on him was slowly forcing the Raikage downwards. His feet were already knee deep into the dirt, but the Raikage shouted before forcing Jiro back and then lunged forward with a fierce blow.

Jiro held his ground and the katana crashed against the lightning covered fist launching another shockwave. Jiro shifted his grip on the katana to hold it so close to the hilt that he was touching the blade while he gripped the bottom of the hilt with his other hand. He speedily exchanged blows with the Raikage all while the Mangekyo Sharingan was being used to record the movements and Chakra of the Raikage in order to perhaps recreate the Lightning Release Jutsu.

The Raikage jumped back with one though running through his mind.

"Fast. So fast that I can only manage to keep up when he attacks. I need to make sure this information gets out."

Jiro launched forward for another wave of attacks except he shifted his grip again to emphasize the heaviness of the katana while slowing his speed down in order to observe the capabilities of the Third Raikage.

As the Raikage managed to dodge most blows, he was able to avoid having to clash too much, but the blade was so heavy and full of momentum that a single clash would send faint shivers down his spine.

Jiro mentally kept track of his Chakra as he was having to use his Wind Release that was invisible while also recording the Raikage with his Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Finally test how he can react to speed."

Jiro opened a sliver of a scroll that he got from his pouch and the katana disappeared. The Raikage"s eyes bulged as Jiro disappeared. In an instant, a kick kicked the Raikage off balance and a fist launched him into the air while one final axe kick from the air sent him back down into the ground with a crash.

Jiro mentally noted how st.u.r.dy the Raikage was and pulled out his katana again. He got ready to launch another series of attacks, but the Raikage ran. As the blur of lightning disappeared, Jiro didn"t smile. That speed in running was a lot faster than when the Raikage was fighting. It would make the Raikage a difficult opponent to kill.

Even the shin.o.bi that came with the Raikage were all very skilled in purely running away. Their speed left most of the shin.o.bi in the dirt and a vast majority of the shin.o.bi got away. Two had been caught by Kana while the combination of Nawaki and Shinji managed to catch another shin.o.bi.


Jiro looked over the report written by Shinji and after reading, he sent it to the Hokage. At the same time, an updated Bingo book from k.u.mo was released detailing Jiro Uchiha who know was known as Dragon. He was listed as an S-Rank risk with his strengths listed in it. However, as Jiro read it, he noticed that the details lowered his abilities in order to make him still a threat, but one that might be overlooked.

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