Junichiro made his way down the hall towards the office of the Hokage, wondering why he was called over. Jiro had informed him about becoming acquaintances with the apprentices of the Hokage, but that would not result in a call from the Hokage. Junichiro went to open the door, but he paused before opening it. A look of amus.e.m.e.nt and pity similar to that of Jiro was on the face of Junichiro as he read the piece of paper on the door declaring that the Hokage was a straight man.

Junichiro opened the door to reveal the Hokage dressed in his white robes along with his red and white head wear. However, he was not alone, a blonde girl with a pony tail and a white haired boy were both arguing in front of the Hokage. The Hokage had a look of annoyance on his face and it only grew worse as he realized how bad an example his students were being in front of his guest.

"I"m telling you Tsunade, Jiro has been avoiding meeting me for the past weeks because he pranked me. I went and asked the manager of the bathhouse if there was anyone in the baths on that sat.u.r.day, but there was no-one."

"You sure that Jiro didn"t just tell you some fake information to prank you, not to prank you with a Genjutsu?"

"Ugh, Tsunade, you and I know that he must have been tailing us for some time before he decided to show himself. He had to be the one that pranked me."

"Why don"t you tell me what was so horrifying about the prank."

Tsunade was frustrated with Jiraiya"s complete lack of clarification about what was so horrifying so she decided to confront him front and center about what happened, but Jiraiya suddenly gained a look of horror. He suddenly started screaming:

"No, not my a.s.s! Oh G.o.d, that isn"t natural! No leave me alone, oh the penetration no! No, I can"t be married anymore, Tsunade, you can"t marry this dirtied man."

All of a sudden, Jiraiya was leaning against the floor like an abandoned woman while sobbing melodramatically. The office suddenly darkened and a spotlight was shining on Jiraiya, courtesy of a male anbu who had a lone tear streaking down his cheek in sympathy. Another anbu had pulled out a violin out of nowhere and began to play a heart wrenching song. Jiraiya quickly pulled out a couple of used pantsu and began to sniff at them like a drug addict would ruining the melodramatic mood. Tsunade put an end to the perverted scene by slamming her fist into Jiraiya"s head.

Junichiro wasn"t completely shocked that his son Jiro messed with Jiraiya because Jiro seemed to enjoy making others suffer. He was however, shocked at the prank that Jiro pulled against Jiraiya. Jiro must have some how gotten a hold of one of the forbidden Genjutsu that was supposed to be locked. Junichiro turned to take a peek at the Hokage to see if he was angry about Jiro"s prank. The Hokage looked to be completely used to the antics of his students.

After Hiruzen kicked his students as well as that one anbu who played the violin out of his office, the mood suddenly turned serious. Junichiro leaned forward as did the Hokage. A couple of words as well as messages were exchanged between the two men before Junichiro got up with a serious look on his face.

"Hokage-sama, please give us a couple of days to let us come to a decision about your offer."

As Junichiro opened the door and walked out, Jiraiya, Tsunade, as well as that anbu quickly put their heads away from the door while quickly a.s.suming new positions to look innocent. As soon as Junichiro walked out of the hallway and disapeared, those three quickly rushed forward in antic.i.p.ation. They uncharacteristically were in sync when they shouted:

"Sensei, our senpai senses are going off, are we going to gain a kouhai?"

Sarutobi sighed letting all his frustrations leak out of his mouth before starting to talk.

"Orochimaru, take off that mask already, you are not going to be part of anbu. And no, you three are not going to be a senpai."

As the three students sighed in disappointment, Hiruzen continued to talk stating that he only made an offer Junichiro. As two of the students began to cheer in antic.i.p.ation of becoming a senpai, Jiraiya let an uncharacteristically evil giggle leak out of his mouth.

"I sure hope Jiro becomes our kouhai. I need to show him lots of love as a senpai."

Orochimaru and Tsunade watched stunned as Jiraiya began to plan out a scheme to ruin Jiro"s innocence. Unfortunately for him, Sarutobi did not promote having conflict between comrades as well as students. Jiraiya"s plan for revenge was ruined today, but he would be back with a new plan to avenge himself as well as his t.i.tle as super pervert.

Junichiro came home to a rather shocking scene. Fugaku had invited a civilian born boy by the name of Duy. They had met at the academy and Duy"s pa.s.sion for Taijutsu resulted in him pursuing Fugaku with the intention of a rivalship as well as friendship. Fugaku and Duy had gotten closer over the time spent in the academy as Duy helped Fugaku avoid hordes of fangirls. Jiro was safe from the fangirls as they were all aware that those who annoyed him seemed to suddenly lose their balance while in the cla.s.sroom.

After dinner, Duy began to walk home, but not after spouting some words about self rivals and then hugging Fugaku. While Fugaku looked shocked, Duy was crying and tears were draining like waterfalls. Jiro found this to be terribly amusing, but Duy"s words made his ears perk up a little.

"I will challenge both you and your twin brother for the position of Taijutsu master."

Eventually Duy left with the sun setting behind him. It seemed that Duy"s confidence in himself was like that of the sun, never ending. Jiro looked thrilled at this unexpected rival who was looking like a very interesting friend to have while Fugaku still looked a little shocked by the unexpected intimate physical contact.

Akane had recovered from her cold a couple weeks ago, but it turned out that the cold was a result of a poison that was meant to wreck the immune system. She was looking worried with how Fugaku still didn"t recover. Jiro stepped in to wake him up from his shock, but Junichiro recognized that light in his eyes and quickly tried to stop Jiro from succeeding in his mischief, but he was too late.

Fugaku woke up to the sounds of his parents howling and his brother gone. The house which was once a nice blue was a horrid shade of neon green with splotches of dull yellow. When he turned to his parents, he saw them holding fish in their hands by their mouth. The fish tails were flopping rapidly and he was suddenly tied to a baby crib by tied up pantsu. His parents began to close in on him with the fish while the fish suddenly started to shout:

"I like fish tails, do you!"

Then the fish tails started to slap Fugaku across the face. He could smell burnt meat radiating from the fish while the taste of dango started to fill his mouth. The house suddenly dissipated to reveal a dark night sky, but the stars were not shining. Instead more fish mouths were shown and they were all still shouting:

"I like fish tails, do you!"

Junichiro, and Akane were sitting on the couch waiting for Fugaku to wake up. Jiro was also sitting on the other couch while Fugaku lay next to him. Jiro noticed that his Genjutsu finally wore off when Fugaku suddenly sprang up while shouting:

"I hate fish tails!"

Fugaku noticed his brother was not smiling, but the corner of his mouth was tilted upwards in a small smirk. That smirk and the humiliation of hearing himself shout: "I hate fish tails" quickly turned Fugaku"s initial panic into a fiery rage. He lunged for his brother, but he turned into a puff of smoke that smelled of burnt meat. Fugaku quickly started to shout "Kai", but he was back and the fish were everywhere!

Akane and Junichiro decided to end the impromptu training and put Fugaku out of his misery by flooding his system with ambient chakra to dispel Jiro"s chakra. Fugaku came back to and was faced with the concerned face of Akane and the stern face of Junichiro. Unfortunately for Fugaku, the worst was not over as he soon found out that his brother was going to be an apprentice under the Hokage while he would be stuck in the academy.

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