Jiro stood outside of the forest watching as Kana and the tiger were making a cacophony. He was slightly amused as it now seemed very unlikely for a battle to happen. Instead of a fight, it seemed that they were having a contest on whom is better at making noise. Jiro suddenly realized that the parents of the tiger might be nearby and he began to move stealthily in a circular manner around both Kana and the tiger. As he continued to look around for more information about a potential parent to watch out for, his eyes were already glowing red.

Jiro was not able to find any traces of a parent, but he continued to be cautious as he looked carefully at the trees that were littered throughout. Continued scouting revealed no details so Jiro gave up, but the clones continued patrolling the area. As the ruckus continued, Jiro calmed down and watched as both youngsters continued to taunt and provoke one another, yet refused to actually attack.

Jiro noticed that Kana started flying back towards him looking kind of panicked and squawking while the tiger in the forest roared triumphantly. Jiro immediately got ready for battle and he watched as the guardian of the tiger arrived. His eyes began to glow with laughter as the guardian tiger slapped its child with its tail to shut it up before leaping away. The smaller tiger quickly got up and followed its parent into the depths of the forest.

As the duo disapeared into the forest, Kana chirped triumphantly this time. The smaller tiger apparently heard it and roared in discontent. Kana then got ready to chirp back, but Jiro was done with noise contests as he quickly wrapped Kana"s beak with water resulting in barely any noise when she chirped.

Finally when they were both back inside the nest, Jiro noticed that the stone had new wrods on it as well as an eagle feather. It simply warned to him that he should be prepared to meet the eagles in an hour. Jiro began to take off his old leathery cloths and put on some actual comfortable cloths that were modified with the old clothes he had outgrown. Jiro then picked up a wooden spear with multiple stingers lashed onto it. He also picked up a backpack like bag to put his honey into it.

Jiro also a.s.sumed that the bees would still be in this realm so he warned them that he would be going back. Queen gave Jiro a giant cube of honey that was dense and pure that it had solidified. Jiro thanked her for the gift and packed it into his bag. He gave his final farewells to Queen as he got ready to be summoned to the eagles. Soon the wait was over as both Jiro and Kana had been summoned by the eagles.


Jiro looked in awe as thousands of branches sprouted off the tree he was standing on. Some branches were small while others were big enough to hold nests larger than the one Jiro had resided in. Eagles of all shapes and colors were everywhere on the tree. Some were smaller than his palm while others made Kana seem small. Kana was also looking everywhere curiously while a hint of wonder was reflected in her childlike eyes.

The truly amazing part was that the tree was not the largest tree in the area. Some trees were taller than it and were home to the largest looking eagles. As Jiro continued to look everywhere, green filled his vision. Jiro heard a faint whizzing sound as he felt the eyes of somebody on his back. He quickly turned around while whipping his spear out. Right in front of him was an eagle larger than Kana. It was a golden brown color similar to that of caramel and scars from battle littered its body.

Jiro watched the eagle carefully, as three tomoe were swirling in his eye. The eagle looked Jiro in the eye before squawking a challenge. Jiro did not know how to respond, but he accepted the challenge so he walked forward. Kana watched from the side, but she did not interfere as this was a duel of honor.

Some eagles were watching from the sky while others watched from the nest. Not every eagle was interested, but most of them were watching with antic.i.p.ation. Jiro was waiting for the indication to begin, but a bright red eagle dropped down from the sky between Jiro and the caramel eagle. None of the eagles reacted so Jiro figured that this eagle would be the referee.

"Eaglet, before proceeding to duel, show your scars of merit."

Jiro knew that the eagle was referring to him. The eagles were calling him eaglet so Jiro knew that he must be closer to them than a summoner would be. Jiro acknowledged that he wasn"t fully grown yet, but he wondered why he would be considered as part of the eagles. However, he had a duel to fight first so Jiro took off his clothes leaving him nude in front of the eagles with only a spear in hand while the other hand held a stinger like a dagger.

The observing eagles squawked among themselves when they saw that Jiro was not scarred with any wounds. They knew that Jiro was a warrior of battle and the fact that he was not scarred indicated his extremely high level of skill. Their leading general, Reo, a snowy white colored eagle was similarly flawless and among their most highly skilled warriors. Some eagles who were not so interested in the fight now took some interest after seeing that Jiro was not scarred.

The red eagle flew up into the air and announced for the fight to begin. The eagles watched on as Jiro kept an eye on the caramel colored eagle that immediately began to fly after the announcement to fight. Kana was not worried about Jiro as he had always been able to take down beasts with ease using Genjutsu, but she suddenly realized that Jiro was not aware about how honor duels work.

As the caramel colored eagle flew around Jiro, it suddenly started to swerve around and it began to rapidly lose alt.i.tude. Before it could crash, the red eagle flew towards the caramel eagle and caught it before announcing that Jiro lost the duel. Many eagles suddenly realized that Jiro might not be aware of how a duel works so the duel got put on hold. As the red eagle explained to Jiro about how a duel worked, he nodded indicating that he understood.

The duel began immediately and Jiro rushed towards the eagle while brandishing his spear towards the eagle. The eagle immediately went into the air, but Jiro threw the stinger in his hand towards the eagle. As it zoomed towards the eagle, the eagle showed off its claws and tore the stinger to pieces. Jiro shot a fireball towards the eagle momentarily blinding it while he used a shadow clone to gain extra air and close in on the eagle.

The eagle realized that it was in danger and blew its wings really hard releasing blades of wind to Jiro. The wind blades soared towards Jiro, but he used the spear stinger to form a drill that tore through the wind blade heading directly towards him while avoiding the rest of the wind blades. Jiro landed on the ground and rushed forward with the drill activated while the eagle rushed downwards from the air with both claws out and wind chakra surging through its claws.

Jiro and the caramel eagle clashed and the wind chakra surrounding the claws was torn apart while the eagle fell over from being stabbed by the spear"s stinger. Some of the eagles rushed over in shock and concern for their fallen family member, but Jiro explained that the sting is just so painful that one can"t help but to fall over after being stabbed. Jiro was announced the winner of the duel and the caramel colored eagle introduced himself as Sora.

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