Jiro arrived into the territory of the rival beast with Kana. Personally, he thought it would be better to conduct a scout on the beast to see its abilities, but Kana was going to be the one doing the fighting so he let her do as she wished. Kana let out a loud chirp while releasing a large amount of flames from her mouth to declare her wish to challenge the beast.

Clouds and trees were whipped back as her challenge echoed through the forest. From the distance, an equally loud roar was heard. Jiro jumped off Kana and prepared a couple of shadow clones in case he had to step in. He had a feeling he might have to due to the roar being so loud despite the distance between Kana and the beast.

Jiro saw in the distance trees being smashed away as a giant ape dashed towards Kana. Jiro noticed that the ape had many scars lined across its chest and face. Thick white fur covered its back and limbs. It moved very quickly despite its apparent age. Kana was in the middle of chirping a challenge, when she noticed the size of the ape. Her courageous chirp turned into a shocked squawk and Jiro grinned in amus.e.m.e.nt at her apparent distress. Kana seemed to gather her courage and wits before chirping a powerful challenge.

Jiro watched while some of his clones formed the stinger technique imbued with wind chakra to improve its sharpness. Other clones had kunai or shurikens to see if those would work against the ape. He was careful of his chakra consumption as he did not intend to use the precious nectar which could help his brother and friends as well as teammates grow their chakra reserves. Jiro gave himself a mental slap on the head as he remembered that he should give the nectar to his friends and teammates.

The ape closed the distance quickly and threw a tree at Kana. She dodged the tree with ease and blew a powerful line of fire towards the ape, but it blocked the fire with a st.u.r.dy log that resembled a staff. The fire was split in half and hit the forest lighting the immediate vicinity on fire. Jiro carefully watched the ape as it jumped an enormous height towering above Kana before falling towards her while swinging the stick.

Kana"s impressive agility was showcased as she dodge to the right of the stick, but the winds emitted by the stick as it zoomed past her threw her off balance. The stick landed on the ground with a giant thud and the earth rumbled like an earthquake was happening. The ape prepared to jump again as it tensed, but Kana had already regained her balance and she blasted flames towards the eyes of the ape.

Unfortunately, her efforts were not rewarded as the ape batted the flames aside like it was nothing. Jiro really admired the impressive defensive ability of the ape and his clones began to jump off the trees towards the ape. Kana had noticed her inability to hurt the beast so she began to gain alt.i.tude in order to avoid intruding on the battle between Jiro and the ape.

Jiro tried to throw a Genjutsu onto the ape with his sharingan, but the ape was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with its own chakra which was surging through its whole body. The ape"s chakra as well as overwhelming size made it difficult to cast a Genjutsu that would last so it lasted for two seconds instead of the intended forever. Jiro"s clones capitalized on its momentary distraction to slash across its face with the stinger technique. A clone tried to use a kunai to attack, but the metal bent against the tough skin of the ape.

One clone tried to drive the drill into the ape"s eye, but a closed eyelid blocked his drill. Another tried to attack the inside of the ear and he was rewarded with blood leaking from the wound. The drills were not able to break skin on the face of the ape, but the clones using the stinger technique imbued with wind chakra were able to cut the skin of the ape. The ape roared in rage at the intense pain as Jiro himself had joined the a.s.sault and stabbed a stinger from a bee into the ape"s nostril.

Blood dribbled down its face as it roared causing trees to be blown backwards. Jiro dismissed all of his clones in preparation to form clones that would imbue wind chakra into the stinger technique. The ape charged towards a shadow clone Jiro had formed and tried to smash him, but Jiro continued to throw the beast under Genjutsus. Trees were uprooted and dirt was sent flying as the clone continued to dodge the attacks of the beast.

Jiro formed three clones with significantly more chakra and those clones used the distractions that the clone provided to the best of their ability. Larger versions of the stinger technique were successful in breaking the skin of the ape. Large gashes formed on the face of the ape as the clones slashed the face using larger versions of the stinger technique. As wounds continued to pile up on the beast, the ape roared in anger and began to run off. Jiro dashed up a tall tree and called Kana over to jump onto her back.

Jiro didn"t bother to chase the ape as the wounds scattered across its face were not close to damaging enough to warrant a chase for the kill. As Jiro meditated on Kana"s back to recover chakra at a faster rate, Kana was zooming in gradually increasing circles around the current territory to determine how much land she gained through this battle. Kana had gained much more territory that went into the deeper parts of the forest. She now had territory that stretched from the entrance of the forest to deeper parts of it.

While Jiro was concentrating on the back of Kana, he was also reflecting on the battle with the ape. This was the first battle he had with a supersized animal and it was much harder to throw it under lasting Genjutsu. He also noted that it was much more difficult for his methods to hurt it. Jiro found it very fun to fight against the ape and he hoped to fight against it again. However, he had to find a jutsu that specialized in cutting so he made plans to visit the library within the compound.

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