Jiro"s intent to battle was roaring and continuing to increase. Jiro had not even been scratched from any of the attacks and the Genin realized that. They pulled out their kunais and shurikens ready to use them. Jiro"s l.u.s.t for a good fight had been ignited and he was ready to beat them all into the ground. He nor any of the anbu in the shadows were aware of a black shadow watching Jiro. The Genin got ready to separate and surround them so Jiro rushed into the fight.

He smashed a fireball onto the ground creating a huge screen of dust allowing for him to form a shadow clone that would do just fine. The clone dashed out of the screen while Jiro stretched his chakra to latch onto a small pebble. He quickly switched positions with the pebble and formed a Genjutsu of a lower tier that would hopefully protect the area. Jiro began to sneak across the battlefield towards where Jiraiya was confronting another team.

Jiro"s clone ducked under the blade of a kunai before grabbing the arm holding the kunai. He pulled the ninja in and slammed a knee into his rib before kicking him into his teammate who was coming to rescue him. The duo collapsed onto the floor, but quickly got up. Unfortunately for them, Jiro"s clone decided that they could probably last against his currently developing fire laser jutsu.

A beam of fire looking like a stretched out fireball streaked towards the team. One resourceful ninja swapped his body with a kunai laying on the ground, but the other was. .h.i.t on the side. The clone had made sure to avoid fatally injuring the Genin, but the ninja was immediately taken away by a proctor towards the hospital. The lucky ninja who had escaped in team followed after the proctor.

Jiro"s red eyes scanned the battlefield as he continued to sneak towards Jiraiya. The clone kicked right into the armpit of a different ninja. The distinct pop of a shoulder dislocating sounded out as the kunoichi collapsed to the ground with a shrill shriek of pain. One of her teammates came immediately to her aid, but a Hyuga boy, presumably her other teammate, rushed towards where Jiro actually was.

The boy dressed in the garbs of a Hyuga quickly dashed in at Jiro and unleashed multiple towards Jiro, but he dodged them with ease. The boy continued to unleash his palm attacks at Jiro, but he continued to weave between the boy"s arms. The boy felt a force slam into his face and he flew across the street only stopping after slamming into the wall of a store. Jiro was standing with his fist outstretched indicating that he was the one who had punched the boy. Jiro was grinning this time with waves of blood l.u.s.t leaking off of his body.

The anbu with a songbird mask nodded at his three trainees indicating for them to prepare for action. The black shadow continued to observe Jiro while continuing his emotion amplifying jutsu. The last team of two who had been observing Jiro from the shadows of a nearby building left after noticing that Jiro was starting to berserk.

Jiraiya frowned as he noticed Jiro"s condition. He had been with Jiro enough to notice that his emotions in general were subdued. This berserk side of Jiro was slightly unexpected as he had noticed that Jiro usually lost control of his emotions to a slight degree in fights, but not to this extent. Jiraiya got up from the spot where he was resting and the final three ninjas surrounding him got ready to stop him in a potential fight.

Jiraiya dismissed their concern and his worry was evident. Jiraiya figured that being straight forward would be the best way to get them to help him so he began to speak.

"Help me stop Jiro. He doesn"t act like this at all. I am sure that something happened or is happening to him right now."

The team looked between each other with slightly doubtful faces. Jiraiya was focused on watching Jiro so he did not notice the conversation between hands among the team watching him.

"Hey shikachi is this part of your plan?"

"No, what we did by spreading fake information about a large bounty being on Jiro and his team was it. I didn"t plan for anything else to happen and jutsus that mess with people"s minds are the specialty of the Yamanaka not the Nara."

The black haired boy with spiky hair reminiscent of a pineapple answered negatively while also sending another public message through his hands to hopefully an anbu watching the whole situation play out. Shikachi did not know if there would be an experienced ninja watching them, but he sent out a message wanting the experienced ninjas to act just in case. As he continued to feel Jiro"s blood l.u.s.t, he muttered something that sounded similar to "troublesome" under his breath.

Jiraiya and the remaining team rushed at Jiro with the intent of stopping him, but a ninja jumped down between them and Jiro. The anbu had the mask of a songbird on him and another trio of anbu with only white masks arrived. The three did not stop as they instantly went into action, attacking Jiro from three different angles with swords.

Jiraiya watched in shock as Jiro rotated his body with a flip and blocked two of the attacks with his kunai. The final anbu stabbed straight towards Jiro, but kicked the flat of the blade making it miss to the side. The anbu continued trying to subdue Jiro with quick sword movements, but Jiro continued to redirect the blades at the last minute making it impossible for them to hit him.

Jiro shot a beam of fire towards one of the anbu who blocked it with a sword resulting in a melting blade. The one with a broken blade threw the blade away and pulled out two kunai before charging into battle again. The anbu continued to try to subdue Jiro with nonlethal moves such as a stab in the stomach or a way to incapacitate him.

Sadly for them, Jiro was fighting with a very dangerous style where he would play chicken by swinging his kunai as they tried to stab him. Jiro would block the blow with one of his two kunai while the anbu would dodge resulting in a stalemate.

The black shadow observing seemed to be growling in rage, seemingly frustrated by its inability to transform, Jiro"s blood l.u.s.t into an intent to kill. It"s jutsu amplified existing emotions so it a.s.sumed that when Jiro"s blood l.u.s.t got amplified enough, it would turn into killing intent.

The songbird anbu brought out a flute from a pouch before blowing gently into it. Jiraiya heard a soft roar of the ocean that reminded him of a trip to the Land of water. His concentration continued to drain and he noticed that the other Genin near him also started to sway on their feet. Jiraiya"s eyes felt heavy and he finally fell down sleeping from the Genjutsu as well as his need to recover chakra.

Jiro"s eyes twitched as the Genjutsu swept into his mind with a gentle sound. He quickly broke out of the rather weak Genjutsu, but it helped to recover his mind. The once strong urge for battle was quickly controlled once again by Jiro. He felt his emotions seemingly try to rebel against him in a rather strange manner, but he brought it down under control.

The three anbu trainees fighting him noticed that he finally stopped emitting such an aggressive blood l.u.s.t so they swept back and patiently watched him out of their masks. Jiro nodded to them in thanks and turned to the anbu with mask of a songbird.

"Thank you for helping me to take control over my emotions."

Jiro was being escorted away by the earlier trainees and Jiraiya tagged along with him. The remaining team with Shikachi left and the street was empty once again save for some scars that littered the floor indicating that a fight had occurred.

The black shadow finally slowly lifted out of the ground revealing a black humanoid figure with a long stretched out creepy smile. The eeriness of the person was further exacerbated by his sharp white teeth gleaming in contrast with his black body color. Black Zetsu observed the wreckage left behind by Jiro and disappeared back into the ground.

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