As Mars closed the distance to the scale boar Victoria circled both of them while firing shadow spears at the scale boar but alas the shadow spears bounced off the scales of the scale boar, just as Mars was about to clash with the scale boar he activated [Instant movement] and appeared in front of the head of the scale boar before he slashed at its eye



Mars" trusty bone sword bunched off the transparent scales that covered the scale boars eyes, the scale boar swung its tusks at Mars but Mars reactivated [Instant movement] and dodged out of the way while he shot out sword lights at the scale boars eyes


the sword light ricocheted off the scale boars eyes further enraging it as it let out another roar and charged at Mars

"you know what, let"s end this!"

Mars activated [Instant movement] and reappeared on top of the head of the scale boar and put his hand on its head while his stored energy units rapidly discharged as a dull explosion sounded out




Mars jumped off the scale boar that didn"t die from the energy discharge instead it got enraged

"what the f.u.c.k is those scales made of!?"

Mars cursed as he once again dodged the tusks before he took some distance and tired to catch his breath

"come on fatty, let"s see what you got!"

the scale boar narrowed its eyes before suddenly Mars felt energy gather between its tusks as a dark orb appeared


with a roar the scaled boar let out a roar as it released the dark orb that shot out towards Mars with amazing speed, Mars activated [Instant movement] and dodged to the side as the dark orb hit where he had just been standing and exploded


the shock wave spread out and knocked down trees in almost one hundred meter radius, Mars that had underestimated the strength of the explosion was also sent flying but thanks to some mid air acrobatics he landed on his feet

" wonder its a cla.s.s 9... time to go all out!"

Mars charged his left hand with energy and activated [Instant movement] and landed on top of the scale boar and stabbed at the eye of the scale boar


then as his sword was wedged a tiny bit into the scales then he placed his left hand on top of the hilt of the sword and discharged his stored energy



Mars" trusty bone sword sunk down into the eye of the scale boar which let out and enraged and painful roar as it collapsed on the jungle floor, Mars stood on top of the scale boar and looked at his sword with slight worry in his eyes before he grabbed it and tried to pull it out only to have it snap at the hilt, Mars" face was filled with pain as if it was a part of him that just had snapped



"oh nothing Victoria... let"s head back to the city"

Mars opened a portal and grabbed the leg of the scale boar and pulled it though...

"a scale boar!"

"oh, so you know what it is?"

"of course I know what it is I"m a butcher you know... still a cla.s.s 9 magic beast..."

the butcher walked around the scale boar corpse a few times before he stopped in front of Mars and gave a nod

"give me a week"

"can you focus on removing the pieces of my sword that"s stuck in its right eye?"

"sure no problem landlord... and what about the rest?"

"I need the core... besides that send a couple hundred kilograms of bone to my workshop"

"got it land lord... I"ll have the rest of the sword dug out by nightfall"

"thanks a lot"

Mars left the refrigerated storehouse and headed back to his building, after pacifying the slightly grumpy girls by accompanying them for a few hours Mars walked into his workshop and closed the door behind him

"now then.... time to get to work"

Mars rubbed his hands together and walked past his experimental railgun and over to where a couple of crates were stacked in the corner of the room and opened on of the crates

"....yup just like I asked him"

inside the crate was bones of the earth bears, Mars grabbed a piece of bone as well as a sculpturing knife and began working, after about half an hour he was finished and a sword had taken shape

" this won"t do, the blade is slightly bent"

Mars threw aside the misinformed sword and picked up another piece of bone and began again, after working for about 6 hours Mars finely had a perfect second bone sword. As for why Mars made a second sword it was because what happened with the scale boar, caring a single sword would be okay in normal situations but having a backup when he was hunting magic beasts would expand his options for example what if there had been a second scale boar, what should he had done then? it was here another sword would come in handy, Mars nodded to himself and gave a yawn before he walked back to the living room and scoured some leftovers from the fridge to stuff his face with, after he was done stuffing his face he found the biggest couch and laid himself down before he closed his eyes and fell asleep...

The next morning Mars returned to the workshop and found the pieces of his sword had been delivered, after using his skill to put the pieces back together to form a whole sword Mars quickly made a leather sheath for his back up sword which he put on the right side of his belt, behind the sheath he had revived form Info, that way it was out of the way when he was fighting but he was still able to quickly draw the sword with his sword arm

"this should be good..."

Mars gave a nod and walked out of the workshop, or at least he tried to


"oh hey Elsa, what"s wrong?"

Elsa stood in the doorway with her hands behind her back she had a slightly unhappy expression on her face

"does something have to be wrong for me to come find you?"

"that"s... sorry Elsa I didn"t mean it like that"

Elsa gave a smile

"I know, I"m just messing with you... here"

Elsa handed a box which she had hidden behind her back, Mars took it and looked it over while drawing a blank which caused Elsa to let out a giggle before she spoke

"it"s a lunch box, for you and Victoria"

"oh... thanks Elsa"

"it"s the least I can do"

Mars gave Elsa a quick kiss on the forehead before he gave her a wave and walked up to the roof and quickly found Victoria sleeping in the sun, Mars knelled down and poked her awake before he put down the lunchbox on the ground and asked her

"can you store this in you shadow Victoria?"

Victoria gave the lunchbox a sniff before her horns flashed

"sure... what is... it?"

"it"s a lunchbox made by Elsa"

Victoria tilted her head to the side before he horns flashed

"what"s... a lunchbox..?"

"basically it"s a meal packed inside a box... don"t worry she said there"s enough for both of us"


Victoria didn"t quite understand but still put the lunchbox into her shadow

"good then let"s go"

Mars gave Victoria some head pats before he opened a portal to the island and walked though...


"there it is again... a s.p.a.ce time disorder? no it"s someone opening a portal..."

*twitch twitch*

her ears moved as "she" tried to figure out what it was that was cursing this disturbance

"not a s.p.a.ce time mage, the handling of the fabric of s.p.a.ce is way too rough... a living G.o.d..?"

too lazy to open her eyes "she" just listened closely

"well as long as it does not irritate me too much I can let it live... let"s just go back to sleep..."

"she" turned lightly in her bed before she once again fell fast asleep...

Back at the island Mars wasted no time and headed towards the center of the island, as they walked through the jungle Mars suddenly felt something watching him and asked Victoria

"do you sense anything?"

"hmm..? no... not really..?"

Mars looked around before he relaxed his guard

"guess I was just imagining it..."

suddenly a cold light flashed though Mars" eyes as the hair on his neck suddenly stood up and he quickly grabbed the hilt of his sword and drew it with lightning speed and kicked off the ground as he slashed out behind where he had just been standing


"Victoria hide!"

Victoria quickly did as Mars told her and jumped into a shadow, leaving Mars alone to face off against... whatever it was he was facing off against?

"come out and play~"

Mars lazily spoke out as he swung his sword around in his hand looking very relaxed, but in reality he was on high alert

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