Mars twirled around his sword with cold eyes as he scanned the surroundings with all his senses while cold sweat ran down his back, he had no idea what he was facing, well he had some idea first it was a magic beast with great concealment abilities second it was capable of fast attacks with little to no forewarning, Mars still felt the gaze on him so he knew that it had not given up after the first attack, it was likely preparing for its next attack

"the time lag between attacks are rather long..."

just as Mars" thought began to wonder the hairs on his neck once again suddenly stood straight and he swung out with his sword again


his sword met... something as it was voilenty repelled again as sparks flew in the air his eyes transformed and he caught a glimpse of something and his skill activated

name: Steel spiked chameleon

gender: male

cla.s.s: 9

basic info: an unrelieved predator with... you guessed it unrelieved stealth abilities, not much else is known about this magic beast other then it usually kills with its first strike of its spiked tongue

"so its a chameleon... wait I"m dumb..."

Mars gave a sigh and almost face palmed himself before activated his [Energy: sense] and quickly spotted the chameleon and fired a fire spear at it which impaled it on the tree it was sitting on

"...Victoria you can come out now"


Mars walked over to the 4 meter long steel spiked chameleon and harvested its magic beast core and looked at it

"1200 energy units... jackpot"

Mars quickly absorbed the energy units from the core before it then crumbled into fine dust in his hands, shaking off the dust Mars looked around for a new target before he asked Victoria

"do you feel any magic beast nearby?"

"hmm... no"

"okay, give me a heads up when you do"


Mars and Victoria continued their journey towards the center of the island, on the way there they killed all magic beast they came across and a little over 4 days later they reached the center of the island where an inactive volcano stood, Mars looked up at the volcano and mumbled

"volcanic soil... so that"s why the land is so fertile... I really wonder why the elvers didn"t expand into this land..."

almost as to answer Mars" mumbles a roar sounded out which made Mars look up


as Mars cursed his skill activated

name: Lesser fire dragon

gender: male

cla.s.s: 13

basic info: A lesser fire dragon, not much is known.

dull red scales, 4 limbs, 2 wings, a head and a tail entered Mars" eyes as he looked up as the lesser fire dragon that heavily breathed in

"Victoria run!"

Victoria turned into a shadow and blitzed off into the distance, Mars also activated Instant movement as he speed off into the distance as the sky turned red as the lesser fire dragon let out its breath and fire rained down setting the jungle alight. Mars tried to calm his breath as he looked at the destruction, almost 500 square meters of jungle had been turned into charcoal instantly, even though Mars had literally sat in a campfire for the sake of glorious energy units he still feared the flames from the lesser fire dragon as he felt it would likely burn him quiet badly even though he had a high level of fire resistance. Mars still felt Victoria"s presence so he was rea.s.sured that she was still alive and drew his sword

"come at me you over sized lizard!"

the dragon still in the sky let out another roar when it found out Mars was still alive and flew towards him while it breathed deeply again, Mars wasted no time and sent out sword lights that struck the lesser fire dragon, but alas it harmlessly bunched off its dull red scales, Mars quickly switched his target and shot sword lights at the wings which proved more effective as it made the lesser fire dragon let out an enraged roar before it attacked with its fire breath again, Mars activated Instant movement and dodged out of the way of the dragon flames before coming to a stop outside of the radius of the scorched area and yelled

"you like to play with fire? then eat this!"

Mars fired off a few fire spears that hit the lesser fire dragon before he prepared to dodge again but no fire breath came so he looked up at the lesser fire dragon and found it looked at him with questioning eyes that was filled with curiosity


Mars watched as the lesser fire dragon landed and walked over to him before it sat down and tilted its head like an over sized dog trying to look cute, a 15 meter tall dull red over sized dog

"what do you want?"

the lesser fire dragon lowered its head and laid it down on the ground as its tail started to sway lightly from side to side, Mars recognized this gesture from Varvei that often swayed her tail lightly from side to side when she wanted something

"you want more fire?"

Mars gave a sigh as he summoned a fireball on top of his hand and swayed it from side to side as he watched the lesser fire dragon that followed the fireball with its eyes before it stood up again and turned around and walked a couple of meters before it looked back at Mars with its vertical slit eyes

" want me to follow you?"

the lesser fire dragon gave a slow nod which dumbfounded Mars before he slightly awkwardly scratched his cheek and said

"sorry for calling you an over sized lizard..."

Mars followed after the lesser fire dragon that lead the way to the volcano, on the way tired communicating with the lesser fire dragon but didn"t have much success as the lesser fire dragon was limited to making gestures with its head and tail, Mars also transformed into his half-dragon from which seemed to make the lesser fire dragon more excited. Soon the pair arrived at the foot of the volcano where a giant cave was located, Mars felt a presence that made him uneasy from the cave but the lesser fire dragon just walked in like it owned the place, after walking for about 5 minutes the lesser fire dragon let out a low roar that rumbled through the darkness, just as he was about to ask what it was doing he felt something moving in the darkness and looked up as he felt his whole body start to s.h.i.+ver uncontrollably, a warm flow of air washed over his body like something big just breathed out and two red moons suddenly appeared in the darkness it wasn"t until a few seconds pa.s.sed that Mars realized that those were eyes and that they were looking at him, after being stared down for about a minute Mars let out a dry laugh and spoke with slight unease


at the same time he spoke his skill activated

name: Ancient greater fire dragon

gender: female

cla.s.s: 20

basic info: a G.o.d to all dragons

Mars felt no hostility from the ancient greater fire dragon but still didn"t dare act disrespectful so when it didn"t response to his greeting and kept staring at him Mars lowered his head slightly and remained silent until about a minute later when the ancient greater fire dragon let out another breath and a low raspy voice sounded out in the cave


Mars remained silent as suddenly the two giant eyes began shrinking until they were human sized and a figure walked out of the darkness, she was covered in bright red scales that looked like tight fitting clothes besides that she looked like a mature beauty with 2 pale horns on her forehead and with bright red vertical split eyes, she walked over to Mars and stopped a meter in front of him before she leaned in and sniffed him


Mars looked at the transformed ancient greater fire dragon and asked slightly nervously

"what"s so interesting?"

the woman looked Mars in the eye with a slight grin on her face before she poked him on the chest and spoke

"your vessel is clearly half dragon, but the dragon blood is so thin that you smell like a human... now where have I seen you before I wonder?"

"...I don"t think we have met before?"

"not you, your vessel... when was it again..?"

Mars closed his mouth and tired to breath lightly as the woman looked him over and walked around him while inspecting his body, normally Mars would have been over the moon to have a mature beauty look at him but he felt an undeniable pressure that could squash him like a bug at any moment, the pressure of death was the closest he had ever felt in his two lifetimes, suddenly the woman narrowed her eyes

"I remember now.... your vessel is Drekriz one of my children"

the temperature dropped instantly as a ma.s.sive amount of killing intent locked on to Mars

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