
Mars, hidden in the brushes looked at the primitive village in front of him, just from a head count he counted a little more than 150 orgers so far and most of them were cla.s.s 5 orger hunters or cla.s.s 5 orger warriors that carried spears or stone clubs, Mars looked over at Victoria and whispered

"just like last time, you make sure no one gets away"
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Victoria jumped into a shadow and disappeared leaving Mars alone as he breathed out deeply before the look in his eyes grew cold as he stood up from the brushes and drew his sword as he began walking slowly towards the village. The first orger that spotted Mars let out a war cry, drawing the attention of the other nearby orgers before it charged at Mars with its stone club raised into the air, as it was about to bring down the club on Mars" head a sword light shot out and cut its neck cleanly through before it exited on the other side and continued flying off into the sunset, Mars stepped aside and dodged the body of the now headless orger that collapsed in front of him before he looked over at the other orgers that were charging at him with their weapons raised

"let"s get this over with fast, I need to be back for dinner tonight..."

Mars sent out sword light after sword light as he cared a b.l.o.o.d.y path into the village, no orger ever got within arms reach of him, they all died from a well placed sword light to the neck but by the time Mars had killed around 100 orgers a roar was heard form further in the village as Mars" pupils suddenly contracted before he hurriedly stepped to the side as a ma.s.sive spear flew past him and embedded itself into the ground right behind him, Mars showed a cold smile as he sent out another sword light, decapitating another orger


Mars activated [Instant movement] and dodged to the side as another spear came flying, just barely missing him, this continued for another 5 spears before another roar was heard form deeper in the village then Mars felt the earth faintly shake as the presence he had felt throwing spears at him suddenly charged at him, soon it appeared within his view, Mars" first thoughts was one word big, it was an orger but this one was at least 7 meters tall and unlike the other orgers this one looked more buff then fat and it carried a broadsword made of some kind of dull red metal, as Mars looked at the orger his skill activated

name: Orger king

gender: male

cla.s.s: 9

basic info: the king of orgers

"well that"s not that helpful information..."

Mars gave a sigh as he activated [Instant movement] and dodged out of the way of the broadsword that was swung down with a bang and kicked up a dust cloud, Mars reappeared a few meters away and swung out his sword sending sword lights that decapitated some nearby orgers, this of course made the orger king even more enraged as it let out another roar and slashed out at Mars with its broadsword, only to have it hit air as Mars once again reappeared a few meters away with a slight frown on his face as he coughed lightly

"ugh all that dust is annoying... would you stop swinging that thing around?"

Mars didn"t wait for a replay as he swung his sword and sent out a sword light targeted at the orger king"s neck, but to Mars" surprise the sword light didn"t send the orger king"s head flying it instead only cut a shallow wound on its neck

"well would you look at that..."

Mars dodged out of the way of the broadsword again as he sheathed his sword and transformed his hands and ignited his claws before he activated [Instant movement] and reappeared behind the orger king that suddenly froze

"and that"s that... now to mob up the rest"

Mars ignored the orger king and pounced on the other orgers, meanwhile a thin red line slowly appeared on the neck of the orger king then the orger king kneeled over as its head dropped down from its neck and fell onto the ground as a poll of blood speared under its corpse...

By the time the sun was about to set it was all over, besides the heavy smell of blood in the air the village was all cleaned up and in the middle of the village was a pile of corpses, most of them were headless while some of them had big holes in their chests, next the the pile of corpses were a smaller pile of magic beast cores which Mars looked at with a satisfied look on his face

"good job Victoria"

"you too... Mars"

after praising Victoria for her excellent job Mars went to work with absorbing the cores and just like he had hoped he hit level 70 and then he opened his [Energy: upgrade shop] and looked at the new skill that had just been unlocked

"[Half-awaken]? I wonder why its only "half"?"

Mars looked at the skill for sometime until his other skill activated and showed the information on the skill


use cost: 100

status: locked

unlock cost: none

function: half awakens the living good, causing all the status to be used and numbs the feeling of death so that normal functions can be carried out while dying

"well whatever... unlock [Half-awaken]"

Mars waited for a bit and soon he felt his new skill unlock and information about how to activate and use it enter his mind

"luckily I have some energy units to practice....would not want to fail using this skill against Yrimir... well whatever, Victoria let"s head home"


Mars opened a portal to Green river and was about to step though before he suddenly remembered something and walked over to the corpse pile and looked at the dull red broadsword he had stabbed into the ground besides it

"you must be lonely now that I killed your master... then you can come with me"

Mars grabbed the hilt of the dull red broadsword and pulled it out of the ground and brought it with him as he stepped through the portal to Green river...

back at Green river Mars first walked into his workshop and placed the broadsword with the dull red blade in a corner and was about to walk out when Mary and Chloe walked in, Chloe gave a sweet smile and said

"Mars dinner is ready"

"okay then let"s go"

Mars followed after Chloe but noticed Mary had stopped and was staring at something so he followed her gaze and found she was looking at the broadsword with the dull red blade

"what is it Mary?"

"....this sword, where did you find it?"

Mars tilted his head

"on the island, a orger king was wielding it"

Mary looked over at Mars, seeing her serious gaze Mars felt like he had done something wrong and was about to apologize when she suddenly asked

"do you know what that sword is made of?"

"hmm...? nope~"

Mary gave a sigh and looked over at Chloe

"what about you Chloe? do you know?"

Chloe stared at the broadsword for some time until her eyes suddenly widened

"th-this can"t be right?"

Mary gave a nod and also looked over at the broadsword

"there"s only one way to find out, Mars try grabbing the hilt of the sword"


Mars was a little confused but still walked over and grabbed the hilt of the broadsword and lifted it up, Mary gave a nod

"now try forcing your mana into the sword"


Mars did as he was asked and tried to force his mana into the sword, suddenly it was like his mana was "grabbed" by something before it suddenly got sucked into the broadsword as the blade of the sword suddenly shock slightly before it began transforming from dull red to a slightly brighter shade of orange-red as the blade vibrated slightly and metal dust fell off the blade onto the floor of the workshop

"I knew it... I didn"t believe it at first but..."

"I totally get you Mary I too didn"t know there was such a large piece..."

Mars grew even more confused and looked over at the girls that were dumbstruck and asked

"so what is it anyway this sword?"

Mary gave a sigh

"well its a single bladed broadsword, with a blade about 1 meter long and 40 centimeters wide and about 5 centimeters thick... but most importantly its made of adamant.i.te"

Mars tilted his head to the side before he looked at the broadsword again and asked

"adamant.i.te, like the merc rank?"

Mary gave a nod

"yes adamant.i.te like the merc rank Mars... but also one of the most valuable pieces of metal on this continent"

"valuable...? so how much is this broadsword worth?"

Chloe swallowed hard before she mumbled

"you could buy several Destra"s worth with that amount of adamant.i.te"


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