"so you"re going to sell it?"

"no... I was thinking of using it as is... anyways I"m going to keep this broadsword"

while Mars was talking with Mary his hands were working on making a sheath for the broadsword, he planned to strap it to his back

"not that I really need a 3rd sword anyways..."

Mars didn"t know why but he insisted on keeping the broadsword and using it, after hearing his response Mary gave a sigh

"well you were the one that found it, and besides we"re well off as is..."

Mary gave a nod and got up from her chair before she left the workshop, Mars gave a sigh and kept working on the sheath which he finished a couple of hours later, looking at the completed sheath Mars started thinking about where he should go to train his new [Half-awaken] skill

"it has to be somewhere with few people around... and relative flat... yeah it has to be there, that works for me I can say h.e.l.lo to them too..."

Mars quickly decided where to go for his training session and afterwards he went to bed and soon fell asleep...

The next morning Mars" eyes snapped open before he sat himself up in the king sized bed and looked around as he stifled a yawn

"where did I put my clothes again..?"

Mars then untangled himself from the girls and sneaked out of bed before he opened his closet and pulled out some clean clothes and quickly wore them, now no longer naked Mars walked out of the bedroom into the living room and walked up to the fridge and began salvaging some leftovers for breakfast, satisfied with his haul consisting of a half roasted chicken, some boiled sweet potatoes and a half side of grilled salmon Mars turned around and was about to walk off with his pray when he came face to face with Varvei that looked at him with half narrowed eyes as her tail lightly swung from side to side behind her, Mars showed an innocent smile and greeted her

"....good morning Varvei"

"that better not be all the best leftovers"

"....and if it is?"

Varvei narrowed her eyes even more which caused Mars to feel cold sweat on his back before he bowed lightly and presented the half side of grilled salmon to Varvei

"here you are my lady"

Varvei looked at the half side of grilled salmon and showed a smile before she s.n.a.t.c.hed it from Mars" hands

"oh for me? thanks Mars"

looking at the now sweetly smiling Varvei Mars gave a sigh and walked over to the dining table and pulled out a chair and sat down before he began devouring his remaining pray, Varvei sat down in front of him and also began eating until both of them suddenly stopped as they looked over at the bedroom as their ears twitched slightly as they detected movement inside the room and soon Mary walked out and looked at the two of them with amazement

"you two... you know that there"s breakfast in a bit right?"

both Mars and Varvei gave a nod before they continued stuffing their faces with food which caused Mary to give a sigh before she walked over and laid down on the couch, soon both Mars and Varvei was done eating and hurriedly cleaned up after themselves before they also grabbed a couch and laid down, soon there was movement from the bedroom again this time it was Elsa that walked out

"good morning Elsa"

"...morning Mars"

Elsa, still a little tired walked over and opened the fridge before she gave a sigh before she walked over to the couch where Mars was laying and looked at him with a slightly fed up expression and asked

"why can"t you wait until breakfast?"

Mars put on an innocent face and asked

"what do you mean, Elsa dear?"

Elsa narrowed her eyes slightly and asked

"do you think I don"t know what was in the fridge last night?"

being busted Mars raised the white flag and surrendered

"sorry, I just can"t help it... the food you make is too good"

Elsa gave a sigh before she suddenly looked over at Varvei that was watching Mars getting scolded with a slightly smug face

"and you Varvei, you"re no better!"

Varvei"s face stiffed slightly before she also raised the white flag in the face of Elsa"s fury

"...sorry Elsa, but the food you make is just too good"

Mars gave a nod and backed up Varvei

"yeah it is, besides it beats having to throw out the leftovers right?"

"yeah exactly as Mars is saying, we are actually doing you a favor Elsa"

Elsa was about to say something but swallowed it down again before she gave a sigh and laid down on Mars and curled up on his chest, Mars gave a sigh and petted Elsa on the head as he quietly said


soon the last person walked out of the bedroom, she had messy hair and looked to be only half awake as she stumbled forwards while she mumbled


Varvei gave a sigh and stood up from the couch before she helped Chloe find her way to the toilet, meanwhile Elsa also got up from the couch and began making breakfast, Mars feeling a little guilty helped her make it and soon Mars and the girls were gathered around the dinner table after they were all done eating Mars announced his plans for today

"I was thinking of heading to the wasteland to practice my new skill"

none of the girls wanted to come with so soon Mars stood in the rooftop garden and was about to open a portal when he called out

"Victoria, I"m going to visit Velvet you want to come?"


Victoria appeared out of nowhere as usual, but Mars could see she was excited about visiting Velvet so Mars wasted no time and opened a portal to the wasteland"s capital of demons...

Mars stepped out of the portal and took in the hot wasteland air for a moment as he looked around and refreshed his memories, while ignoring the looks he was getting he transformed and grew out his horns before he started heading down a slightly familiar route, Victoria was already gone, no doubt she was excited to meet with Velvet and had ran off to meet with her. Soon Mars arrived at the entrance to a familiar courtyard and knocked on the door, soon a servant came to open the door, fortunately he recognized Mars and allowed him into the courtyard

"wait here, I"ll go tell the master you have arrived"


Mars walked over to the practice area where two young demons were spearing in Kel, the traditional demon martial art, the demons gave Mars a look before they continued sparing seemingly uninterested in him, Mars being proud didn"t greet them either he just stood and watched them spar for some time until a loud laughter was heard from the house as an aged demon walked out with a big smile on his slightly wrinkled face

"Mars! such a happy surprise, come let me have a look at you"

"old demon it"s good to see that you"re well"

Mars walked over and exchanged a manly hug with the old demon before the old demon laughed loudly again while he clapped him on the shoulder, no doubt this was the happiest the old demon had been since Mars had won the Kel tournament, the two young demons that were sparing walked over to see what all the fuss was about, one of them asked the old demon
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"master who is this?"

the old demons face went cold as he scolded the young demon pair

"you fools! can"t you recognize you senior brother that won the last Kel tournament!?"

the two young demon"s widened their eyes and turned to look at Mars with amazement before the youngest one of them gave a slight bow and greeted Mars

"senior brother Mars"

the older demon also followed suit and bowed slightly, but Mars felt slight disdain from the bottom of his eyes as he greeted him

"senior brother Mars"

Mars gave a smile and asked the younger demon

"what"s your name joiner brother?"

the younger demon"s face lit up as admiration shone from his eyes

"my name is Jacob, you can just call me joiner brother Jacob or just Jacob"

Mars gave a nod and turned his head to the older demon and asked

"what about you, what"s your name joiner brother?"


Mars narrowed his eyes slightly but didn"t respond to the vague provocation instead he turned his gaze to Jacob, ignoring Alex

"earlier when you were spearing with joiner brother Alex I noticed a few areas you could improve in do you mind if we go over them now Jacob?"

"no not at all! in fact I"m honored to receive pointers from senior brother Mars!"

Mars gave a warm smile and moved over to the practice area leaving Alex and the old demon behind, then he began teaching Jacob the ways he could improve the best in a short amount of time meanwhile the day grew longer and before Mars noticed it was already evening

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