Mars returned to Green river alone and informed the rest of the girls about what had happened to Elsa all of the girls looked like they were very concerned about Elsa but Chloe looked the most concerned and asked Mars

"what are you going to do about it?"

"well I have already informed the king of Destra and given him a 3 day limit to get her back..."

"not that, I mean about the empire invading Destra, what are you going to do about that?"

Mars fell into deep thought for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders

"nothing for now at least... although I would like to make sure Hanna and her friends are okay"

Varvei was silent but suddenly she spoke up

"what are we going to do for dinner tonight?"

"ah... well... I know it"s not a joyous occasion but let"s eat out tonight"

Meanwhile in a carriage in the southern part of Destra Elsa sat in the back with a board look on her face, meanwhile the other pa.s.sengers either had scared or cold looks on their faces, they were all draftees from Destra"s magic academy, one of the young men looked at Elsa with an annoyed look on his face, he was a n.o.ble and had loudly complained about having to ride in the same carriage as a mere beastwoman at the start of the trip although now he had fallen silent and just stared at Elsa with an annoyed look on his face, besides Elsa sat a young woman that was more upset about the young n.o.bles stare than Elsa was and so much to the displeasure of the rest of the people in the carriage they argued loudly, in the beginning Elsa had tired to calm both sides but now she had given up and returned to doing nothing instead as she let out a quiet mumble

"...I wonder when Mars is going to come get me?"

the young woman besides her heard her and stopped arguing with the young n.o.ble before she asked

"who"s Mars?"

Elsa gave a small slime and proudly said

"he"s my man"

the young n.o.ble being ignored got red in the face before he let out a disdainful laugh

"heh... as if a man of a dirty beastwoman would be anything great"

both Elsa and the young woman ignored the young n.o.ble and continued talking

"so what"s he like, this Mars?"

"well he"s powerful and strong and handsome and... he smells really good"

"my oh my... wait you said his name was Mars right?"


" he prabhas the Mars that is part of the tactical cla.s.s?"

"...yeah what about it?"

the young woman gave a glance over at the young n.o.ble before she spoke

"I knew it, that means he"s the triple mage that can use darkness, fire and s.p.a.ce-time magic right? I also heard he"s a beast with his sword"

as the young woman spoke the young n.o.ble became more and more pale, Elsa noticed this and decided to add an important part

"yeah that"s right, he was dispatched to the empire during the golem war too, he worked as a forward scout, he also put down a rebellion in the north a few months ago"
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the young n.o.ble was now as pale as paper he was even trembling slightly, heavens he had offended the woman of such a capable man, if he really came for her like she said then not only him but also the house behind him would be in big trouble

"I better keep my mouth shut"

with the young n.o.ble silenced Elsa and the young woman which she found out was named Jane talked for a few hours until suddenly the carriage stopped and the group of draftees from the academy was ordered out of the carriage and ordered to line up in a single file, Elsa spotted a dark as night sky carriage had landed in front of the convoy and was blocking the way meanwhile a person in dark plate armor was talking with some of the staff from the academy and a young woman in dark plate armor was walking towards the group of students and when she arrived she silently looked them over one by one before she stopped in front of Elsa and asked her

"say is your name Elsa?"


the young woman in the dark plate armor face"s lit up before she turned and yelled

"captain I found her!"

a few moments later the so called captain walked over and also looked over Elsa before he praised the young woman in the dark plate armor

"good job Kim"

the captain used his hand to ruffled Kim"s hair, Kim let out a happy laugh


then the captain turned to Elsa and bluntly said

"you"re coming with us"

Elsa gave a nod before she asked

"is it okay if I bring a person with me?"

the captain thought for a moment before he gave a nod

"I don"t see why not, just make it quick we"re on the clock"

"okay... Jean do you want to come?"

"can I really?"

"yeah let"s go"


Elsa grabbed Jean by the hand and half dragged her with, as she walked away from the other students that still stood lined up she turned and gave a very wide smile to the young n.o.ble that caused his knees to go weak as he trembled all over with a pale face

"looks like Mars is right, revenge is a dish best served cold"

with a happy smile on her face Elsa boarded the jet black sky carriage that soon took off and flew towards King"s city...

Back in Green river 3 days quickly pa.s.sed, Mars and the girls ate out all 3 days and so they barely survived not having Elsa around, on the morning of the 3rd day Mars once again dressed in his suit stood on the roof of his building and petted Victoria before he asked

"are you sure you don"t want to come with?"

"yeah... I want to... sleep"

"okay then"

Mars gave Victoria a last scratch behind the ear before he slowly transformed his hand and tore s.p.a.ce with his claws, waiting a few seconds a portal formed before he stepped though...

Walking towards the castle Mars had a stern look on his face and a hand on the hilt of his sword handle when he arrived at the castle gate his stern look lessened a bit because of a familiar face at the gates

"ah it"s Mars!"

it was Kim she ran over like a small puppy would have and stopped in front of Mars with a big child like smile on her face and eyes that seemed to beam "please praise me" Mars gave a sigh and dropped his stern look before he patted her on the head

"hi Kim"


"so what brings you here Kim?"

"I was waiting for you, I"m supposed to show you the way"

"I see... then lead the way"


Kim lead the way into the castle along the way the guards saluted her when she walked past, but Kim begin a one-track-mind ignored them all as she chatted with Mars. After walking for a while the two of them arrived at the audience room which was empty, Kim lead the way though and soon they arrived at the king"s private chambers where Kim opened the door and walked in like she owned the place

"I"m back, I brought Mars!"

Mars followed after Kim and walked into the room where he found Elsa, the king and two women which he didn"t know, one of them was a young lady that wore a blue mantle which Mars quickly identified her as being a part of Destra"s magic academy, although he could not remember what the color blue ment, the other was a mature lady around the same age as the king, she wore a luxurious dress and had long flowing black hair, she also wore a tiara on her head that was embedded with precious gems seeing her age as well as her clothing and accessories Mars put two and two together

"must be the queen"

however Mars was not interested in the queen right now so after he gave her a once over he put all his focus on Elsa and walked over in front of her, Elsa stood up from the couch she was sitting in and before she had a chance to say anything Mars hugged her close and whispered calmly into her ears

"it"s good that you"re unhurt"

Elsa shuddered a bit and her eyes became slightly moist as she hugged Mars back and for a while n.o.body in the room said anything until Elsa broke off the hug and sat down again, Mars sat down next to her and looked over at the king and expressed his thanks

"it"s good that you found her, thank you"

"no this is originally my fault allow me to apologize instead"

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