Mars looked over at the king and gave a slight smile

"you seem stressed"

"yes I am... I have a lot on my plate"

"Oh, then maybe you don"t have time to entertain me? in that case I"ll take my leave"

Elsa gave a slight frown at Mars" words and pinched his hand with a smile on her face

"Mars be nice"

"ouch... okay then... shall we get to the main topic then?"

the king gave a sigh before he began speaking, it was oblivious from his face alone that he had been very stressed for the past weeks

"well first of all the war we are fighting is not ageist the entire empire... it would be easiest to understand if I explained the current state of the civil war, how much do you know Mars?"

"hmm... only that one of the factions is supported by the military"

"I see, well in the start of the civil war there was about 8 or so factions but after a few months of fighting it has been reduced to 2, mainly due to the rest of the factions falling apart internally or joining each other. Right now the two main factions that are fighting open war for the throne is the military and the old n.o.bles"

"I see and so I"m guessing one of those is attacking Destra?"

"yes the old n.o.bles is currently on the losing side in the war and are being pushed back by the military but the military faction decided it was too slow and costly to stomp out the old n.o.bles alone so they sent an ultimatum to surrender our military to them so they could win the war faster, I refused this ultimatum and now we are at war with half the empire. It has not been all bad though we have received support from the old n.o.bles so we are barely holding on right now, that"s when I decided to draft the magic academy a few days ago"

Mars gave a nod, it made sense to draft the magic academy from the king"s point of view

"and that"s when Elsa was taken along for a ride in a stuffed carriage?"

"yes unfortunately"

Mars folded his arms in front of his chest and leaned back on the couch

"I see... well I have an open schedule the question is what do you have to offer?"

both the queen and the young woman from the academy widened their eyes slightly but the king was unfazed and spoke

"since the military faction controls the southern part of the empire the mana stone mine is under their control, should we triumph over them we will naturally occupy their territory I"m sure when the empire reforms it will demand the territory back but until then I can promise you 80% of the mana stones from the mines"

Mars thought for a second before he calmly said


"hmm... I"m afraid that would cut to deep into our finances... best I can do is 85%"

Mars gave a nod

"that"s good enough... what about down payment? surely you can"t expect to promise me stuff that I have to conquer myself?"

the queen was about to speak up, no doubt to ask who exactly Mars thought he was to ask so much from the king but said king raised his hand and stopped her from speaking before he spoke himself

"right now our treasury is low on funds... I would most likely only be able to gather up around 100 cla.s.s 6 magic beast cores"

"hmm... that"s good enough, how many days do you need to get then together?"

this proved too much for the queen that ignored the kings signals and asked in a low voice filled

"who exactly are you and how dare you exploit our kingdom in its hour of need!?"

Mars only glanced over at the queen before he looked over at the king again, but that one glance was enough to send s.h.i.+vers down the queen"s spine and not the good kind of s.h.i.+vers, in a single moment his gaze was on her she felt like she had descended down into an icy h.e.l.l, it was only when the king grabbed her hand that she snapped out of her daze

"I need at most one day to get the magic beast cores together... after that I hope you can visit the battlefield"

Mars gave a nod and asked

"what happened with the tactical cla.s.s? surely you must have deployed them before the rest?"

"yes I drafted then the day after war was declared, hmm... the current front is Mirefield so they should be there"

"I see..."

Mars glanced over at the queen who s.h.i.+vered slightly when Mars looked at her

"then I have an offer for you..."

At Mirefield things were less than good Destra"s and the military faction of the empire had been lock in a skirmish all week that had gradually escalated from exchanging arrows and spells to a full on a.s.sault form the empire"s side a few days ago, the empire was at an advantage due to their overwhelming numbers but since Destra"s side held the fort they were barely able to hold on. 3 days ago they were about to fall but received timely help when the tactical cla.s.s of Destra"s magic academy arrived and managed to push back the invading army with their awesome magic spells and the tide even seemed to be changing for a time but the empire gradually employed counter measures to the tactical cla.s.s magic and so Destra"s momentum crawled to a halt and now they were losing ground again, the outer wall had already been breached several places and the defense seemed to become more and more desperate, now it was afternoon and the sky had just started to turn orange a portal opened on the walls of Mirefield, first the defending troops thought it was an attack from the empires side but when no other than the king steeped out of the portal followed by the queen and a young man and two young women one of which was a student of the academy and another was a beastwoman they became greatly confused but was quickly commanded back to their posts by an officer that rushed over and kneeled in front of the king and asked

"your majesty why are you here?"

the king gave a wry smile before he spoke to the kneeling officer

"what can I say, I was offered a preview of my purchase and I was in no position to refuse"

Mars ignored the king and unsheathed his sword and calmly walked out to the edge of the wall, swatting arrows and spells out of the air like they were flies as he took in the air of the battlefield with a slightly nostalgic smile on his face before he turned over to the king and the queen and called them

"your majesties if you would came over here please"

the king gave a nod and took his wife"s hand as they both walked over to the edge of the wall and looked down upon the invading army that was a.s.saulting the walls

"now look closely at what 100 cla.s.s 6 magic beast cores has brought you..."
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Mars breathed out and activated [Half-awaken] and activated [Instant movement] before he disappeared from view, a moment later he returned carrying a makes.h.i.+ft cloth bag filled with... something, at that moment the empire"s army seemed to freeze up for a moment before they suddenly descended into total confusion, Mars then half kneeled on the ground and presented the makes.h.i.+ft cloth bag to the king before he spoke in a loud voice

"I present to you the heads of 16 commanding officers and one general that was a.s.saulting Mirefield"

the king flinched slightly before he also spoke in a loud voice

"well done Mars"

Mars" smile widened slightly before he summoned a flame and burnt the now dripping cloth bag to ashes in an instant and stood up, Destra"s side of the battlefield was quiet and all that stood on the wall looked at either Mars or the king before suddenly Mars raised his sword up high and yelled

"now let"s drive theses filthy invaders from our land!"


the soldiers let out a war cry and stormed down the wall and engaged the still confused invading army, what followed was a slaughter before the rest of the empires army managed to begin retreating but only barely, Mars stood on the walls and overlooked the slaughter with a slight smile on his face when the last of the invading army had been mobbed up Mars turned to the king and asked him

"how was it? are you satisfied with you purchase?"

the king gave a wry smile and a nod, Mars then looked over at the queen that lowered her head slightly before he looked over at Elsa that was slightly pale and asked

"sorry was that too much for you?"

"no... I"ll be fine... eventually"

Mars gave a nod, it was impressive in itself that she had not puked yet

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