Mars looked up at the 3 giant fireb.a.l.l.s that were quickly forming over the walls of Irker and thought to himself

"...looks like I can no longer hold back"

Mars then sheathed his bone sword and took the adamant.i.te broadsword off his back and hurriedly unwrapped the cloth that were covering the blade before he activated his [Energy sense] and looked up at the giant fireb.a.l.l.s and quickly found the weak points in the odd thanks to his [Energy sense] and sent out 3 sword lights that quickly dismembered the growing fireb.a.l.l.s and made them disperses as harmless fire particles, maybe this stunned the enemy tactical cla.s.s mage because no more fireb.a.l.l.s showed up before the twins completed their spell and another giant earth spike shot out of the ground and rammed into the gates, only this time the gates didn"t hold and were violently broken apart then a loud roar was heard from behind form the troops that were on standby began storming the broken gate, but Mars didn"t care about that he walked over and picked up the exhausted twins and praised them

"you did a good job"

the twins both gave a nod and a pair of happy smiles, they were clearly too exhausted to talk and soon fell asleep in Mars" arms. Mars carried them back to the carriage and put them down on top of the blankets before he quietly left the carriage behind and began walking towards the walls, gradually breaking into a run as he joined the soldiers storming the broken gates...

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time slowed down for Mars as the tip of the spear gradually closed in on his chest, no doubt aiming for his heart shame it would never hit its mark as Mars steeped in past the tip of the spear and delivered a slash with his sword right to the neck of the spear carrying enemy soldier, severing his arteries and spraying his blood, none of which landed on Mars that had silently appeared in front of another soldier, this time it was a sword carrying soldier, Mars briefly locked blades with him before he pulled back slightly making the enemy lose his balance before he stabbed his bone blade into the neck of the enemy soldier and twisted slightly widening the wound just enough to be fatal before he pulled out the blade. while this took a long time to describe in reality it took less than 5 seconds to happen, Mars was like a reaper that cut down the enemy soldiers in doves with the least amount of effort on his part, as the number if enemy soldiers he had killed neared a hundred he began noticing a change in his own "aura" had changed, the odd around him seemed slightly restless but being in a combat situation he ignored it and looked up, he was getting nearer to the castle that was in the center of Irker but from the looks of the enemies resistance it would still take a lot of killing to get there. So that"s what he did, when the sun went down he simply transformed his eyes and kept on killing, the change in his aura was big it was now substantially more "b.l.o.o.d.y" so much so that the friendly soldiers avoided getting close to him and the enemies would shake when he looked at them

"just a little bit more..."

Mars knew this feeling, he was obtaining a new skill

"just a little, little bit more..."

Mars cut down the enemy soldiers with renewed vigor and soon it happened, all the b.l.o.o.d.y aura that had gathered around him suddenly got sucked into his body and disappeared like it was never there in the first place before suddenly erupted out like a volcano making every soldier in the vicinity freeze whether they were enemy or friendly


Mars then activated [Instant movement] and cut down the enemy soldiers before he reappeared in the same spot and sheathed his sword and walked over to a friendly soldier and clapped him on the shoulder before he simply said

"I"m tired, I"ll leave the rest to you guys"

leaving the dumbfounded soldier behind, Mars pushed through the crowds of soldiers and eventually managed to leave the front lines and opened up his status and quickly found his new skill

"[Blood l.u.s.t]..?"

when Mars looked at the new skill information popped up in front of him

[Blood l.u.s.t]

use cost: 0

status: unlocked

function: materializes the users blood l.u.s.t with the use of mana


Mars looked over the information again and again before he eventually stopped walking and muttered out loud

"materializes is it...?"

Mars focused on his hand and activated the skill, along with a ma.s.sive amount of blood l.u.s.t pressure speeding out around, silencing the bugs in the night a glove formed around his hand, no it was move like a gauntlet made up of some kind of blood red metal, Mars flexed his hand for a bit and realized there was no limit to his mobility and gave a nod

"well this is neat..."

Mars pulled back his blood l.u.s.t and the gauntlet dematerialized into red particles that floated off with the wind


satisfied with his new skill Mars walked back to the carriage and laid down next to the twins and closed his eyes and soon fell asleep...

The next morning Mars woke up to the town of Irker being completely conquered and so the main force occupied the town until a garsion force could arrive from Destra, the town itself quickly adapted to being under Destra"s rule with no riots or other forms of resistance and so for a time Mars enjoyed a peaceful time were he could laze around like he wanted to for some reason, whenever he met other soldiers they would salute him, this puzzled Mars in the beginning but then he remembered how he had cut down hundreds of enemy soldiers and then it made sense. Whenever Mars was lazing around the twins would play by themselves and Karen were off doing her own thing so n.o.body came to bother Mars it was only after he had lazed around for a week he suddenly sat up form his sunbathing spot where he had been lying for the past 5 hours and muttered

"...I"m bored"

Mars looked around, he was laying on the roof of the castle in the middle of Irker and had a fantastic view over the entire town, so from his vantage point, he started to look around for something to do, the first thing he spotted was a busy bar in the main street where he saw several soldiers were celebrating something

"nah, I don"t feel like drinking..."

Mars s.h.i.+fted his gaze away from the happy soldiers and searched for something else to do, soon he spotted the twins running around in the streets

"they look like their age for once... I should not disturb them"

Mars s.h.i.+fted his gaze away again and after overlooking the town like some kind of caped crusader for a couple of hours looking for something to do Mars eventually laid down again and enjoyed the last of the evening sun before he climbed down from the roof and entered the castle, as he walked through the hallways of the castle he ran into Henry that greeted him

"h.e.l.lo Mars... wait why are you in the castle?"

"well... I was sunbathing on the roof"

"I see... do you happen to be free right now?"

"well, I don"t have anything to do at the moment"

"good, then accompany me, I might need your help"


Mars followed after Henry though the castle and soon the two of them reached the catacombs under the castle where Henry stopped in front of what looked like a prison cell and asked Mars

"have you ever interrogated someone before?"

Mars gave a nod, sure it was not his favorite thing to do but if he could earn some points with his superior officer he would be game, Mars thought for a moment and spoke

"as long as it"s not women or children"

"it"s not"


"well then let"s see what we can get out of him"

Henry gave a nod to the guards that stood outside the cell and they gave a salute before they opened the cell and dragged the figure out form inside the cell, it was a man in his 20"s with a mana sealing collar around his neck, he also seemed kind of... drugged, his eyes were unfocused and he was dolling slightly, Mars gave a questioning look at Henry but Henry ignored him and said to the guards

"follow me"

""yes sir""

the guards began dragging the half conscious man with them after Henry Mars gave a sigh and followed after them and soon the group arrived at the interrogation room where the guards seated the half conscious man down in a chair and pressed a b.u.t.ton on his collar before they walked over and stood on either side of the door, Mars sat down next to Henry on the other side of the prisoner and waited, soon he noticed a change in the prisoners expression, his eyes seemed to regain their focus

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