Mars looked on in wonder as the focus returned to the prisoners eyes but kept silent as Henry and the prisoner began exchanging words, Henry asked various questions that all held strategic value and the prisoner either didn"t respond or responded with mockery of Destra. Mars grandly got bored and activated his [Energy: sense] before he looked around at the mana lines that supplied mana from the main mana source out to the rest of the building, the setup seemed rather random like the mana lines were an afterthought, like it had been installed after the castle had been built, completely unlike his building in Green river where the mana lines were a part of the construction from the get go. Suddenly his gaze pa.s.sed over the prisoner and stopped before he spoke


both Henry and the prisoner were surprised that Mars suddenly spoke but before Henry had a change to say anything Mars continued

"I would not circulate your mana like that in my presence, it can be dangerous for you health"

Mars had recognized the way his mana was moving he was casting a fire arrow, only his mana moved very slowly, perhaps because of the mana sealing collar around his neck, as soon as Mars finished speaking the guards that stood behind Mars and Henry sprung into action but they were too slow as his spell were completed in the next instance and shot out towards Henry


unfortunately for the prisoner Mars was present and simply moved his hand in the way of the fire arrow and grabbed it, erasing the spell before it had a chance to hit its mark. The guards grabbed the prisoner and pushed the b.u.t.ton on his collar making him go limp before his eyes became unfocused again, Mars brushed the soot off his hand and looked over at Henry before he asked

"I guess that"s that, right?"

"...yes the interrogation is over, we"ll pa.s.s him over to the professional interrogates they will have him singing in no time"

Mars gave a nod and thought

"enhanced interrogation is it?"

"well in any case thank you for blocking that spell Mars"

"you are welcome Henry"

Mars stood up and walked out the door, leaving the interrogation room behind...

Half a week later Mars laid on a rocking carriage, the garrison force form Destra had arrived at Irker and so it was time for the main force to move on further north, after traveling for about 5 days the main force reached the town of Oveler and after about a week of sieging the main force broke through the gates and so after another day of fighting the battle ended in Destra"s victory and thus Mars was bored again

"I"m starting to get bored of playing soldier..."

with such thoughts Mars once again sat in a rocking carriage on the way to the next town, the town of Glower, which also was the town closest to the mana stone mine and thus controlled the flow of mana stones and also Mars" target in this war, the 85% of the output of the mana stone mine which he had been promised by the king of Destra was almost within reach and a day later the main force arrived and laid siege to the walled town, much like the previous towns the magic batteries was the first to act, Mars lay awake under the moonlight and listened to the magic batteries in the distance and suddenly got annoyed and sat up before he muttered

"time to wage war like a living G.o.d..."

detriment to end the war as soon as possible Mars got on his feet and began walking towards the walls of Glower, pa.s.sing into no man"s land Mars walked bristly towards the walls and soon arrived at the foot of the wall and put his hand on it and activated [Energy: drain touch], after draining the energy for about 5 minutes his [Energy storage] had almost filled up completely and the formation runes on the walls ran out of energy and powered down

"....neat, well then next is the gates"

as Mars followed the walls to the nearest gate he activated his [blood l.u.s.t] skill and his body was gradually covered in vermilion plate-like armor that looked like crystallized blood that covered his entire body except for his head, a long cape also materialized on his back before he suddenly stopped walking and lightly hit his head
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"I forgot, no capes"

with a thought the cape dematerialized again and Mars continued walking and soon reached a gate and put his hand on it

"...and here we go"

with a fully loaded [Energy: discharge] a loud boom sounded out in the night, but the st.u.r.dy gate held

"once more..? no two times more"

Mars guessed how many more times the gate could take as he recharged his skill before once more a loud boom sounded out in the night, under the strain of the [Energy: discharge] the gate warped slightly, Mars gave a smile and charged his [Energy: discharge] once more as he lightly hummed a tune before finally


the gate warped and bent before it shattered inwards like dried wood that had been bent too far, Mars put a hand on the hilt of his sword and walked into town past the broken gate and was met with a volley of spells and arrows, he then activated [Instant movement] and swiped the spells and arrows that would hit his unarmored head out of the way, entrusting his armor with the rest, and just like he had hoped the spells and arrows harmlessly bounced off his vermilion plate armor but they left scratches and dents on the armor, Mars looked down and saw the armor quickly regenerated, Mars looked up again and looked at the soldiers that had surrounded him in a half circle and calmly spoke

"those who surrender will survive this"


his words had no effect on the soldiers that let lose another volley of spells and arrows, Mars gave a sigh as he blocked the ones that had been aimed at his head before he activated [Half awaken] and [Instant movement], when he, an instance later returned to his original spot the area around him had turned silent before all the soldiers fell to the ground almost at the same time and a heavy smell of iron spread out in the surroundings, Mars looked at his trusty bone sword and saw it was chipped here and there, clearly it was unable to handle the stress it was put under, Mars activated [Energy: restoration] to repair his sword and gave a nod

"this is a job for something else..."

Mars sheathed his bone sword and pulled the adamant.i.te broadsword of his back and calmly unrolled the cloth that covered the blade before he gripped the hilt tightly with a single hand and looked up at the enemy reinforcements that were streaming into the small plaza in front of the gate and calmly repeated

"those who surrender will survive this"

as the sun gradually rose over Glower the main force form Destra noticed that one of the gates had been broken and cautiously moved in as they feared an ambush, but inside the gate they found no enemy soldiers, only a small hill of ash, in fact ash covered most of the small plaza just inside the gate, moving towards the mansion in the middle of the town more and more piles of ash were discovered and so they began talking to the town folk one of which said

"a fiend in vermilion armor moved through the streets late last night and slaughtered all the soldiers... the ash you see on the streets are what"s left of them"

they of course didn"t believe the town folk at once, but after hearing similar tales from most of the town folk they talked with most of the main force soldiers felt a chill run down their spine as they looked at the ash piles around them, gradually the main force made their way to the lord"s mansion in the middle of the town, the mansion was surrounded by a small moat and one of the drawbridges were lowered, the general sent in some scouts that soon returned saying that they had found the fiend in vermilion armor, the general then asked

"well what was it doing?"

"it... well, it waved at us with a smile on its face, it"s sitting in the middle of the courtyard on a wooden chair"

"very well... battle stations!"

before the soldiers could take battle stations the general felt a cold wind and turned to look behind him froze, there it was, the vermilion fiend it walked up and clapped him on the shoulder and spoke

"you"re finally here"

"d-do I know you?"

"ah... well I can see it would be hard to notice with this armor on"

the fiends armor gradually turned into particles and revealed a person the general was a little familiar with

"wait you"re Mars!?"

"sure am"

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