After Terry had lived with Mars and the others for a few days he seemed to have accepted his new ident.i.ty as a living G.o.d and sought out Mars that was lazing around on the roof, he was laying in the suns.h.i.+ne with Victoria on top of him and lightly sleeping but woke up when Terry walked over and looked up at him with a smile on his face, during the past days Mars had showed great care to Terry truly treating him like a little brother
"hey Terry"
"hi Mars... can we talk for a bit?"
Mars sat up and turned to face Terry with Victoria on his lap purring away
"so what do you want to talk about?"
""s a little embarra.s.sing to ask but could you train me in archery?"
Mars gave a slight frown and said in a slightly stern tone
"don"t ever be embarra.s.sed about seeking out ways to get stronger... while I don"t know a whole lot about archery there"s another thing I could teach you how to use, yeah let"s do that"
Mars nodded to himself and gently lifted Victoria off his lap before he stood up and began walking towards the stairs but stopped seeing as Terry was not following him and said
"come on Terry, I want to show you something"
"okay Mars"
Mars lead the way down the stairs and after walking through the hallways for a few minutes they reached his workshop where Mars opened the door and walked in, Terry followed after and was amazed at how cluttered the workshop was, there was drawings and mathematics formulas on the walls and loose parts all over the tables, the only saving grace was that the floor was clean and tidy, Mars began to dig tough the parts and eventually pulled.... something out of the heap, at first glance it looked like a rectangle with a leather stock in one end and a narrow metal tube sticking out the other end, there was also a grip with a trigger positioned under thing right in the middle, Mars picked it off the table and took a stance before he gripped the grip and pushed the leather stock against his shoulder and lined up his eye with the sight before he pointed it at a reinforced wall and slowly squeezed the trigger before a click sounded out and Mars quickly took the thing down from his shoulder and removed a part of it and took a magic beast core up form a nearby table and inserted it into the removable thing before he put the removable thing back into the rectangle and took a stance again and slowly squeezed the trigger, this time Terry just managed to fell a wave of odd before a spike shot out form the from the rectangle and hit the reinforced wall, boring itself deep into the wall, then Mars turned to Terry and asked
"what do you think?"
Terry didn"t answer and walked over to Mars and revived the rectangle thing from him before he himself took aim at the reinforced wall while mimicking Mars" stance from before and also pulled the trigger while aiming at the reinforced wall and with a bang a spike once again shot out and hit the reinforced wall, Terry gave a nod and said

"I like it"
Mars also gave a slime and took the rectangle thing from from Terry before he flipped a switch on the side of it and laid it back down on the table
"this is called a spike gun, it"s my own personal invention and it"s powered by magic beast cores or mana crystals"
" that"s why I have never seen this kind of weapon before"
"yeah it"s something from my past life that has been adapted to this world.... let"s go on a hunting trip"
"a hunting trip?"
"yeah what better way to get adjusted to a new weapon then actually using it?"
Terry gave a nod and after a basic course about how to use the spike gun Mars was about to open a portal when Kaitlin ran into the workshop, she looked greatly distressed but as soon as she saw Mars she seemed to calm down a bit before she spoke
"Mars the elders have called for you"
Mars clicked his tongue in annoyance before he bluntly asked
"what does dose undead geezers want now? I"m about to head out with Terry so if it is not important I"ll ignore it"
"the NNE have invaded the Mother forest"
"...s.h.i.+t that does sound important, sorry Terry our hunting trip will have to wait"
Terry gave a nod and Mars was about to walk out of the room when he remembered something and turned back to Terry and asked
"have you decided if you want to live in Green river Terry?"
"eh..? erm... I think I want to stay"
"that"s good enough, then follow me I"ll introduce you to the elders"
"okay... but who are the elders?"
"they are the governing body of Green river, basically they rule the place"
After having met with the elders Mars and Terry arrived in the lobby of the giant tree, Terry looked like his soul had left his body, basically during the entire meeting he had been so tense he actually jumped into the air a few times when Mars poked him on the shoulder and now after the meeting Terry could only mumble
"a building.... my own building..."
the elders as soon as they discovered Terry was also a living G.o.d had offered him a building in central Green river as long as he helped repel the invaders from the NNE that had entered the barrier forest only a few hours ago, they probably thought they were being sneaky by invading without declaring war first unfortunately for them the elders from Green river were very paranoid and had the entire of the barrier forest covered by a detection formation so they knew exactly what was going on in the barrier forest at all times, thus unless the NNE opened a portal directly to the inner forest they would never escape detection so thus the about 10.000 strong invading troops (they sure as h.e.l.l was not there to deliver gifts to Green river) probably had no idea that they already were found out and was about to be intercepted by an a.s.sault group lead by 2 living G.o.ds
"well then let"s head over to the mirror and meet up with the a.s.sault force"
Terry"s soul looked like it had returned to his body and sure enough he reacted with a nod and he also spoke up
"but Mars... I don"t think I"m able to kill people..."
Mars gave a small sigh and ruffled Terry"s hair before he looked him in the eye and spoke
"you don"t have to kill... the deal you made with the elders was to "repel" not "kill" the invading force"
"I see..."
"leave the killing to me, I"m used to it..."
"and chin up okay, you are about to be the owner of a building you know?"
the light returned to Terry"s eyes, he was now fully awake again and gave a nod
"yes Mars!"
Mars inspected Terry"s face and soon gave a big smile
"that"s more like it"
In the west part of Green river was most of the military installations, it was also home to the so called mirror where Terry and Mars were heading, on the way there they acted not like they were going to war but like they were on a stroll through the city, buying street food along the way and joking with each other, Mars could see Terry was a little afraid of the upcoming battle but admired his resolve. Soon both of them arrived at the building that housed the mirror and walked in, after walking down some stairs, they came to a giant underground s.p.a.ce where a giant, more than 100 meters across "mirror" lay on the ground with walkways above it, Mars and Terry walked up on the walkway and soon Terry looked down on the mirror and was stunned for a moment before he asked Mars
"is that... the barrier forest?"
"yeah it is, neat right?"
on the mirror were a map over the entire barrier forest with various green, blue, orange and red dots on it. The blue and orange dots were spread all over the map of the forest, the green dots were in cl.u.s.ters of 4 and also spread all over the forest while the red dots were contrasted at the entrance of the forest, Terry looked over at Mars and asked
"what are dose dots?"
"well the green are friendlies, most likely squads of forest patrols, the blue and orange are magic beasts the blue are non hostile while the orange are hostile and then there"s the red dots..."
Mars pointed over at the red dots while a cold light shone in his eyes
"they are enemy invaders"

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