Mars walked over to a control panel on the walkway and swiftly manipulated the mirror so it zoomed in on the red dots, then after observing the red dots formation for a few minutes Mars reset the mirror and walked over to Terry
"let"s go meet the troops"
Mars noticed Terry was getting more tense and clapped him on the shoulder before he walked with him back up the stairs and out of the building to another building where the troops were waiting, Mars lead the way into the building that looked like a sports hall on the inside where about 1.000 elvers stood at attention in neat rows and waited for Mars to arrive, they were not clad in the usual leather armor but instead wearing what looked like full plate armor made of polished wood carved with formation runes that glowed softly in the slightly dim sports hall, Mars walked up and stood on a slightly elevated platform in front of the formation of elvers that were combat ready and looked them over in silence for a moment before he started talking
"it has not happened for almost 600 years but now it has happened again... the outsiders have decided to invade our lands, our forest..! and why is that? they must think we are weak... well they are in for a rude awakening!"
"we will fight them in the forest, in the clearings, on the ground and in the mud, nay we will not fight them... we will annihilate them! break their bones, cut their flesh and spill their blood! we will show them that we are not weak and that their invasion will only end in one way, the same way it has always ended!"
"""""""""IN THEIR DEFEAT!!!"""""""""
the sports hall shock slightly under the elvers roar Mars showed a satisfied smile and gave a nod, even though the numbers were 10:1 in favor of the enemy the elvers showed no signs of fear, part of that was because the 1.000 elvers gathered in the sports hall were the elites of the elites another reason was the armor they were wearing
"...very good, Alvin squad report to me the rest of you go get your weapons and be ready to deploy in 10 minutes!"
Mars stepped down from the platform as the elvers began moving to gather their weapons from storage, Mars walked over to Terry and watched the elvers moving when 4 of them walked up to them and saluted Mars before they removed their helmets, Mars gave a smile and introduced them
"this is Alvin, Rex, Isabel and Helene you know already"
Alvin asked while he looked at Terry
"is this you so called little brother Mars?"
Mars gave a nod and patted Terry on the shoulder before he spoke with Alvin
"I am a.s.signing him to your squad during this mission, so look after him and make sure he doesn"t die too many times"
a light shone in Alvin"s eyes before he showed a shocked expression and looked over at Terry again
"I see, so he"s also..."
"yes he is, now help him suit up and be sure to look after him"
""""sir, yes sir""""
Mars gave a nod and saw off Terry before he sat down on the ground and cleared his head for sometime before he stood up again and looked over the rea.s.sembled troops that were armed with various weapons, some carried swords, other carried spike guns or crossbows while some carried normal great bows and arrows, Mars stretched before he transformed his arms and began ripping open portals to the barrier forest only stopping when there was 16 open portals

"now move out"
the 1.001 troops began moving, spitting up into smaller groups and then they went through the portals, soon only Mars was left in the sport hall as the portals closed, Mars gave a sigh and opened another portal
"time to work...."
then he unsheathed one of his bone swords and stepped through the portal...
On the other side of the portal Mars stepped out and after confirming his direction he began walking towards the invaders camp, right now it was twilight and there was a slight cloud cover over the forest, combined with the natural darkness of the forest it was dark as night in the forest, Mars even had to transform his eyes to be able to see where he was going, after walking for a few minutes he spotted the first sentry that guarded the outline of the invaders main camp, Mars looked at the flickering light of the touch the sentry was carrying and quickly formulated a plan to deal with him before he activated [Instant movement] and reappeared behind the sentry like a ghost before he stabbed his bone sword right through his neck and snuffed out the touch with his other hand in one movement before he slowly kneeled down with the guard and laid him on the forest floor, after confirming he was done for Mars rose to his feet and looked around
"the a.s.sault force should be standing by at the edge of their camp right now... I need to hurry"
Mars began jogging lightly through the forest, killing any sentry he came across with brutal efficiency by either snapping their necks or stabbing them through the throat, soon he reached the outskirts of the camp, in front of him were a giant tent town big enough to house 10.000 troops, sentries patrolled the edge of the encampment in pairs, Mars waited for a few minutes before he decided it was time and began circulating his mana as he commanded the odd in the air to spread out, after a few moments he had silently covered the entire camp and found all the targets he was looking for and closed his eyes
"5048 touches and or candles... this is going to take a lot out of me..."
just as Mars was focusing he felt something brus.h.i.+ng against him, if it was not because he knew the sensation of that fur so well he might have panicked just then but alas he managed to keep his cool and the control over the spell he was casting
"....why are you here?"
"because... it seemed like... fun"
"I see..."
still with his eyes closed, he reached out with his hand and soon felt the familiar fur of Victoria and gave her a few strokes before he pulled his hand back and went back to focusing on the task at hand, soon the light over the entire camp dimmed slightly before it suddenly went out all together at once plunging the entire encampment into darkness then Mars stood up and looked over at Victoria and said
"keep close to me and don"t get hurt"
"who... do you think... I am?"
"my adorable partner of cause.... let"s go!"
Mars began walking towards the encampment and activated a couple of skills, first he was covered in vermilion plate armor from his neck and to his feet and then he silently lifted off the ground and began floating through the air with the help of a skill named [Living G.o.d: wings] which he had unlocked when he reached level 100, he also activated his [Energy: sense] skill and tuned in on signs of life in the encampment before he swung his sword and sent out a sword light which decapitated an enemy soldier, at the same time the a.s.sault force form Green river made their move and began taking out the confused sentries around the encampment in silence while they moved closer to the camp, meanwhile the enemy was still caught in confusion and still had not noticed the start of the attack.
Turning time back a bit to before the a.s.sault force deployed Terry was following after Alvin that walked in front of him while he was talking with Rex
" Mars was a caveman?"
"still don"t believe it? I tell you it"s true"
"no it"s not that I don"t believe you Rex.... it"s just... you know he owns a building now right?"
"yeah I have been there shopping a few times, there"s this store that sells the best blended green tea"
Alvin that was walking up front gave a sigh before he stopped and turned around
"we"re here, Helene help him suit up"
Helene gave a nod and walked over to a platform that was slightly raised from the floor, Terry looked around but failed to see any armor like the ones the others were wearing seeing Terry"s confusion Alvin gave a smile and said
"we were just like you the first time we had to put on this armor... Helene stop giggling at him and help him out"
"yes squad leader, come terry stand over here..."
Helene pointed to the slightly elevated platform and Terry gave a nod and stepped up on it and saw two foot outlines that was inscribed on the platform
"Terry you just have to stand on the footmarks and the machine will take care of the rest for you"
Terry gave a nod and swallowed his saliva before he walked over and stood on the marks and with a click the marks sunk a few centimeters into the platform and locked around his feet so he could not move before a voice sounded out form the platform
"(please hold still)"
"wait what did it say?"
"it said you have to keep still"
"oh, okay"
Terry did his best to hold still but what happened next stunned him still anyway, the platform sprung to life folding upwards and splinting into various parts as a vertical panel sprung up from the floor where the polished wooden plate armor were fastened on before maniacal arms began moving the parts of the armor and putting them around him and in a few minutes he was wearing the same armor the other elvers were, Terry stood there stunned for a few moments before he asked
"did Mars come up with that?"
Alvin gave a nod along with the other 3
"yup, he said he wanted to recreate something from an old movie.... whatever in the world a movie is I don"t know"

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