Amelia looked over at Mars and was a little surprised at his transformation and thought for a moment before she slightly bowed her head
"now I see why you don"t like being called a human, sorry"
"well what can I say? Dragons are proud creatures after all"
Amelia gave a meek nod
"...I"m sorry about pointing my blade at you"
"it"s fine"
"I said it"s fine, okay?"
"just don"t do it again"
Mars gave a sigh, he was a little frustrated about how meek Amelia was being, suddenly an arrow landed at their feet, Mars looked up at the walls and slightly narrowed his eyes and soon spotted the elver that had fired the arrow, like Amelia he had tanned skin and ruby red eyes
"wait here Mars, I"ll go explain your an envoy from Green river"
"sure... but if he fires another arrow I might get annoyed and fire something back"
"I got it"
Amelia began running towards the walls afraid that the elvers on the walls would fire more arrows at Mars and he would retaliate, Mars stood in the same spot for sometime before he sat himself down and waited for Amelia to return, after waiting for about 5 minutes Amelia returned accompanied by a group of armed elvers, Mars got on his feet and waited for them to get closer which they soon did, then one of them spoke
"you must be Mars, I"m here to take you to the elders"
Mars slowly shook his head before he spoke without looking at the elver
"my deal is with Amelia not you, the same terms might not follow if I have to make a new deal with you"
"...fine Amelia show Mars to the elders"
"yes sir"
Mars and Amelia walked towards the walls leaving the group of elvers behind
"...why did you do that Mars?"
"because I wanted to, bedsides I have seen eyes like his way too many times"
"...what kind of eyes did he make?"
"the kind that only care about me because of the people that stand behind me, I really hate being looked down upon especially when I"m here to help"
"...I see, well then I"ll show you to the elders"
Mars followed after Amelia past the gates of Black woods and into the city, Mars looked around at the buildings and was not so impressed with what he saw, the buildings were mostly wooden huts which made the sky trees of Green river seem like a distant dream, besides the streets were filled with refugees from the plains around the Black woods that had fled here when Ule took over the plains but to Mars" surprise the refugees were cared for by everyone and he frequently saw elvers helping out the refugees with both food and shelter, this put a warm smile on Mars" face, at least the elvers were better at this than the humans
"we"ll be there soon"
Mars put his focus back on Amelia that lead the way and started to ignore the elvers around him as he formulated a plan for the upcoming talks, soon they arrived in the center of the city were a big wooden building stood
"this is the building of the elder council"

Mars gave a nod
"let"s head inside then"
Amelia lead the way inside the building and after talking with some other elvers inside the building she lead the way further inside the building and soon both of them arrived in front of a closed reinforced door which Amelia pushed open before she walked into the room and bent down on one knee and spoke to the elders that sat in chairs around a table in the middle of the room
"elders I, Amelia bring Mars the leader of Green rivers military and military technological development as a envoy"
the elders stopped talking and looked over past Amelia at Mars, Mars gave a confident smile and walked into the room and decided to strike first
"as Amelia said I"m Mars leader of Green river"s military and military technological development, but I also have another ident.i.ty I am the living G.o.d of energy"
Amelia looked slightly confused, clearly she didn"t know what a living G.o.d was but the about 20 elders all hardened their faces as they looked at Mars for a few long moments before one of them spoke up
"we didn"t know that a living G.o.d was living in Green river"
Mars gave a smile and raised two fingers
"not one, two"
the elder stood up from her seat, the other elders also looked stunned
"yes and both are willing to help you reconquer your land, now what do you say?"
The talks with the elders of Black woods went way better than Amelia had expected, after Mars said he was a so called "living G.o.d" the elders practically kneeled over and began kissing his feet, Amelia was of course confused by this but she knew it was not her place to ask questions so she just half knelt forgotten by the elders that were busy fawning over Mars for about an hour until Mars had reached an initial agreement with the elders, then one of them rudely asked "what, are you still here Amelia?" to which she could only lower her head further, until Mars walked over and clapped her on the shoulder
"come on Amelia let"s go"
"eh..? yes"
Amelia got on her feet and without complaining over her numb legs she walked after Mars leaving the elders behind that exchanged thoughtful looks
"so Amelia what do you think I should do now?"
"....about what?"
"what do you think I should start with?"
Amelia thought for a moment before she answered
"rescue our people that is being held hostage"
"....hmm... sure I could and probably should start with that, do you have knowledge on where they are being held?"
"yes because I was made a messenger I was told all that we know about the whole situation"
"I see, well then let"s head back to Green river to pick up Victoria..."
"are we going back to Green river?"
"yes just for a bit"
"okay I"ll go call my hawk"
"no need, I know a shortcut"
Back at Green river a portal opened on top of Mars" sky tree, Amelia walked out of the portal and looked around dumbfounded before she muttered
" really is Green river"
Mars stepped out of the portal behind her and gave a smile before he asked
"what, did you doubt me?"
Amelia lowered her head and mumbled
"a little..."
after a while Amelia recovered from her shock and asked Mars that was watering his vegetable plants on the rooftop garden bedside her
"what are we here for?"
"to pick up someone"
"someone that will help a lot with rescuing your brethren, she"s an expert in stealth skills"
Amelia gave a sigh
"we have a lot of stealth experts in Black woods too, so why did we have to come all the way to Green river?"
"well you have no one this good"
"how good is she?"
"well she has been watching us since we stepped out of the portal"
Amelia suddenly felt a chill down her spine and began looking around the rooftop garden trying to spot the so called "expert"
" you mind if I look for her?"
"sure be my guest, just don"t break anything"
Amelia went around the rooftop garden looking for the so called "expert" for a few hours until she came half crying back to Mars that was enjoying the evening sun by laying flat on his back on a patch of gra.s.s, Mars opened his eyes when Amelia came near
"oh, welcome back did you find her?"
"I see, do you believe me now?"
Amelia pouted like a little girl but still answered orbetiantly
"that"s good, now do you want to meet her?"
Mars patted his stomach and soon an unnatural shadow moved into the sunlight and pa.s.sed right by Amelia before it hovered bedsides Mars and suddenly Victoria jumped out of the shadow and landed on Mars" stomach while Amelia stared blankly before suddenly she trembled and took a step backwards and quickly asked Mars with a slightly shaky voice
"i-i-is that a s-s-shadow death p-p-p-panther!?"
"oh you have heard of Victoria"s race before, I"m very impressed"
in the next moment Amelia began hyperventilating before she eventually collapsed on the gra.s.s
"....guess she fainted?"
"did I do... something... wrong?"
"no you didn"t Victoria don"t worry"
Amelia slowly awoke and opened her ruby eyes
" unfamiliar ceiling?"
"yo you"re awake"
"oh, Mars... how long was I out for?"
"about an hour"
"I see..."
Amelia laid her head back on the couch and looked up into the ceiling for sometime until she asked Mars without looking at him
"...Mars what are you wearing right now?"
"oh, this? this is my raid suit"
Mars wore a full suit made from dark leather that seemed to absorb the light around it, Mars also had one of his swords unsheathed and was applying some kind of dark paint to the pale bone sword, making it roughly the same color as the suit
"why are you wearing that?"
"because we"re going on a night raid now"
"right now?"
Mars gave a nod
"yup right now, you"re coming too"
Since some(one) of you asked for it here"s Mars" current status:
Name: Mars
Age: 3 (vessel 5223)
Race: Half-dragon human
t.i.tles: [Living G.o.d of energy] [Conquer of Salen] [Tyrant King] [5000 year prisoner] [Man that fell from the sky] [Contracted]
Cla.s.s: [Energy]
Cla.s.s level: 112
Status points:
Strength [937/1000] Const.i.tution [1012/2000] Dexterity [1114/1500]
Intelligence [600/600] Wisdom [900/900] Charisma [50/50]
Active skills: [Dragon-flame magic lv 5] [Swordsmans.h.i.+p lv 6] [Shadow magic lv 2] [Demon dreaming lv 1] [Instant movement lv 2]
Cla.s.s skills: [Energy: absorption] [Energy storage: 2600/112.000] [Energy: discharge]
[Energy: upgrade shop] [Energy: information] [Energy: restoration] [Energy: healing] [Energy: absorb s.h.i.+eld] [Energy: reactive s.h.i.+eld] [Energy: basic reinforced storage] [Energy basic drain touch] [Energy: sense] [Living G.o.d: presence] [Living G.o.d: half awaken] [Living G.o.d: wings]
Pa.s.sive skills: [Fire resist lv 15] [Commanding lv 3] [Mental reinforcement lv 5] [Pain resist lv 5]
now please forgive me if I missed a skill or two(this is why I don"t do the status anymore), also to those confused by the status here"s an example: one point in strength is equal to one average person of the same race"s total strength, so Mars has 937 half dragons worth of strength(although only when he uses [Living G.o.d: half awaken] normally he uses about 30% of all his status)
please tell me if you have other requests my dear readers as I will(as long as they are not to ridiculous) try to fulfill them

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