"As I said keep f.u.c.king quiet or I"ll kill you!"
The elvers behind the iron bars quieted down at the angry guard"s threat
"all mighty 13, those elver sure can squeal..."
the guard sat down on his chair again and began to nod off, the current time was a little before midnight, the two moons were both in their darkest and a thin cloud layer covered the stars light from s.h.i.+ning through, it truly was a dark night. As the guard began nodding off again the elvers in the prison cells began whispering to each other again, they were rea.s.suring their loved ones that everything would be okay and that they soon would be rescued, this was one of many temporary prison camps that had been set up in the plains around Black woods to house the elvers that had been captured during the conquest of the plains, as for the reason why the prisoners had not been moved further into Ule was actually part of a scheme hatched by some of the top leaders in Ule that went like this: so far public sentiment was against conquering the entire of Black woods as the cost simply would outweigh the gain, but if the elvers were to say launch a b.l.o.o.d.y retaliation strike and try to get their people back there would likely be created a blood feud that the leaders of Ule could make use of to justify the conquest of Black woods. the guard moved slightly in his sleep and awoke again after sleeping for about half an hour and yelled
"would you dirty elvers shut up already!?"
the guard rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked over at the prison and nearly dropped his jaw when he saw it was empty, a hole had been bent in the iron bars, the guard quickly took a deep breath and yelled
the entire camp quickly sprung alive and seach parties was sent to try and find the escaped elvers but to no effect, the elvers seemed to have disappeared completely, unknown to the camp 2 sets of eyes watched them from above
"....hey Mars, can we move on already?"
"in a moment Amelia.... bedsides we only have one prison camp left"
Mars was floating mid air while holding Amelia in a princess carry, it had been about 6 hours since they had started their night raids and the horizon showed signs of the morning coming, but Mars ignored that as he watched the soldiers from Ule move around in the dark below them
"their movements are about the same as the last camp..."
"Mars, I see a fast horse leaving the camp"
"okay then it"s time for us to move on to the last camp..."
Mars flew through the night while carrying Amelia in his arms and soon they arrived over another camp
"looks like Victoria already started"
below them the guards walked around with a haze of darkness around their heads, although n.o.body seemed to notice this, Mars touched down at the edge of the camp and began walking through the camp at a leisurely pace with Amelia following after him with a drawn sword, soon they ran into a guard caring a touch but he didn"t see them even though he walked right past them, Amelia looked at the guard and mumbled

"....Victoria is pretty amazing"
Mars gave a nod
"that she is"
moving further into the prison camp and found the room where the prisoners were kept, Victoria was sitting in front of a sleeping guard while her horns glowed slightly as she maintained the spells keeping the guards oblivious and this one sleeping, Amelia walked in and calmed down the elvers before Mars walked over to the iron bars and bent a hole in the bars and walked into the cell before he opened a portal to Black woods that the elvers quickly walked tough
"well then, that"s that... come on Victoria we"re done here"
"did I... do a good... job?"
"yes you did a very good job"
Mars petted Victoria on the head which resulted in her letting out a long purr
"well then Amelia are you coming?"
Mars, v and Victoria walked through the portal to Black woods leaving the sleeping guard to his dreams....
Back at Black woods the night was anything less than quiet, a giant banquet was being held in one of the city"s central plazas and the main guest of this banquet was Mars, this was understandable he had just rescued about 2.000 elvers from the clutches of Ule and he had also promised the full support of Green rivers military to help reconquer their land so the elvers of Black woods were to say the least excited and kept toasting Mars all night, when the morning came Mars awoke with a splitting headache and a mouth that felt like dried sand
"need... water and then shade"
Mars picked himself up from the banquet table he had been sleeping on and menurvred around the elvers that were sleeping on the ground and soon reached a well, after dropping down the bucket Mars soon pulled up a bucketful of water and began drinking straight from the bucket, half a bucket later he once again felt alive, at least somewhat and began searching for the next priority: shade, even though the sun had only just risen the heat was unbearable for a hangover Mars, soon Mars vaulted over a fence and walked into a private garden and laid down in the shade of some brushes on the gra.s.s and closed his eyes to get some sleep
"so sleepy..."
Mars curled up in a ball and soon entered the gates of dreamland once again...
Mars didn"t know how long he had been sleeping but soon he felt someone shaking him sightly and so he displayed a weak resistance by culling up further and let out a haunting groan as he tried to remain in dreamland, but alas the shaking continued and so he regretfully opened his eyes and came face to face with an elven child that had tanned skin, ruby eyes and short pale hair
"ah he"s awake!"
the child took some distance from Mars, clearly he didn"t actually expect Mars to wake and ran into the house while yelling for his mom
"mom there"s a stranger in the garden!"
Mars turned over and laid down on his back and looked up into the sky
"about mid day..."
Mars estimated the time from the position of the sun and sat himself up and looked around, there was neatly arranged flowerbeds and bushes in the garden
"...this is a really nice garden"
"why thank you"
Mars looked over and saw the child from earlier hiding behind an elven woman that looked to be in her 30"s, Mars greeted her
"you must be Mars, am I right?"
"yup, in the flesh"
"...that"s good, I thought some unknown man had invaded my garden for a moment"
"....sorry about that"
"I don"t mind, now I can brag to the neighbors that the Mars slept in my garden"
Mars gave a nod and rose to his feet and wiped the loose gra.s.s off his pants when the woman spoke
"why don"t you join us for tea?"
Mars followed after the elven woman and child which he still didn"t have the names of
"well whatever, it"s not like they are a threat to me...."
Mars sat down at a small table in the other end of the garden where the woman served him some tea, Mars took a sip and discovered it was fruit tea that both had a wonderful taste and aroma
"this is very good tea..."
"thank you Mars"
Mars spent about half an hour by chatting and sipping tea until a sound was heard from above and Mars looked up
"I see, so that"s what a hawk cry sounds like..."
Mars looked up a giant hawk that was circling above him and then he quickly downed his tea and looked over at the elven woman
"thanks for tea"
"you"re very welcome Mars, be sure to stop by again sometime"
"sure... see you kid"
Mars said his goodbye to the two of them and then he began floating before he flew up to where the hawk was circling
"good morning Mars"
"morning Amelia, are the elders calling?"
Mars was a little surprised to have guessed right
"oh.... well then I"ll race you there"
Amelia gave a confident smile
"you"re on!"
a few moments later a strong gust of wind blew at the elders building as Mars touched down right in front of it and let out a sigh as he looked behind him and watched as Amelia and her hawk slowly came into view and landed a moment later, Mars gave a smile and walked up to the hawk and patted it on its beak
"now now, don"t feel bad you were after all against a real living G.o.d"

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