As the sun was slowly rising in the horizon Mars slowly opened his eyes, he was lying in his bedroll with Victoria on top of him, she was covered in morning dew that stuck to her fur and glistened in the emerging sunlight, Mars watched her for a few moments before she also awoke and looked back at him with her big blue eyes for a little while until her horns lit up
"good... morning Mars"
"morning Victoria"
then she jumped off him and began licking the morning dew off her fur, Mars sat up still wearing his bedroll and looked around and saw Yel that had the last night watch sitting by the campfire, Mars crawled out of his bedroll and joined her by the campfire
"good morning master"
"yeah morning Yel"
as time pa.s.sed more and more people joined them by the campfire and soon everyone was up and so they began eating breakfast which consisted of dry biscuits and water from a nearby stream, after eating the group packed up camp and began moving again towards their goal Skyreach, a mountain. On the way there Mars watched over Mel practice, but soon some annoyance showed up, a pack of wolves, Mars was the first to spot them and called out for the rest to stop before he lifted off the ground to get a better look at the minivan sized wolves, now the silver lining was that they weren"t magic beasts so they were unable to use magic but just their size and numbers was enough to send s.h.i.+vers down any normal person"s spine, any normal person that is
"looks like meat"s back on the menu!"
"don"t let them run away!"
Mars was surprised to see the sky peoples eagerness but then he gave a sigh, of course they were eager, the had been on patrol for about a month and have been living off biscuits, Mars asked Mel that stood bedsides him
"how confident are you guys that you can take them all down?"
"hmm... one or two might get away"
"I see... in that case can I handle them all?"
"sure as long as we get to eat some eat we"re happy"
"good, then I"ll be right back, oh and be sure to watch closely as I will be using [Instant movement]"
"yes Mars!"
Mars leisurely walked out to meet the wolves that was running towards them
"just a little closer..."
Mars walked a couple of steps closer before he stopped and put a hand on the hilt of his sword, meanwhile he counted the wolves
"...8 in total"
Mars then breathed out as time slowed down around him before he momentarily disappeared from view before he reappeared again on the same spot and gave a sigh, meanwhile the giant wolves that had been running towards him suddenly fell over as they stumbled all at once and tumbled over as they slid on the gra.s.s a few meters before they all came to a halt, they all had cuts on their necks, mars sheathed his sword and turned back to see the sky people all had dropped their jaws on the floor Mel included, only Yel somewhat kept her composure as she had seen the power of [Instant movement] once before, the girls and Victoria were of course unaffected by Mars" display of power as they had seen it before, Mars gave another sigh and called out

"come on we have to drain the blood"
Mel was the first to wake from her daze and urged the other sky people on as they quickly started digging ditches to drain the blood from the wolves, Mars saw Mel had a stupid smile on her face and so did Yel, but he decided to leave the two sisters to their thoughts and began dragging the wolves over so they could drain the blood from the copses...
Inside a room and of wood with simple furniture kneeled a sky person, if Mars was here he would be able to recognise him as the one he had grabbed by the neck. He was Ule the son of one of the most powerful elders on the council Tor, while the name of the council was the elder council most of the people on the council were in fact in the prime of their lives, this was because most of the seats were decided by combat powers with one being able to challenge any sitting person and if they won they would take their place on the council. Ule had always been living a sheltered life with his father being on the council most of his life he had turned into a spoiled brat thus mars grabbing him by the neck had really p.i.s.sed him off of course this was despite him wanting to kill Mars and **** his girlfriends Yel included (of cause even if he somehow managed to kill Mars once he would still be doomed, but Ule didn"t know that)
"did you just say that Yel of the 112th Valkyries have taken on a master?"
"yes father not only that but the master is also one native to this world"
Tor looked like a gentle middle aged man with white hair, silver eyes and 2 set of wings that spurted from his hips, but Ule knew better, behind his father"s gentle looking exterior was a battle honed warrior
"a native..."
Tor fell silent for a few moments as he thought before he gave a sigh
"well there"s nothing in the traditions that say a masters has to be from Beta"
"but father he"s a dirty native, surely there must be something we could do!?"
"oh, shut up already!"
Ule closed his mouth as Tor continued
"him hurting you is entirely different matter"
Tor gave a nod he was not going to let Mars go for hurting his son, even though his son were a useless pile of hot garbage he was still his son and hurting him would have grave consequences no matter who did it...
Meanwhile Mars and the others were finished with the wolves and were preparing for a feast, of course Elsa volunteered to do the cooking part and cook she did, a quarter of one of the minivan sized wolves disappeared over the evening the sky people were the most glutenous they each ate 3 or 4 servings by themselves, of course this was only because Mars held back a bit and didn"t stuff himself completely since he had the first night watch and knew that if he ate too much he would be sleepy during his watch. Time pa.s.sed and soon everyone except for Mars was fast asleep, Mars sat in front of the campfire and warmed his hands when suddenly he heard something moving behind him, he didn"t look back as he didn"t need to he just simply asked
"can"t sleep?"
", I am having nightmares"
"I see..."
Mars sat and warmed his hands and soon Chloe joined him at the fire and sat down next to him before she latched onto his arm, she looked at the side of Mars" face for a few moments before she asked
"something wrong?"
Mars gave a sigh and looked at Chloe
"no it"s just... I have never been a "master" before so I"m just thinking about how to handle a few
possible situations..."
Chloe gave a soft sigh and slight tightened her grip on Mars" arm
"so in other words you are overthinking?"
"yeah basically, hey that"s what I do best"
"no it"s not"
Mars fell silent before he asked in a low voice
"is this really for the best?"
"of course you make a splendid master"
"...I see"
The next morning all (but 2 sky people which was left to watch the corpses of the giant wolves) left for Skyreach which they were set to reach before the day was over, the journey was uninterrupted and so at about noon the group arrived at the foot of Skyreach where a village was being built, Mars looked at the buildings and found they were simple wood and stone huts, nothing like the sky reaching buildings he had imagined and was a little disappointed, Yel perhaps having picked up on his disappointment spoke out
"you should have seen our former home... compared this that this is just..."
Mars gave a sigh, looks like he made his servant uneasy again
"I don"t doubt it Yel"
"thank you master"
there was no wall to separate the outside and inside of the village so Mars and the rest could just walk into the village, Mars dragged Yel to the side and asked her
"so what"s next in you master plan?"
before Yel had change to speak out Mel that had overheard Mars" question spoke out
"big sis you probably have to visit mother and tell her about your new master"
Yel paled slightly which caused Mars to ask
"what"s so special about your mother?"
"well... she"s the most powerful elder on the council"
"oh... I see"

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