Mars walked up to the building and knocked on the door, a few moments later did a response come from inside
"come in"
Mars looked back at Yel that were even more pale than before and gave a sigh before he gently took her hand and before she had a change to react Mars opened the door and stepped into the wood and stone hut half dragging her behind him, inside the room sat a woman that looked to be in her late 30"s on a floor cus.h.i.+on, she was sewing something with a bone needled and overall she looked like Yel and Mel with her white hair and silver eyes, her figure was also as Mas would desicpe it as "pretty good", she only had slight wrinkles in the comer of her eyes, she gave Mars an inspecting look when he walked in and when she saw he was holding her elders daughter by the hand she gave a smile that somehow made Mars" hair stand on end, if he had not been warned of that she was the most powerful elder in the council before he would have reached for his sword already but he managed to keep his actions under control as he also gave a smile and walked over and sat down on the floor a few meters in front of Yel"s mother, Yel sat down besides him and looked down into the floor as her face paled further
" I don"t know... but given that you hold my daughters hand you must be prepared?"
Mars" smile widened slightly before he gave a nod, Yel"s mother gave a soft sigh before she suddenly looked sight at Mars before her eyes suddenly turned golden, Mars locked eyes with her still carrying his wide smile on his face, suddenly Mars felt dizzy and then he felt a heart wrenching pain shot through him, like his heart was being ripped out of his chest and gave a slight frown but that was all he showed outwards as he still kept his wide smile and then the pain subsided and so did the golden color in her eyes faded and her eyes turned back to their silver color as she gave a sigh
"you pa.s.s, what"s your name?"
"normally one must give his own name before one asks for it"
"...fine, my name is Xel I am the mother of Yel and Mel"
"my name is Mars, I am the current living G.o.d of energy.... and also Yel master"
"a living G.o.d... well you did handle the pain of dying like you had done it before so I"ll believe you for now... but you being Yel"s master is news to me"
"well this is the first time we meet"
"of course... Yel how long are you going to keep silent you are embarra.s.sing your new master"
"mother... the 112th Valkyries are gone"
"yes I figured that out since you are sitting in front of me instead of obeying you mission to conquer new land"
Yel fell silent again and Xel gave a sigh before suddenly her hand moved at amazing speed a cut suddenly appeared on Yel"s ear, the rest of the people in the room might not have an idea how this happened but Mars saw it, Xel threw the bone needle in her had at amazing speed cutting Yel"s ear
"that"s for losing the 112th Valkyries"
then Xel stood up and walked over and kneeled down in front of Yel and gently hugged her

"and this is for surviving... welcome home my daughter"
tears slowly spilled out of Yel"s eyes for a moment before she hugged her mother and sobbed for sometime until Xel let her go and looked over at Mars and asked with a serious look on her face
"so when can I expect some grandchildren?"
"....not for a few years"
Xel clicked her tongue and walked back and sat down on her floor cus.h.i.+on before she looked over at Mel and asked
"how did your patrol go?"
"good we, I mean Mars got us 6 wolves"
"I see that"s good, you may arrange for transport now"
"yes mother"
Mel and the rest of the sky people patrol bowed deeply before they took their leave, leaving Mars, the girls, Victoria and Yel alone with Xel that looked them over one by one and stopped on Varvei before she asked
"what"s your name?"
"my name is Varvei"
"hmm... you must be Mars" first wife right?"
Varvei blushed for a moment before she nodded with a happy smile on her face
"yes that"s righ---"
"don"t lie Varvei"
"...sorry Chloe... well we"re not married... yet"
Xel looked over at Mars and gave a deep sigh before she complained
"what kind of spineless person did my daughter find as master...? not only have you not married such a strong woman as Varvei, but you tell me to wait a couple of years to see my grandchildren?"
"well I have a lot on my plate okay, it"s not easy to be a living G.o.d"
"ah, more complaining! just pump a baby in her it"s that simple... ah Yel you should have found a living G.o.d of s.e.x!"
Yel"s face flushed with embarra.s.sment at her mother"s dirty language, but on the inside she was happy, after all this is exactly the way her mother used to banter with her father, the only person to ever defeat her or in other words her equal. Mars and Xel continued to banter for a few more minutes until Mars turned his head towards the door, Xel was about to question him when suddenly she also turned her head towards the door with a frown on her face and soon there was a knock on the door and Xel yelled
"go away Tor, you are not welcome here!"
ignoring Xel shouting the door opened and a gentle looking middle aged sky person stepped in and looked around before he asked
"I"m not here for you Xel... which one of you are the master of Yel?"
"I am"
Mars stood up and faced Tor, the two men stared at each other for a little bit before Tor spoke
"your name?"
"normally one must give one"s own name before asking about another"s"
"...fine you win, my name is Tor I am an elder on the council, now state your name"
"good, very good Mars I challenge you to a duel to the death!"
"....have I offended you in someway?"
"hurmph a dead man doesn"t need to know his sins"
with that as his closing statement Tor turned and left leaving Mars slightly stunned before he gave a wide smile and asked Xel
"do I have to honor the duel?"
"no technically you don"t but not honoring a duel means you have to give up your citizens.h.i.+p and thereby become an outcast, of course you lose the right to have servants too so Yel must leave you, are you okay with that?"
"...when will the duel held?"
"at the next elder meeting in 2 days, so what do you say, are you running away?"
"no... this is perfect actually"
"oh how so?"
"well I was looking for a way to get on the elder council, and this foolish mortal has just presented me with a perfect way to do so"
"interesting... looks like your master has some spine Yel"
"of course mother, my master is splendid"
Mars gave a slightly sinister smile as he thought on how to show this foolish mortal what exactly a living G.o.d is...
Two days pa.s.sed in a flash, during the two days Mars trained Mel, spent time with the girls and accompanied Xel. and so as the night drew near Mars stepped out of the house along with Xel, they were heading to the elder meeting, on the way there Xel asked Mars
"how confident are you?"
"well let"s just say that even if he manages to kill me I won"t die"
"right you are immortal..."
"well only half immortal"
when Mars and Xel arrived at the central plaza he saw a crowd of sky people, they were sitting on the roofs of the surrounding buildings and stranding around the plaza, Mars asked Xel
"is this normal?"
"no... Tor must want to make an example out of you"
during the past two days mars had figured out that Tor was the father of the sky person he had grabbed by the neck a few days ago and thus he put two and two together
"well I don"t mind a audience"
Mars and Xel walked up to the plaza and found 10 so called elders sitting in a half circle with Xel being there too there was 11 in total, when Mars arrived Tor stood up from his floor cus.h.i.+on and walked towards Mars and stopped right in front of him and Xel before he gave a degrading look at Mars and spoke in a loud voice
"I see you didn"t ruin away"
his voice drew the attention of the other elders as well as the other sky people, Mars gave a smile and spoke back in a loud voice
"I"m here to send you to the wheel old man"

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