"No way"

[Come on Mars, be nice]


[Please Mars?]


Info gave a sigh, she had spent the last few minutes trying to convince Mars to stop the ongoing race war somehow, but he was not cooperating, at all

[Not even if I tell you it"s beneficial for forming you mandate?]

"...Still no, one man can"t stop a race war... Well there is one way"

[What way?]

"To destroy the other races, simply kill them all, then the race war would be over"

[Come on Mars that"s what we are trying to avoid, we are talking about the lives of 3.7 billion, can"t you do something..?]

"Hmm.... Nope"

Info gave yet another sigh and looked over at 78 that was playing with her hair keeping silent and gestured to her with her eyes that she should say something to Mars, unfortunately 78 didn"t catch her hidden gesture and kept playing with her hair

"Look here Info, it"s not that I don"t want to help you it"s more that I have no idea how to stop a race war other than winning it"


Info fell silent as her eyes seemed distant for a moment before she spoke again

[What if I tell you how to end the race war then?]

"I that case sure... As long as it"s a reasonable way that doesn"t involve getting stabbed"

Info gave a smile

[Don"t worry, it"s really a simple way...]

Mars listened to Info speak for a few moments before he spoke purely by refekes

"No way in h.e.l.l I am doing that"

[You could also try to unite the races against you by commiting ma.s.s genocide?]

"Wait I thought you wanted to save the mortals?"

[Nah I just want to mess with the administrator"s plans, I only mentioned the number of lives involved to try and guilt you into accepting]

"...You sure are cold"

[That"s the price of immortality Mars, better get used to it... Well anyway, do you really not want to do the first option?]

"...No, I"ll probably just fight in the war for a bit before I leave this continent"

[I see... Hmm...]

Info looked off into the distance and suddenly asked Mars

[Mars did you destroy an avatar near here?]

"Yeah I tried to call you but some idiot picked up instead"

[...What color was the avatar"s eyes?]

"Orange I think, I got the feeling that it was a male achangle... oh and he shot a sword light at me"

[You telling me Sword has a presence here?]


[He"s one of the 13 and has aligned himself with the new administrator... That explains why I didn"t know about the whole situation here, he was blocking me... This changes things]

"...How exactly?"

[Well now we know who started the race war, it was the archangel Sword... In that case i have a better idea than seducing the daughters of the Demon king and Beast empress...]

"Tell me it"s a better idea than your first two ideas"

[It"s quite simple really, visit the temples of the Demon king and beast empress capitals and destroy the avatars there]

"What would that help?"

[It would remove Sword"s influence from the temples and make me able to send divine messages to try and stop this war... I can already do it here in the human lands]

"Oh that sounds super simple, I love breaking stuff"

[In that case I am counting on you Mars]

Mars and 78 stepped out of the prayer room and was met with Jake that stood right outside the prayer room and waited for them

"...What do you want kid?"

"I am here to invite you Mars to join the human war effort"

"...Yeah, no that"s not going to happen, I am going to end this farce of a race war my own way"

"I knew you would say that, wait you said you are going to end the war!? How!?"

"by breaking some stuff, now I"ll stay at the castle for a little bit more and rest and then I"ll leave"

Finished saying what he wanted Mars walked off with 78 and tow that was being unusually quiet as they walked back towards the castle being led by the maid from before, amongst the yelling and screaming of the citizens that saw 78 Mars asked her

"What"s on your mind 78?"

"...Who"s Varvei?"

"She"s my lover, well one of them anyway"

"...I see"

78 lowered her head seemingly in deep thought, Mars gave a sigh as he fended off a pitchfork and kicked the peasant that had tried to stab at 78 in the stomach before he walked onwards towards the castle where the castle guard held back the angry mob that tried to kill 78 or at the very least tried to rip off her ears and tail, as he entered the castle he was met with the king and Jake that had returned before him

"Jake tells me you have a way to end the war?"

"Sure I do, or at the very least I will deescalate the war"

The king gave a deep nod before he spoke again

"In that case, allow me to a.s.sist you with all my might lord Mars"

"Drop the lord, I aint lord over nothing"

"...Yes Mars"

Mars gave a nod before he let out a yawn, he was still tired from the trip and mentally tired from fending off the people that tried to kill 78

"That can wait until tomorrow... Let"s go 78"


After the two of them returned to the room Mars laid down on the bed and regulated his breathing and soon fell asleep...

When Mars woke again the only thing he heard was silence, which was odd since he had sharp enough ears to normally hear all that was going on in the castle, Mars however was not distruibed by this and went through his morning stretches before he looked for 78 and quickly found her sleeping in the dobbel bed.

"Well then let"s see what"s going on..."

Mars walked out of the room and noticed that their a.s.signed maid was missing from her post outside the room and opened his mouth to complain


Mars then realized he was unable to hear his own voice and then he gave a cold smile as he thought

"So that"s what going on... Let"s mess up whoever"s plan this is"

Mars walked back into the room and unwrapped the cloth that covered the adamant.i.te broadsword while humming a tune he could not hear himself

"Well then let"s go"

Mars then activated [Instant movement] and [Half awaken] just to be safe before he disappeared from the room and reappeared at the end of the hallway where he looked first left then right before he disappeared from view once more, things continued like this for sometime until Mars smell a familiar smell and decided to follow it

"....I knew it"

Mars found a knight sitting and leaning against the wall of the hallway, his eyes were wide open and there were tears in the corner of his eyes

"Looks like it"s too late for you...."

The stomach of the knight was ripped open along with his armor and his internals laid sprayed out on the floor

"From the looks of it the attack happened in the middle of the hallway... and there are light traces of bloodstains leading further down the hallway..."

Mars gave a sigh in this soundless world and closed the eyes of the dead knight before he followed the footsteps that were outlined with slight traces of blood for a little while before he found another corpse of a knight and continued onwards after he said a silent prayer for the knight

"looks like they were fleeing while escorting someone... most likely the king and that kid... this formation is impressive though, looks like I need some more time to understand it through my senses..."

Mars shrugged and leisurely continued on his way with the adamant.i.te broadsword on his shoulder, soon he found the a.s.sailants that had infiltrated the castle, they were in the process of trying to force open a door that seemed to be reinforced by a fe overlaid magic formations but most importantly Mars had now identified the a.s.silents from their fluffy ears

"Beastmen huh... Looks like there"s a girl in there too and see seems to be leading them... Don"t tell me... Nah no way"

Mars took a few more steps down the hallway before the asialents spotted him and after sending out some hand signs two beastmen broke off and charged down the hallway at him, their movements were in sync, Mars got a bad feeling about this before he gave a wide smile

"just from their footwork alone they have had extensive training... Looks like this will be interesting..!"

Mars, wearing a wide smile took a stance and decided to enjoy this fight so he tuned down his strength a bit as the two beastmen lept at him and swung their dual swords down, Mars raised his boardsword and blocked them as no sound spread out from their clash


The lack of sound made Mars make his own sound effects in his head that is

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