"You must be Mars..."

Mars gave a nod and asked

"How can I help you your majesty?"

The demon in ceremonial armor gave a smile and sat down at their table before he gave a glance at 78 that was busy stuffing her face and seemed to totally tune out his presence before he looked over at Mars and spoke

"To tell the truth, we have a problem with our avatar at the palace... We would like to ask you to help out with it"

"I see... Oh right I have a letter to you from the beast empress... Here it is"

Mars handed the letter to the demon man in ceremonial armor before he went back to his food, The demon man gave a smile and opened the letter and began reading, as he read his face became more and more pale before he looked at Mars in horror and gave a sigh before his face began to regain its color at bit, Mars gave a wry smile as he could imagine what the contents of the letter was

"So, what"s the problem with the avatar about?"

"Well to tell the truth an archangel seems to have possessed it and has basically taken over as king, ordering us to find a so called "imposter living G.o.d" and kill it with all our might... I might have followed that message if not for the covert message I received from the beast empress and this letter..."

"I see... well then let me finish eating first and I"ll see what I can do for you"

Mars and 78 was soon finished eating and then they followed the demon king back to the palace where Mars commanded 78 to stay put while he dealt with annoying archangel Sword, he then followed the demon king to the audience room (while being alert not to get ga.s.sed again)

"And here we are... I wish you luck Mars"

"Sure, just wait a bit"

Mars opened the door to the audience room and quickly zeroed in on the avatar that floated next to the throne, its orange eyes widened when it saw Mars before it yelled

"Energy! I"ll kill you this time!"

Mars gave a smile while he activated [Half-awaken] before he dodged to the side as a sword light came flying across the audience room, next he closed the distance with [Instant movement] and grabbed the avatar by the face before he discharged his stored energy units and completely shattered the avatar and the formless pressure quickly tried to escape when something flashed in the eyes of Mars and he reached out after the formless pressure and suddenly felt like he grasped something before his vision went white.

The next thing he saw was an old man weilding a sword rus.h.i.+ng at him with killing intent clear in his eyes, Mars dodged to the side of the first slash before he reacted on instinct and stepped into the range of the old swordsman and delivered a palm strike straight to his chest and sent him sliding back a few meters before the old man howled



Mars felt his confusion clear up a bit as he identified the old man in front of him as his enemy, now he knew what to do and gave a sneer

"Don"t get your blood pressure up to high old man"


As the old man charged again Mars began charging his energy units as he transformed his hands into claws and blocked the frenzied sword  slashes from the old man before he saw an opening and closed in before he placed his right hand on the chest of the old man again and discharged the stored energy, with a bang the old man was sent flying backwards before he crashed down into the ground, this time he didn"t get back up.

After waiting for a few moments the world around Mars suddenly blurred and he found himself back in the ardiance room, only this time the formless pressure was nowhere to be found, Mars stared blankly for a few moments as his mind raced

"Did I kill him..? No Info said that archangels are immortal... I must at least have wounded him quite a bit, so it"s unlikely he will find trouble for me in the next few days..."

Mars gave a smile and turned around to face the demon king that looked at him with a half fearful and half grateful expression, after all Mars had just destroyed an avatar, something no mortal could do

"Well then... If there"s nothing else I will take my leave now"

"....Please at least stay for the night Mars, I"ll prepare a grand feast for you and your travel companion to enjoy"


And a grand feast it was, but due to Mars" request not to many demons were in attendance, Mars specifically said "I can"t be bothered if there"s too much bothersome stuff" and so there was less than 50, but those were the most important of the demon country (which Mars didn"t bother remembering the name of)

"Mars... can we leave already?"

Mars paused and looked over at 78 that looked very uncomfortable and gave a wry smile, she was not used to high cla.s.s social gatherings like Mars was (kind of anyway) so he gave an apologetic smile to the demon king that gave a nod

"In that case please follow after me, I"ll show you to your room"

Mars gave a nod and patted 78 on the head before they both followed after the demon king and soon they arrived at a rather big guest room where the demon king gave a light bow before he spoke

"Please rest well"

"Sure... Good night"

The demon king gave a smile and walked back out of the door and closed it behind him, Mars gave a sigh before he felt 78 hug him from behind, two certain mounds pressed against his back but Mars kept a pure mind and asked her without turning around

"What"s wrong 78?"

"...Can we never do such a thing again?"

"You don"t like social gatherings?"


Mars flet 78 rub her cheek against his back and gave a sigh

"If you don"t want to then I won"t force you in the future"

"Thanks Mars..."

After that the two of them went to sleep in the double bed and slept soundly all night... Or at least they were supposed to, while 78 slept soundly Mars rolled around in the bed haunted by nightmares

[Mars... Wake up]

Mars slowly opened his eyes and was met with two bright s.h.i.+ning light blue eyes, still half asleep he muttered


[That"s right]

Mars then did something Info didn"t expect and reached up and grabbed the body of the avatar and hugged it tight, as Info was fl.u.s.tered not knowing what to do Mars mumbled

"Let me sleep a little more..."

[Geez Mars... You really are spoiled...]

Some more time pa.s.sed before Mars gradually awoke again, he felt someone stroking his head and heard some quite humming so he slowly opened his eyes and saw the face of an avatar that laid with him in bed and was quietly humming while it was stroking his head


The avatar opened its bright light blue eyes before a smile formed on the avatar"s face

[Good morning Mars]

Mars gave a smile before he sat himself up on the bed and looked around, they were alone in the room so Mars asked

"Where"s 78?"

[She left with the demon king after both of them waited for you to wake up... They were unable to endure my pressure]

"I see... Well then it sure is a pleasant surprise to see you here Info"

Info gave a happy smile and sat up on the bed next to Mars before she reached up and patted Mars on the head as she spoke

[You did a good job ending the race war]

"Well I just did as you asked... Wait weren"t this going to help me with my mandate?"

Info looked away as she spoke

[...Well technically everything helps with forming you mandate]

Mars gave a sigh, well it was true though he had made some progress on his mandate and he now felt that he was just on the verge of grasping something, like it was just out of his reach the feeling annoyed him somewhat but he knew that this was a progress that could not be rushed

"Oh right, I fought Sword or at least I think I did"

Info looked at his face with a somewhat serious face and asked

[When he was in an avatar?]

"Also that, but when he left the avatar I think I grasped and eliminated some of his... from"

Info gave a smile and patted Mars on the head again

[Well done, I knew you would figure it out eventually and if you eliminate a part of him he will be on the sidelines for a few centuries]

Mars gave a nod and then he asked

"Isn"t it time you told me how exactly archangels work?"

Info gave a nod and began explaining

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