early morning Mars" eyes snapped open, he sat up and looked around the forest was quiet which calmed him down a little

"what"s up with this d.a.m.n forest..?"

he had a nightmare just now, he was back in that horrible cell and was tortured all night in his dreams, so his current mood was bad to say the least

"...hopefully it doesn"t continue like last time"

Mars shook his head to clear it before he crawled out of his bedroll and put on his boots and stood up and stretched his slightly sore back

"good morning Mars"

Mars turned and saw Chloe standing there with a blue fruit in her hand which she handed to him

"good morning Chloe"

Mars bit into the fruit and a fresh taste of mint spread through his mouth Mars chewed and swallowed


"you"re welcome, did you sleep well?"

"no i had a nightmare..."

"I see..."

"well anyway are the others awake?"

"I think Varvei is awake, she"s probably training with her long spear"

"could you go wake Elsa for me?"


Mars watched Chloe walk away and gave a sigh

"I really hope... well whatever"

Mars shook his head again

It took the group 3 days to reach the outskirts of Green river, Mars looked at the 15 meter tall wall that looked like it was made of living wood with deep shadows under his eyes, what he feared had happened his nightmares were back and his mood had hit rock bottom the only times he smiled was when the girls tired to cheer him up or when Victoria acted spoiled but even then it was only a weak smile he showed, this stark contrast made even the elvers looks on him soften a little

"well then here we are... Mars you might want to transform before we enter the city"


"you okay?"

"I"m fine..."

"...if you say so"

Mars grew out his horns and followed the group though on of the gates into Green river and looked around, the high rises made of wood certainly were impressive only Mars wasn"t in the mood to admire the architecture so he only silently followed after the group, almost all of the elvers on the streets stopped and watched the group with guarded looks on their faces, only the children showed curiosity and wonder when they looked at Mars and the girls, Varvei gave a small wave to a child that waved back with a smile only to have its parent grab the child and walk away

"they really are guarded even for elvers... has it always been like this Chloe?"

"yeah pretty much... although it was different at some point before the ma.s.sacre of Mother town"

"I see... a ma.s.sacre huh..."

Varvei gave a sigh and looked at the crowd again while she tightened the grip she had on her long spear, Chloe gave a wry smile as she looked at the crowd

"I would probably also be like that if I had not meet Mars"

"oh really... Elsa told me that you were way worse when you meet him for the first time though"

"ugh.... are you still mad about that Mars?"

"me? no not really"

suddenly the group stopped walking in front was another group of armed elvers that wore plate armor that looked like it was made of dark polished wood, the leader stepped forwards

"halt, for what reason did you bring those outsiders Alvin?"

"one of them is too meet with the elders according to princess Chloe"

"....what about the other 2?"

Chloe saw the elvers in polished wooden armor move their hands to their swords and quickly stepped forwards

"they are my guests"

"is that so?"

"yes they are my friends"

the leader stared down Chloe for some time before he gave a hand signal and the rest relaxed, then he gave a smile and a light bow

"then please allow me to escort the elders guest form here"


Alvin walked up and whispered something into the leaders ear which caused him to give a deep frown before he looked at Mars

"follow after me please"

"go it"

Mars gave a wave to the girls before he followed after the leader further into Green river but to Mars" surprise they soon reached a closed off ally were the guards surrounded him

"what"s the meaning of this?"

"we don"t like you outside"

"I see... well then what are you going to do about it?"

"we"re going to---"

"before you finish that sentence be very sure about what you are going to say because I"m not in a mood to hold back, if you attack me I will kill you all starting with you"

the ma.s.sive amount of killing intent Mars let out caused the leader guard to freeze up but Mars continued

"I will not only kill you I will do it by tearing off all your limps then I will carry you corpse to the elders and tell them that your race isn"t worth keeping alive on Alfan then I will kill every elver in Green river"

the blood drained from the leader guards face before he swallowed hard

"so are you sure what you"re going to say? then say it"

the leader guard remained silent for some time until he gestured to the exit of the ally

"follow the main road until you reach a bridge then enter the giant tree on you right"

"smart man"

Mars gave a slight smile and walked past the leader and exited the ally before he followed the main road, ignoring the stares he got on the way until he reached the bridge and stopped to look up at the giant tree

"that sure is big... about 200 meter high?"

Mars walked up to the giant tree"s trunk and entered it through an opening and found himself in a nice looking lobby and walked over to the counter were a elf stood and waited, the elver gave Mars a curious look before he asked

"your name?"


the elver looked down at a book which she flipped through until she found Mars" name and suddenly looked up at him again with shock in her eyes

"the living G.o.d?"

"one of five yes"

"p-please wait here for a moment!"

the elf receptionist gave a quick bow before she ran off further into the hollowed out tree

"well then..."

Mars found a nearby chair, sat down and waited... and waited

"and how long am I supposed to wait..."

just as Mars was getting tired of waiting a group of elvers showed up, the lead was a old, nay an ancient looking elf with wrinkles all over his face, he carried a gentle looking smile when he looked at Mars, the others were guards in ceremonial looking armor, the ancient elf stopped in front of Mars

"are you Mars?"

Mars gave a nod

"yes that"s me"

"as I live and breathe... could you do me a favor Mars?"

Mars gave a smile and nodded


"could you apply your presence so we may know for sure you"re a living G.o.d?"

"what you don"t believe me?"

the gentle smile disappeared and the elvers in ceremonial armor spread out and pointed their spears at Mars, the elder raised his hand and held it there


"fine... [STOP]"

Mars gave a smile as the elvers in ceremonial armor fell over, they were pa.s.sed out

"will this do?"

the ancient elf"s gentle smile returned before he gave a light bow

"please follow after me, the elders is waiting"


Mars got up from the chair and stepped over the pa.s.sed out elvers and followed after the ancient elf

"you know this is only the 2nd time I have been threatened since I came to Green river"

"is that so?"

"yes and there will not be a 3rd time or I will burn down this forest"

"...I understand"

Mars gave a nod and followed after the ancient elf further into the hollowed out tree, the way was complicated like a snake trail through a sandstorm after going through a unknown number of hallways that looked exactly alike did the ancient elf finely stop in front of a large wooden door which he gestured to with a light bow

"the elders wait though this door"

"well then let"s meet your elders"

Mars confidently walked up to the door and... kicked it open, the door almost fell of its hinges as it slammed into the wall with a loud bang

"anyone home?"

Mars walked into the giant hall, 5 wooden raised thrones were in the middle of the room were 5 figures sat, one of them looked up with a frown on his face

"he certainly is brash this young living G.o.d"

"but that"s how they all are..."

"your right, we shall take no offence to it"

"after all it is us that should apologize"

Mars looked up at the 5 elders with a smile on his face and moved a hand to the hilt of his sword

"I certainly hope its a sincere apology you have prepared for me"

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