A sword light flew out and pieced the middle of the earth bears head which let out a groan before the light in its eyes disappeared and it collapsed

"and that"s 3.... how are you doing over there Victoria?"

Mars looked over and saw another earth bear being pierced by a shadow spear before it also collapsed with a loud boom, then Victoria re-materialized on top of its corpse and licked her front paw while her 4 horns flashed

"I"m done... with number... 2"

Mars and Victoria had hit the jackpot and found a group of cla.s.s 6 earth bears

"that"s an easy 1000 energy units... Victoria do you have s.p.a.ce in your storage shadow?"

Victoria shook her head from side to side as her horns flashed

"no... its full"

"I see... hmm... then let"s take a trip back real quick and deliver one of these to Green river.... I know we can give it to the butcher in my building"


Mars quickly harvested the magic beast cores from the 5 earth bears before he memorized the place they where in and opened a portal to Green river and stepped though...

About half an hour later Mars stood in a refrigerated storehouse, in front of him lay two of the earth bear corpses

"you really are a savior landlord"

and a very excited elf

"I only needed the cores so I figured I might as well give you the rest... oh one thing if you could do me a favor..."

"please ask away landlord!"

"I would like some of the bones when you have butchered the corpses"

"the bones..? sure I"ll have some of my people send them to your workshop when we"re done dissembling them"

"just a few tens of kilos will do, you can do what you want with the rest"

"okay landlord... that reminds me the tailor sent word at the last meeting that her gift to you was done"

"oh... thanks I"ll head there at once"

"sure, thanks again landlord"

Mars gave the excited butcher a wave as he walked out of the storehouse and followed by Victoria he went back to his building, after climbing the straits to the right floor he quickly walked into the tailor shop and was greeted by one of the staff

"oh sir Mars, wait a moment while I call out the madam"


not even a minute later the staff returned with the madam of the tailor shop

"h.e.l.lo Julie"

"hey there Mars, you came just in time I have finished your suit"

"I heard from the butcher so I came as fast as I could"

"my oh my, then please follow after me"

Mars gave a nod and followed after madam into the back area where he was handed the suit and showed to a private changing room and soon he exited the changing room wearing his new suit which color was the same as his horns

"my, you look very handsome sir Mars"

"thanks... how do I look Victoria?"

Victoria looked at him for a few seconds before her horns flashed while she tilted her head to the side


"right.... of course"

"sir Mars is something wrong?"

"no never mind that.... thanks for the suit"

"you"re very welcome, please consider my store if you have any other clothing requests"

"I will"

Mars left the tailor shop and made a quick stop back home in order to change into something better suited for hunting in a jungle and then he opened a portal back to the island...

Back at the island Mars checked his status, while glancing over it he noted that all his stats were in the high 200"s and that his level was 63, then he gave a nod and decided it was time to kick things up a notch

"Victoria let"s head further into the island today"

"further.... in..?"

"yeah, think we can handle it?"


so far Mars and Victoria had hunted in the outer edges of the island as for why they had not headed deeper into the jungle was simple because the further one headed into the jungle, the higher the cla.s.s of magic beast but after Mars had level up his [Swordsmans.h.i.+p] to level 6 and broke the level cap Mars felt more confident that he and Victoria could hunt higher cla.s.s magic beasts without much danger, especially after they had hunted the group of earth bears earlier

"then let"s go, be sure to tell me when you sense a magic beast nearby"


they started heading deeper into the island and after walking for about half an hour Victoria detected a group of magic beasts which they headed towards while they walked towards the group of magic beasts Mars noticed the so far dense vegetation cleared up a bit and got thinner and thinner, Mars and Victoria slowed their speed a bit since it was harder to hide but soon Mars caught site of the culprit

"what the f.u.c.k is that..?"

it was not that big, about 5 meters from the tail end to the nose, had a blackish fur and had 4 legs and a set of wings on its back, form its mouth dripped acid that made a clear dissolving sound when it hit the ground, it looked mostly like a lion with wings except for its head which was pure bone with slightly sunken pair of green eyes, just as Mars was wondering what to call this abomination his skill activated

name: bone lion

gender: female

cla.s.s: 7

basic info: a bone lion has acid spit and is capable of short flight due to its wings, they are known to live in small communities of up to 8 individuals with one male and multiple females, the females being a cla.s.s lower than the male

"bone lions huh..."

Mars signaled for Victoria to stop and looked at the small hill which was devoid of vegetation and quickly spotted another 5 female bone lions bringing the total up to 6

"where"s the male... probably inside that cave...anyways let"s. .h.i.t the nest and see what happens..."

Mars signaled to Victoria and she gave a nod and melted into the shadows, Mars then drew his sword and slashed out with all his might sending a sword light off into the distance cleanly hitting on of the bone lions in the head sending it off the afterlife, the other bone lions of course noticed this and began letting out angry roars as they soon zeroed in on Mars" location and began running at him, Mars kept calm and sent out sword light after sword light and before any of them reached him were they cut into pieces, then an even louder roar sounded out from the cave and another bone lion jumped out, only this one looked a little different then the rest it had numerous bone spikes around its neck making it look like it had a bone mane

"this must be the male, Victoria you"re up"

before the male bone lion had a change to move from its position was it speared to the ground by shadow spears that appeared above it from out of nowhere Mars kept his guard up until the light in the eyes of the male bone lion disappeared then he gave a sigh before he praised Victoria that had appeared next to him

"good job Victoria"

"you... too Mars"

"thanks... now let"s go harvest the cores. be careful of the acid spit"


Mars and Victoria worked quickly and harvested the 6 cla.s.s 7 cores from the females and the one cla.s.s 8 core from the male

"that"s 2900 energy units... not bad"

Mars quickly absorbed the energy units from the cores, just as he was finished absorbing the cores a roar sounded out from nearby, Mars looked up and saw a boar the size of a small hill charge over, its body was covered in scales that glinted in the sunlight, even its eyes where armored by clear scales

"what do we have here..."

Mars narrowed his eyes and his skill activated

name: scaled boar

gender: male

cla.s.s: 9

basic info: a scaled boar can be a nightmare for a small sized kingdom and have in the past when it was p.i.s.sed off destroyed a small sized kingdom over the course of a week. As its name implies it"s basically a giant boar covered in scales, it is also an omnivore and is known to like human meat

"looks like we weren"t the only ones that targeted that bone lion group... Victoria keep your distance and use your shadow magic to hara.s.s it"

"okay... what about... you?"

"I"ll keep it company up close"

Mars kicked off the ground and closed the distance to the scaled boar while sending off sword lights but for the first time since he had started using them the sword lights proved ineffective and simply made some small scales fall of before they bounced off and flew off into the forest


Mars" smile widened as he closed the distance to the scale boar

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