"really... why... is... my... luck... so... bad!?"

Mars once again activated [Instant movement] and dodged out of the way while his claws left another thin line on the scales of his opponent, a scale boar. While being stared down by it as it prepared to charge for the nth time Mars quickly considered his options

"this isn"t working... should I run away...? but I"m only one core from meeting the goal and this scale boar seems like the perfect target... if only I could get through the scales!"

Mars was indeed only one core away from meeting the goal set by his mother he was about 3 hours away from the time limit of 24 hours so he "ignited" his claws and once again dodged out of the way of a charge meanwhile he slashed at the side of the scale boar again but he only left a thin line on its scales

"for... f.u.c.ks... sake!"

Mars knew he was wasting valuable time by fighting the scale boar but his stubborn personality and proud personalty kept him from running away from a fat over sized pig

"there has to be something I can do, think... my its eyes... let"s do that!"

Mars kicked off the ground and ran straight at the scale boar before he activated [Instant movement] and dodged out of the way of its tusks and landed on one of its tucks and slashed at its eye with all his might



Mars filed to get through the thin transparent scales that covered the scale boar"s eyes and was sent flying when it shook its tusks and twisted himself in the air and landed on his feet before he once again kicked off the ground and dodged out of the way of the scale boar

"think... think... there must be something I can do to kill this thing... let"s see how you like fire!"

Mars summoned a fire lance and shot it right at the face of the scale boar, but the only result was that it became even more p.i.s.sed off

"well it seems to be better than scathing it with my claws... let"s turn up the heat then!"

Mars quickly made perpetration for his 3 fold explosion when he suddenly felt a cold stare from behind and looked back
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"....h.e.l.lo mother"

his mother stood there with her arms crossed in front of her chest while she was giving him a cold look before she spoke

"what are you doing Mars?"

"err... I"m killing this thing"

"not with fire magic.... right?"


Mars" mother gave a sigh and kicked off the branch she was standing on and landed next to Mars before she looked at the scale boar

"I"ll only show you once so look closely"

Mars sharpened his senses and gave a nod meanwhile his mother walked towards the enraged scale boar like she was taking a stroll in the park, the scale boar didn"t like that, not one bit so it charged at her with its eyes almost glowing from rage

"that"s right come to mother"

Mars" mother raised her hand and grabbed the scale boar"s tusk, as she activated her dragon scales the impact was completely absorbed, then she raised her other hand and looked back at Mars as she grew out her claws

"look closely now Mars"

her claws then "ignited" but way more intensely than Mars had ever seen before, it looked like her claws turned into red rubies as they shone with brightness that rivaled that of his own dragon flames before she then with lightning fast movement slashed out at the scale boar"s tusk and then... cut though it cleanly like a hot knife through b.u.t.ter, the scale boar let out an enraged but also slightly frightened roar as it backed off for the first time, Mars" jaw nearly hit the jungle floor from shock, that was the scale boar"s tusk she cut though, not the thin scales around its eyes mind you, it was probably the hardest part of the scale boar and she... cut it like it was nothing, before Mars had a change to pick his jaw off the floor she turned to him and simply said

"see Mars it was easy, now it"s your turn"



"oh... sure that looks easy..."

Mars stared blankly at his mother while his voice was laced with sarcasm but on the inside Mars was trembling with excitement, if he also was able to cut open the scale boar with his claws he would effectively have found a replacement to his [Energy: discharge] and he would be able to save energy units in the future, so Mars put his focus on his claws and tried to "ignite" them even more and surprisingly found it really easy to do, soon his claws glowed just as bright as his mothers, the scale boar took a step backwards when it saw Mars" claws glowing, fear was visible in its eyes

"what"s wrong, scared?"

Mars didn"t give the scale boar a change and quickly activated [Instant movement] and arrived in front of the scale boar"s face and slashed out at its eyes with both his hands



Mars" claws pa.s.sed though the thin scales like a hot knife through b.u.t.ter and dug out both the scale boar"s eyes, Mars twisted in the air and kicked off the scale boar to take some distance before he once again kicked off the ground and this time he left 3 long cuts down the side of the scale boar that was flooded with fresh blood that spilled all over the jungle floor, from there it was a one sided fight with Mars cutting into the scale boar with his claws while it ran around blind trying to escape, by the time it was all over Mars was covered in fresh blood

"and that"s that..."

Mars walked over to the corpse of the scale boar and dug out the core and handed it to his mother along with the other two

"here you are mother"

"thanks Mars.... you have pa.s.sed my test, now let"s head back to the cave.... but first hold still"

Mars did as he was asked and stood still as his mother summoned a flame that brunt off all the blood on him without setting his clothes alight


Mars and his mother walked back to the cave, on the way back she asked him all kinds of mother-like questions like if he was eating okay and when she could expect a grandchild or two. Soon both of them arrived at the cave but just as Mars was about to ask what"s next his mother spoke

"thanks for walking me back Mars, be sure to visit again soon"

"...I thought there was more you could teach me?"

"hmm.... not at the moment, but as the dragon blood in your veins thickens there will be some more things I can teach you"

"I see, well then I"ll hunt some more on the island... be sure to visit me in Green river some time"

"I will"

Mars said goodbye to his mother before he opened a portal to Green river and picked up Victoria before he vent back to the island to hunt...

A month pa.s.sed from when Mars had last been thought by his mother, currently he had just level up to level 69 only one level away from his goal, Mars quickly absorbed the energy units from the few cores he had gathered today and looked over at Victoria

"how is it Victoria?"

"there"s... one... that way"

"okay then let"s go"

Mars jumped off the scale boar corpse he was sitting on and followed after Victoria into the jungle, soon they found the pray Victoria was talking about

"what do we have here..."

just as Mars wondered what the creature in front of him was his skill activated and showed him the information

name: orger villager

gender: male

cla.s.s: 4

basic info: an orger without any specific role in its local society, it can fulfill almost any role that its higher cla.s.s brethren can do at a lower efficiency. A normal orger settlement is normally between 100 to 300 specimens

"jackpot... now we just need to find out where this one lives..."

Mars looked at the orger, it looked like a blue, fat humanoid that stood around 2 meters high, it carried a primitive but well crafted basket that it stored herbs that it picked off the jungle floor in and wore a simple loincloth made of animal fur, Mars signaled for Victoria not to attack, but instead follow after the orger


the two of them then continued to shadow the orger that walked around in the jungle picking herbs and wild mushrooms until dusk arrived then it turned around and started to walk in a certain direction, mars gave a sigh, he didn"t know if it was orgers in general that was stupid or this particular individual that was just unlucky but during the 4 hours they had shadowed the orger the two of them had silently killed off more than 10 magic beasts that had tired to sneak up on and attack the orger, Mars looked at the orger with slight resentment

"you better be worth the work I have put in so far"

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