Mars activated [Half-awaken] and suddenly stopped running as he activated [Instant movement] and disappeared from view, moving at speeds too high to measure Mars ran back at Yrimir and quickly drew his sword and slashed at his throat, feeling his blade pa.s.s through Yirmir"s neck Mars turned and kicked him down an ally before he slowed down to normal speed again and reappeared along with a gust of wind. Then he sheathed his sword and walked down the ally he had kicked Yrimir down and picked him up and threw him through a portal he had just opened before he himself stepped though...

Yirmir gradually woke up again as his body had healed completely and quickly got on his feet as he looked around, what entered his eyes were not the busy streets of the city of prayer but a wasteland, then he saw Mars standing off in the distance with a smile on his face and his trusty bone sword drawn, then his face twisted in rage as he yelled out

"I"ll kill you for real this time Mars!"

Mars" smile didn"t flatter as he calmly responded

"do you really think I would take you on without being prepared?"

a chill went up Yirmir"s spine for a moment before he yelled out

"I curse you with---"

"too slow"

Mars once again cut Yirmir"s throat which made Yirmir choke on his words as blood spilled out of his neck, clutching his throat Yirmir once again kneeled over before he fell with his face first down in the warm sand as a pool of blood spread around his head, Mars gave a sigh and mumbled

"this is going to take some time..."

then he sheathed his trusty bone sword and drew the adamant.i.te broadsword and quickly chopped off Yirmir"s limbs before he kicked him a distance away and waited a few seconds before Yirmir relived again with a scream of pain, as Yirmir was screaming with pain he had never felt before Mars calmly walked over and stabbed the broadsword down in the middle of his head splitting his brain case in two and silencing his screams before he pulled it out again before he shock the broadsword shaking the blood and brain matter off the blade as he watched Yirmir"s head gradually being pulled together as he healed and rived again Mars held the broadsword above Yirmir"s head as a thought suddenly entered his mind and he mumbled

"...I wonder what"s for dinner tonight?"

as soon as Yirmir began screaming again Mars brought down the broadsword once more before he pulled out the broadsword once again and shock off the blood and brain matter off the blade, this process continued for a couple of hours and during those hours Yirmir"s screams of pain gradually turned to pleas of mercy but as always the broadsword descended like clockwork as Mars looked on with cold eyes, until suddenly Yirmir stopped reviving, after watching Yirmir"s body for a few minutes Mars gave a sigh

"...I guess that"s that?"

Mars gave a sigh and summoned a flame that brunt Yirmir"s body to ashes before he opened a portal to Destra"s magic academy and steeped though... a little after Mars" portal disappeared a formless pressure descended where Yirmir"s ashes where and soon a man"s voice was heard

" really disappointed me Yirmir... oh well I"ll just replace you with someone better..."

then the formless pressure dispersed like it was never there in the first place

back at Destra"s magic academy a portal opened and Mars stepped out of it and looked around, it was quiet and there was no students around

"that"s weird..?"

Mars spent some time walking around the campus and still found no people, gradually he grew concerned about Elsa and speed up his steps, soon he was running around the empty campus before he suddenly stopped and looked towards the main building of the academy and steeped inside and quickly found some staff which he asked about Elsa

"hey have you seen a beastwoman around? she arrived here by portal this morning"

the staff member looked over Mars and suddenly recognized him

"you"re Mars right, a part of the tactical cla.s.s students?"

having his question ignored Mars narrowed his eyes slightly but decided to be diplomatic

"yes that"s right, now have you seen a beastwoman around the academy?"

"that"s great! another tactical cla.s.s mage, follow after me please"

Mars" eyes narrowed even more before he grabbed the academy staff by the neck and lifted him into the air and asked once more

"have you seen a beastwoman around?"


"was that so hard?"

Mars threw the staff aside and walked out of the building and continued looking around soon a group of academy staff approached him in the middle of them were an old man that carried an impressive staff and wore a golden mantle

"Mars right?"

"what is it? I"m busy"

"please follow after us"

Mars narrowed his eyes again he really hated when people didn"t listen to him

"first tell me where Elsa is"

the old man gave a surprised look before he asked

"and who is this Elsa?"

"a beastwoman that arrived here at the academy this morning"

the old man thought for a moment before he spoke again

"oh her, she"s on her way to the front"

Mars put a hand on the hilt of his sword and asked

"what front?"

"the front against the empire... they invaded a few weeks ago and all students have been drafted to the front, now please follow after us"

Mars fell silent before he turned around and walked away from the old man and the staff

"stop right there!"

Mars stopped and turned back to the staff that had yelled after him and asked


"didn"t you hear the all students have been drafted, that means you too"

"I refuse"

"what!? and who are you to refuse its an order sent down by the king!"

"I see so it"s him I need to talk with to get Elsa back..?"

the staffer"s face turned red from anger as he raised his hand and summoned a flame spear and yelled

"all students are to be drafted, anyone refusing will be deemed deserters and executed! this is your last chance!"
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Mars" eyes narrowed before he put a hand on the hilt of his sword and activated [Instant movement] and appeared in front of the staff that had summoned the flame spear with his sword at his throat and said with a cold voice while letting lose his killing intent

"you don"t have the capability to force me to do anything"


the staffers knees went soft under Mars" killing intent and his fire spear spell dissolved into nothingness, the gave a sigh and spoke

"that"s enough Mars"

Mars glanced over at the and narrowed his eyes slightly before he removed his sword and turned and left, as soon as he walked outside of the academy he opened a portal to King"s city and stepped though...

At king"s city Mars walked towards the castle while ignoring everything else around him, when he arrived at the castle he directly pa.s.sed by the guard that asked him what his purpose for his visit was and kicked in the door to the castle, this of course startled the patrolling guards that all came rus.h.i.+ng to the site and tried to stop Mars from proceeding further, Mars simply made use of [Instant movement] to dodge their attempts at grabbing him as he proceeded deeper into the castle, soon he arrived at the audience room and once again kicked in the door before he walked in, this startled the people inside and the soldier that was giving a report of the front stopped and turned to look at Mars along with the rest of the court that was in place, the king of cause also looked at Mars, but instead of anger or surprise his face showed relief and happiness that Mars was there and spoke

"Mars it"s good that you are here, we need to talk about the invasion in the north"

Mars kept walking while his gaze was locked on the king, the king flattered a bit by being stared down by Mars" cold look and quickly spoke

"if I have done something that have annoyed you---"

Mars ignored the king"s speech and spoke himself

"this morning, one of my women, Elsa a beastwoman was drafted from the academy city you have 3 days to find her and bring her here... IF by the 13 she"s hurt... I"ll hold you personally responsible"

finished saying what he needed to say Mars turned and walked out of the audience room, leaving it in complete silence before suddenly one of the n.o.bles present began laughing

"this is simply hilarious, a n.o.body says he will hold the king personally responsible and over a beastwoman of all things!"

another n.o.ble spoke up

"I concur, lord king we should capture and execute this n.o.body for contempt against the crown!"

the king"s face sank, he was the only one present that knew if he was held personally responsible his country might get burned down faster than the empire could conquer it

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