Mars looked at the general, he looked like he just seen a ghost or more likely a fiend

"it was you who ma.s.sacred the enemy soldiers!?"

"what can I say, I was bored of your kind"s slow warfare"


the general paled as he mumbled those words he was now sure Mars was some kind of fiend, Mars unaware of his thought clapped him on the shoulder and spoke in a happy tone

"I"ll leave the rest in your capable hands general"

the general trembled slightly before he gave a nod and watched as Mars walked back towards the walls, after Mars" figure gradually disappeared in the distance one of the asides of the general spoke to him


"oh... proceed with the occupation of the town, bring me to the lord I"ll personally negotiate his terms of surrender"

"yes sir"

as the general went to work Mars walked back out of the gates all the way back to the carriage and entered it where the twins and Karen were sleeping and laid down on the floor on his bedroll and looked up into the ceiling for sometime until he closed his eyes and soon fell asleep...

""Mars... wake up""

as someone called out to him Mars turned his back against the source of the sound and attempted to keep sleeping, unfortunately for him the two that called out to him were children and they didn"t know of the wonders of sleeping after having pulled an all-night-slaughter and soon two pairs of small hands began shaking him as they called out again

"Mars... wake up!""

Mars soon surrendered to his fate and opened his eyes before he turned so he laid on his back and stared into the ceiling of the carriage, two pairs of white fluffy fox ears entered his vision, but that was all the warning he got before the twins jumped on top of him both of them landed with their knees right on his stomach and successfully pushed all the air out of his lungs

"oof... what have I told you two about jumping on people?"

Mars, now fully awake raised his head slightly and looked up at the twins that were staring back at him with innocent eyes which made Mars lose his will to grumble any longer so he simply greeted them

"good morning Lee, Lily"

""good morning Mars!""

after Mars greeted the twins he went on with his morning routine, first he went and received a bowl of water at the water rationing post and used it to wash up, then he went to the mess hall and got some food along with the twins, on the way there they ran into Karen that had just filled the water reverses up with her water magic. At the mess hall, a big tent with sitting room for some 80 people food was served and Mars and the rest of the group sat down and ate at a table by themselves, while they ate a group of soldiers got into a scuffle at a nearby table, otherwise it was peaceful after all n.o.body wanted to mess with anyone at their table, one was responsible for the water supply another had conquered a town by himself and the rest could destroy a city wall if they had too, so generally the ordinary soldiers left them alone because of fear and/or respect. After they were done eating Mars announced his intentions to head home, of cause the twins were less than pleased and spoke up loudly in protest, Lee was brought to tears and latched onto Mars and loudly cried

"you can"t go Mars!"

Lily on the other hand thought for a moment before she gave a smile and asked Mars

"can you take us with?"

Mars looked at Lily for a moment before he gave a nod

"sure, why not?"

"wait Mars you"re bringing them with you?"

"I don"t see why not... what about you Karen want to come with?"

Karen gave a sigh before she ma.s.saged her temples for a bit before she eventually gave a nod

"sure why not..? it"s just that I have to report to the general first"

"sure thing, I"ll come with it will speed up the process I"m sure"

just as Mars had said it did indeed speed up the process, when the general eventually had time to see them it only took one look at Mars before he turned into a yes man and allowed Karen"s leave as soon as he did he urged them out of his tent so he could return to his work. With Karen"s leave approved Mars, Karen and the twins walked into town and soon found a deserted alley where Mars opened a portal to Green river


the twins stared at the portal and so did Karen, she had heard rumors about Mars being a s.p.a.ce-time mage at the academy, but seeing a portal being ripped in s.p.a.ce was a first for her

"come on steep though"


the twins fearlessly jumped through the portal leaving Karen and Mars in the deserted alley, Mars looked over at Karen and noticed she was trembling slightly and gave a slightly teasing smile before he grabbed her by the arm

"come on, there"s nothing to be afraid of"

"...with a smile like that I"m not so sure"

"oh well..."

Mars gave a sigh and began half dragging Karen towards the portal

"w-wait Mars just give me a moment to brace myself!"

Mars stopped walking for half a second before his smile widened slightly


Karen"s face paled as Mars dragged her through the portal...

On the other side of the portal Karen opened her tightly shut eyes and looked around, in front of her was a giant garden Mars spoke up form besides her

"welcome to my garden"

Karen looked around for a few seconds before she commented

"oh... it"s kind of nice"

Mars gave a grin and said

"wait till you see the rest of the building"

"...what building?"

"the one you"re standing on"

Karen was confused but still followed after Mars as he walked over to a nearby staircase and asked

"is the building underground?"

Mars simply gave a smile and didn"t respond, after walking down the staircase Karen found herself in a brightly illuminated hallway at the end of which she saw something that took her breath away, Mars gave a smile and spoke proudly

"welcome to Green river"

Karen"s mouth opened as she looked out the window, she had never been up so high before, the awesome view stunned her completely, outside she saw countless building that stood at a height she previously could not imaging
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"i-is this Green river?"

"yeah, as I said welcome to Green river"

"Lily over here!"

"Lee come back, we should wait for Mars"

after Lily and Lee arrived at the rooftop garden Lee ran off leaving Lily no choice but to follow after him and soon both of them stood in front of a window and looked out with child-like wonder as their eyes grew wide and both looked at each other and said

""let"s go explore!""

running around the hallways Lee and Lily looked and touched everything they found interesting, in one of the rooms they found a big bed and jumped around on the springy mattress when suddenly both their ears twitched and stood up straight before they both turned their heads to the side



Lee and Lily looked at each other and spoke at the same time


they jumped off the bed and crawled under the bed and quieted their breaths, instantly their presences became weak, soon someone entered the room and a pair of high heels entered their view followed by a woman"s voice

"it"s no use in hiding, I know your there"

the twins remained silent and suddenly the bed they were hiding under got lifted up by a gust of wind and the woman entered their view, she wore a pale businesses suit and had a pair of long ears clearly she was an elf, she looked down at the twins with cold eyes and asked

"now what are two beastmen doing in here?"

the twins hugged each other tight as they trembled in fear, but Lee managed to speak

"j-j-just wait till Mars shows up, he"ll beat you up if you hurt us!"

a glint of surprise flashed through the elf"s eyes as her expression softened somewhat before she waved her hand which made the floating bed s.h.i.+ft over slightly before it was gently sat down, then she asked

"was it Mars that brought you here?"

this time it was Lily that spoke up, she had seen how the elf reacted to the name "Mars" so she was now relatively sure the elf would not hurt her or her brother

"of course, who else could open a portal like that?"

the elf paled a little and quickly bowed her head

"in that case I"m sorry for scaring you, my name is Kaitlin I look after this building when Mars isn"t home"

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